Gamerprinter's Map Emporeum

The Cyberian, is the mysterious name of the captain and his ship. It is said that the captain, all the ship officers and many of his crew are androids, otherwise humanoids with cybernetic implants - a requirement to joining his crew. This is the captain's personally designed ship and probably one of the few purposely built pirate ships. He doesn't need stealth qualities, but bases everything on intimidation, hence the Jolly Rogers painted everywhere, and the dark orange to draw your attention, then see the Jolly Roger - he wants fear to be your first response on seeing his vessel. He docks at the asteroid pirate station, and will be a part of the Rogue's Run one-shot module I am writing and will be publish, by end of month (hopefully).



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So I got inspired, and decided to create some alien terrain, I'm calling the Alien Oasis. Think of those hot smokers at the bottom of the sea spewing hot, sulfer laden water and creating a place where exotic life thrive, but think of this on the dry surface, something akin to a hot springs geyser. The only water for outlanders are in these places on some alien world. I used a bunch of undersea coral, urchins, anemone map objects I created for an undersea set long ago, and made them into the alien plant and animal life around this surface smoker... enjoy!


Kos Veruk, is a desert moon outpost for a possible adventure site, not a module, but a place adventurers can go, as in a detailed outpost, desert moon with some wilderness locations, including that alien oasis map I created the other day. I may create some NPCs, give stats for the location, include any possible factions, agenda, ready to use for Starfinder, or any sci-fi roleplaying game. I need to tweak some of the textures on the vehicles and ship, add some more surfaces on the top of the mesa, etc., but almost complete... enjoy!

This is using Vue, a 3D terrain generator, and Wings 3D models. Just got Vue, 5 hours ago, and it took me 4 hours to create this.


So last couple days I've been working on 3D illustration and map using Vue to create a lunar outpost. So this is the first of the interior maps of the residential pods on platforms inside the walls of the outpost. On the north side are 2 each, two-story pods, and 6 one-story pods south of those. Each pod is equivalent to a Common Crew Quarter space on a starship, which is berths for 6, however, these pods are split in two with 3 personnel quarters on each side, thus 36 personnel in total per platform. The two-story pods, are commercial/industrial on the lower floor, and residence on the second. Shown on this platform is a bar with kitchen service on the left, while on the right, the second story is shown. I added to more pod platforms to the original map, having to rescale several of the structures in the original map. Lots more mapping to do...

Oh, I tweaked the illustrative view of Kos Veruk...


The mine level, under the mountain, at Kos Veruk mining outpost, on the moon, Anwarra, of Caspara III. Crystals sought be solarians and technomancers are mined and processed here.


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Shauda Ekaan is the holy city of the Mystics of Anwarra, a desert moon of Caspera III, it is only the same moon where the Kos Veruk mining outpost is sited, which is owned by the order of mystics, the mining rights are shared with the FiveCorps mining conglomerate harvesting the crystals within. These crystals have arcane properties known among the mystics, as well as providing elements to sonic weaponry, and other gem based magic items. I have yet to create the Order of the Shard, with the shard initiates as the bulk of the members with a small, but powerful clergy in charge. I am working on the map right now, and should post it tomorrow. Until then, here's the illustration frontal view of the city. Note the amber crystal atop the staff bourne by the cloaked mystic statue carved from the rock itself. This was generated in Vue Creator 3D terrain generator combined with 3D models of the structures, statue and walls done in Wings 3D. Enjoy!

Created a top down view of the city, added structures and cleared the streets inside the walls, now on to the mountain interior part of the city.


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This is not a map, but a 3D illustration created with: Geisha (Poser 11), the geisha's kimono, hair ornaments, fan, parasol, as well as the stone lantern and all the buildings was created using Wings 3D, a subdivisional surface modeler, while the terrain and plants, as well as rendering the image itself is using Vue Creator. This will be featured in the Kaidan Interstellar Empire of Japanese Horror - my Starfinder conversion for my published Pathfinder horror setting. I thought you might appreciate the work.


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While this too is a 3D illustration, and the same city as in the previous post, it's also a map...

Kaidan-kyo is the imperial capital city of the Kaidan Empire (which I plan to publish as a multi-planet setting. The shape of the city is the imperial family crest, the chrysanthemum. At center is imperial park, a garden housing the Shogun's castle, the imperial palace and a major temple. Only a single bridge crosses the canal/moat around it. Surrounding that are varying size skyscrapers, with the larger one's belonging to the MegaCorps (all major samurai houses, with corporations run by lesser samurai houses), then smaller structures beyond those. A large tube containing multiple mag-lev tracks for both passenger and cargo trains to pass from the train station, loop around the city then out to tunnels beyond the city walls. A starport, a power plant and water treatment, a temple and stadium are furthest out. The towers on the islets on the outer ring are defensive towers serving as shield emitters, popup turret mounts for capital weapons and missile batteries. The city houses about 5 million citizens. Enjoy!


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Okay, it's been a coon's age since I've posted last, but decided to post my latest map...

The Gemini binary star system of Colonial Space is comprised of Caster, an orange dwarf (type K) star and Pollux, a red dwarf (type M) star, 3.5 billion years old, of silicate composition. Both stars feature intact inner orbiting planets, 4 and 3 respectively, but the 3 of the outer orbiting worlds in the shared space have collided destroying 2 large rocky worlds and a gas giant creating what it called the Scarlet Belt, though the illuminated gases will dissipate over the next millennia or so.

New Dublin the third planet orbiting Caster, if it weren't for the sky elevator reaching to the largest orbiting shipyard in Colonial Space overhead, by all surface appearances seem to be a Pleistocene world locked in an Ice Age, which it is, but most of it's water is trapped underground in a honeycomb of vast natural cisterns and labyrinthine tunnel systems under the planet's surface. The vast open spaces above the waterline host the unique subterranean, hexagonal tower architecture the world has become known for housing 1.3 trillion humans and a mix of every race across Colonial Space, and the most populous colony. The shipyards in high orbit construct the bulk of the Confederation's naval, law enforcement and corporate ships.

I'd post the Planet Builder stat block for this system that I just created for it, except it comprises of 8 planets, 2 belts and 17 moons, so it's a bit of a long stat block. I'm working on a full 7th level horror module involving a rogue moon passing through this system, as my next Starfinder project for publication.


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