Forgotten Realms Campaign Box Set revised?


Hey everyone. I recently got the 1993 version of the 2e FR campaign setting. However, I know they did a revision of this box set in 1996, and was wondering if anyone knew what these revisions were? Should I try and get my hands on the revised set?

I tried googling for this info but have not found any specific info as to what was revised, and as far as I can tell the page counts of the included books in each set are the same.

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First Post
Hey everyone. I recently got the 1993 version of the 2e FR campaign setting. However, I know they did a revision of this box set in 1996, and was wondering if anyone knew what these revisions were? Should I try and get my hands on the revised set?

I tried googling for this info but have not found any specific info as to what was revised, and as far as I can tell the page counts of the included books in each set are the same.

I have the original 1993 boxed set myself, and I thought the 1996 release was just a visual overhaul, like what they did with the three core books, where no content was really changed, except for some minor formatting fixes.


First Post
Actually, I think I have the "revised" edition. I thought I had the original, but I have the one with Elminster on the cover of the box, which apparently was the 1996 cover. If that is the case, I can tell you with certainty the contents of the boxes are the same, as all the copyrights are from 1993.

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