Equipment arrays, the easy equiper


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Equipment arrays are something first seen in the magazine DRAGON (more at and is a faster an more convinient way to equip characters in a hurry and to copy an array of equipment that you use often from character to character. an example would look like this...

(all items can be found in players handbook and arms and equipment guide)
Infiltration array
Item Cost Weight
Acid (flask) 10GP 1 lb
belt pouch (2) 1GP 1 lb
block and tackle 5Gp 5lbs
Caltrops 1gp 2lbs
crowbar 2gp 5lbs

(and so on i have to go for a bit i will get back to this thread within an hour for more info) just add the weights and costs together and wala!! :lol:

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okay im back and now ive got some of my own custom arrays for you to enjoy. the partial array that i presented above was copyed directly from the DRAGON magizine, but the following i would feel is a real infiltration array...

item cost weight
ascender slider 20gp 1lb
bolt cutters 6gp 5lbs
fog cutter lantern 20gp 3lbs
glass cutter 2gp 1lb
grappling hook 1gp 1lb
hacksaw 5 or 20gp 1lb
housbreaker harness 20gp 2lbs
marbles 2sp 2lbs
pulley 5gp 1lb
silk or elven rope 20gp/50gp per 50ft 5lbs per 50ft
and last but not least, POISONS! WOO! 138 2sp 23lbs
item cost weight
ascender slider 20gp 1lb
bolt cutters 6gp 5lbs
fog cutter lantern 20gp 3lbs
glass cutter 2gp 1lb
grappling hook 1gp 1lb
hacksaw 5 or 20gp 1lb
housbreaker harness 20gp 2lbs
marbles 2sp 2lbs
pulley 5gp 1lb
silk or elven rope 20gp/50gp per 50ft 5lbs per 50ft
and last but not least, POISONS! WOO! :lol: :lol: 138 2sp 23lbs

I like the idea.. but something just lept out at me...

Ascender Slider? {and 1 lb even}

Is that actually in a book somewhere? I would think it more authuntic to use a prussic knot, which cost only a small piece of rope :)

But, expanding a bit to match what I would have in such a kit..
sorry I don't have the gp/weight handy:
- Tarred paper
- block of lanolin
- 5 wax candles
- pouch of finely ground flour
- Stench bag {kinda like a tanglefoot bag but obscures your scent trail}
- Masterwork Thieves tools
- flask of acid
- glass tube

and I would carry both a 50' and a 20' section of rope

One problem you will run into in this quest is picking the kit most affected by opinion to start with. There are alots of things I consider essential to a good second story man. Other folks will read that and go 'what is P.S. thinking of?'

I am interesting in seeing what other kits you can cobble together... I would definately use this sort of list for newer players.


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tanis said:
okay im back and now ive got some of my own custom arrays for you to enjoy. the partial array that i presented above was copyed directly from the DRAGON magizine, but the following i would feel is a real infiltration array...

item cost weight
ascender slider 20gp 1lb
bolt cutters 6gp 5lbs
fog cutter lantern 20gp 3lbs
glass cutter 2gp 1lb
grappling hook 1gp 1lb
hacksaw 5 or 20gp 1lb
housbreaker harness 20gp 2lbs
marbles 2sp 2lbs
pulley 5gp 1lb
silk or elven rope 20gp/50gp per 50ft 5lbs per 50ft
and last but not least, POISONS! WOO! 138 2sp 23lbs
That whole thing weighs 45 pounds. That's a bit much of a load to carry around for a B&E job, I think.


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Primitive Screwhead said:
I like the idea.. but something just lept out at me...

Ascender Slider? {and 1 lb even}

Is that actually in a book somewhere? I would think it more authuntic to use a prussic knot, which cost only a small piece of rope :)

But, expanding a bit to match what I would have in such a kit..
sorry I don't have the gp/weight handy:
- Tarred paper
- block of lanolin
- 5 wax candles
- pouch of finely ground flour
- Stench bag {kinda like a tanglefoot bag but obscures your scent trail}
- Masterwork Thieves tools
- flask of acid
- glass tube

and I would carry both a 50' and a 20' section of rope

One problem you will run into in this quest is picking the kit most affected by opinion to start with. There are alots of things I consider essential to a good second story man. Other folks will read that and go 'what is P.S. thinking of?'

I am interesting in seeing what other kits you can cobble together... I would definately use this sort of list for newer players.
Ah yes, the masterwork thieves tools, you can never go without those (DOH! :heh: ). and yes the ascender slider can be found in arms and equipment guide on pages 21/22. a few things I also just thought of would be smokesticks to cover your trail or in a more wealthy PC's eyes a smoke bomb magic item (its in the dungeon masters guide somewhere there like little marbles) and maybe even caltrops. I also like the idea for the use of the kits for novice players it would make that painstaking process a heck of a lot easier :D .
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Besides, good B&E men know which tools they SHOULD need on any given job. If I'm breaking into a vault, I'm not going to bring as many crowbars, preferring instead means to get past hardened material, so bolt cutters and hacksaw make the cut, as do rope and a harness. If I'm going for a smash & grab, I'm not going to bring along lots of rope and material to get to higher stories; I'll just bring along one spool of 20' or 50' rope and MAYBE a grapple hook, along with a crowbar, and perhaps a lantern. I'm not going to bring along tons of poisons in any case. I'll just use a few types I know to be effective generally or that offer special advantages to me in the specific case needed. If I'm going for an armed vault, I'll prefer knockout poisons that weaken the opponent as a secondary, and if I'm going for the kill, I'll prefer poisons that do tons of CON damage as both primary and secondary effects, as well as having high save DCs.

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