EL Calculation


I don't have my books in front of me, and I'm trying to calculate an EL.

The encounter would feature:

24 goblins (CR 1/3 each)
1 goblin ROG5 (CR5)
1 goblin WAR7 (CR6)

What would the EL for this encounter work out to be?

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Hey, have you been looki8ng on my notes? Well, at least you don't got the exalted goblin in there...

With the CR's you gave it's a 8.9 EL giving you 4360.9 gp worth of treasure, but IIRC a goblin with NPC class levels CR is their Class Level -2, not the usual -1 for most humanoids. So it's actually a 8.5 EL giving you 3997.4 gp in treasure.

I love my EL calculator :)

Edit: I use this one: Arcady's EL Claculator. The good thing about it is that I can download it and use it any time and quickly see how much XP my PCs should get.
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First Post
Pinotage said:
The goblin warrior 7 should be CR 5, so with the rogue that'd be EL 7. Add an extra one for the grunts, and it's EL 8.


Even with the GobWarrior = CL 5 it should be an EL 9 encounter.

Kind regards


Scharlata said:

Even with the GobWarrior = CL 5 it should be an EL 9 encounter.

Kind regards

Probably by the RAW, but by the time the characters are level 8, 24 goblins isn't really the challenge its made out to be. Hence why I'd put it at EL 8 rather than EL 9. Of course, it all depends on tactics, but one well-placed fireball and those goblins are history. ;)



Piratecat said:
Dru, this is a Rules post. I'll slide it over.

- Kevin


Didn't I post in the Rules Forum? Thought I did.

Man, I'm more out of it than I thought. Danke!

Thanks for the various answers, folks. Sounds like I statted it out at about the level I was hoping. Calculating the CRs for the two leaders is about as fun as computing your taxes, though.

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