Level Up (A5E) Exploration Challenge: Thunderstorm


Well, that was fun
Staff member
Here's a very simple exploration challenge. Not all ECs are this simple, but this one is.

Screen Shot 2021-10-06 at 12.42.10 PM.png

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Around 70.


This is more of a general question but IMO related to more complex Exploration Challenges.

Does LU incorporate any extended non-combat scene resolution mechanics besides group skill checks, which is a simple form of it I suppose. Things like 4e Skill Challenges (X success before 3 failures), @Stalker0 version of skill challenges which I think was better (X success in 3 rounds), Clocks, Victory Points and their related applications like Influence (PF2e), Councils (TOR), etc.

Would love to see Stalker0 's version with O5e / A5e math baked in.

I am a big fan of having this as part of the toolkit although acknowledge that it requires good knowledge of the underlying math and if used poorly can lead to unengaging scenes. Some complex Exploration Challenges would seem like a natural fit.


Guide of Modos
Is Level Up avoiding the term player-character, or does "random adventurer" mean any NPC can also be hit by lightning too (provided she's inclined to go on adventures)?

I linked a friend the Thunderstorm challenge image.

She immediately bought the Collector's Edition, the Zeitgeist Adventure Path, and the extant Zeitgeist Campaign Setting.

She's not sure if or when she'll run Level Up. But intends to steal stuff for her much-beloved Pathfinder 2e.

The use of Critical Failure, Failure, Success and Critical Success IMMEDIATELY reminded me of Pathfinder 2e.

These books are going to be very, very broadly applicable indeed.

Voidrunner's Codex

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