[Gamma World] Mutant Manual II Update


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The Mutant Manual II takes up where Dragon Magazine left off with a collection of weird and wonderful mutants for your 1/2e GW game. All of the published TSR module mutants, several from Dragon and a slew of the best of the GW mailing list have been collected together for the first time in a handy print-ready pdf.

This is the first update since 2005. I've updated the netbook with a complete index and a new cover. Several typos and omissions were also cleaned up, along with various formatting issues. Comments & questions welcome.

Mutant Manual II.pdf
86pp, 720kb
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Check the link again. A couple of last minute spelling typos got the better of my obsessive-compulsive side. Enjoy!

Brutorz Bill

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Hey I even see my name in there! LOL
This is a very timely release. Mutant Future just came out from Goblinoid Games. I just picked it up (It's free!). Very old school, these mutants will fit in nicely.


Looks really nice. And the timing is just right! Between this, Gamma World 3rd Ed and the amazing Omega World, I'm going to run one hell of a bear 'n pretzels post-apoc game :cool:
Thanks alot!
Cheers, Marcus


First Post
Check out my blog for links to all of the free DeEvolution! Gamma World stuff, including the Scavenger's Field Guide (artifacts) and Wild in the Streets (gangs).

Voidrunner's Codex

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