EN World photos - post yours! (was "Secrets")


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So the average gamer has:

* At least one tatoo
* Wears glasses (or needs to going by the amount of silly question asked here)
* Likes hard rock or heavy metal

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Malessa said:

My hubby said my childhood photos look like the bumble bee girl in the old REM video, lol.....

No, no, no... Not REM. The bumble bee girl in that old Blind Melon video for No Rain.

Malessa's pretty insistent that I post my pic. Best one I could find is of the both of us. 22 years of RP'ing, then add marriage on top of it, widens the gut and gives you a double chin.

Bald (by choice), goatee (in the pic, but full beard and 'stache right now), 5 tattoos (2 dragons, a vampire, Queensryche's Rage for Order album cover logo, and a Lovecraftian serpent man), no glasses, and a fluffy waistline.

Oh yeah... and Iron Maiden fanatic.

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Might as well jump on the bandwagon. This is the only picture I have of myself (recent passport snap). Anyone want to guess how old I am?


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First Post
So the average gamer has:

* At least one tatoo
* Wears glasses (or needs to going by the amount of silly question asked here)
* Likes hard rock or heavy metal

Hmmm, I'm so nearly gamer-average... no tatoos, perpetual beard/goatee, glasses, and I was all-out into metal when I was younger (too many kids, who has the energy for metal anymore? hehe)

Dragongirl -- I go on record as saying "Oh wow, gorgeous"
Liquide -- Wow mate, I'm diggin' it, nice pic. :)

And here's an old-ish pic of me. I only have two, and the other's on my webpage. :)



First Post
shilsen said:
Might as well jump on the bandwagon. This is the only picture I have of myself (recent passport snap). Anyone want to guess how old I am?

Hmm... probably wouldn't be asking if you weren't much older than you look. I'm gonna have to go with 31, but look about 17.

So sweet you both look.. are you sure it you ?

And btw, Hallowed be thy name !

Yup, it's us. Looks can be deceiving. I like to Run to the Hills, where I can be Running Free. Don't get me wrong, I'm not violent. I am Afraid to Shoot Strangers. But don't push me too far. When I see the Evil That Men Do, sometimes it drives me to be a Man on the Edge. Sometimes when I think about the fact that I've been gaming for 22 years, it makes me think Holy Smoke, all those Wasted Years! I'm not ready to pack it in yet, though. I'm a Trooper, so Heaven Can Wait. I see myself gaming for another 22 years, though I'm not Clairvoyant. So, if you want to join me for some choice gameage at any time, go ahead and Bring Your Daughter to the Slaughter, and you better Be Quick or Be Dead. You'll find no Sanctuary in my Strange World!


cthuluftaghn said:
Malessa's pretty insistent that I post my pic. Best one I could find is of the both of us. 22 years of RP'ing, then add marriage on top of it, widens the gut and gives you a double chin

Amen to that. Those in-game snacks are probably what did me in :)

Speaking of the beard and glasses theory...I worn a modest beard back before I had my chemo/radiation treatments (long story, but I beat the cancer). However, now my hair won't grow on certain areas of my face. The point is...I probably have the glasses/beard/gamer gene too.

Whoever first put forth the theory must be a genius. There must at least be a gamer gene.

However, music-wise our group is diverse. Daniel likes the heavy metal stuff, Frank likes country (which is typical in Texas), Derek likes rap, and I like weird new-age/ambient stuff.

Voidrunner's Codex

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