For laughs: Brad Von Zarovich


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On the AL DM's Facebook group, someone made a joke that Strahd is not a legal character option, which is funny if you play a lot of AL, because there are both a lot of weird rules and a lot of rules pedants in the community.

Thus the idea for Brad Von Zarovich (no relation) was born. Brad is a Faerûnian noble who looks, talks and acts eerily similar to Strahd, but he isn't a vampire (yet?). All of these similarities are purely coincidence, but that hasn't stopped an unrelenting series of brainless do-gooders from attempting to slay Brad mistakenly.

When word spreads, as it does around adventurers, that the Barovian Dark Lord has taken up residence in a sleepy country lord's estate just outside of Waterdeep, Strahd presumes the imposter to be a threat or intentional pretender, and pulls him into Ravenloft to exact his revenge. When he discovers the "threat" to be a dim-witted—if vicious—fop, Strahd decides to let the fool live and see what end he comes to in Barovia.

Attached the PDF character sheet to the thread.


  • Brad Von Zarovich.pdf
    6.4 MB · Views: 171

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