Okay, it's been a coon's age since I've posted last, but decided to post my latest map...
The Gemini binary star system of Colonial Space is comprised of Caster, an orange dwarf (type K) star and Pollux, a red dwarf (type M) star, 3.5 billion years old, of silicate composition. Both stars feature intact inner orbiting planets, 4 and 3 respectively, but the 3 of the outer orbiting worlds in the shared space have collided destroying 2 large rocky worlds and a gas giant creating what it called the Scarlet Belt, though the illuminated gases will dissipate over the next millennia or so.
New Dublin the third planet orbiting Caster, if it weren't for the sky elevator reaching to the largest orbiting shipyard in Colonial Space overhead, by all surface appearances seem to be a Pleistocene world locked in an Ice Age, which it is, but most of it's water is trapped underground in a honeycomb of vast natural cisterns and labyrinthine tunnel systems under the planet's surface. The vast open spaces above the waterline host the unique subterranean, hexagonal tower architecture the world has become known for housing 1.3 trillion humans and a mix of every race across Colonial Space, and the most populous colony. The shipyards in high orbit construct the bulk of the Confederation's naval, law enforcement and corporate ships.
I'd post the Planet Builder stat block for this system that I just created for it, except it comprises of 8 planets, 2 belts and 17 moons, so it's a bit of a long stat block. I'm working on a full 7th level horror module involving a rogue moon passing through this system, as my next Starfinder project for publication.