Set : I will check out Ayn Rand for reference. Though my Gnomic Syndicate do have a belief in divinity, and are not atheists, I think you'll see that the Gnomic gods behavior justify a pantheon that serves a selfish-as-virtue culture well.
I plan to precede the game mechanics portion with an "in character" explanation by a profiteer, onto a potential non-gnome associate for nefarious hire. I'll want to include Gnomic philosophy (in the tone described by Set), the pantheon, the church and the intricacies of the Syndicate, itself. I think a dozen or more pages would add a good dose of fluff ideas, before the focus on new alternates, class archetypes, skills, feats, spells, mundane equipment and magic items.
I can imagine a 60 page book.
The Shrinking Pantheon of Gnomic Gods:
Arico - a greater deity of Conveyances, Slavery and Arcane Power (chief deity of Gnomic Wizards.)
Carvellan - a lesser deity who is now among the slain gods of the pantheon, had the powers of Bluffing, Poison, Confectioneries and Sweets. Slain by Patti Middy as a favor to Cenraizione.
Cenraizione - a greater deity of Barter, Negotiation and War, who slew Tanti, and is chief of the pantheon.
Fascel - a greater deity of Charm, Creativity and Sorcery (chief deity of Gnomic Sorcerers.)
Gyges - a lesser deity of Evil, Luck, Trickery and Bards. Slain by Sorozo with the assistance of Patty Middy. His portfolio was taken by Patti Middy.
Hemera - a lesser deity of Things that Sparkle, Daylight and Beaches. Slain and absorbed by Fascel.
Indorgh - a lesser deity of Drugs, Indulgences and Divination. Slain by Arico.
Lusso - a lesser deity of Luxury and Relaxation. As a deity of sloth, when the infighting between the gods became fierce, he immediately recognized he lacked the drive to compete, so he voluntarily handed his portfolio of powers and divinity to Patti Middy, and fell to the other worldly court of gnomic kind.
Patti Middy - a greater deity of Boots, Pleasure, Songs and Quirks, with the portfolios of Gyges and Lusso. Though she lacks the might of Cenraizione, the practical talents of Arico and Fascel, or the forceful will of Sorozo, though talents of negotiation, black mail and assassination, she has climbed to the top five deities of the pantheon. She is a favorite among haberdashers, boot makers and the common folk among gnome knd as well as a favorite of profiteers.
Sorozo - Struggle, Hard Work, Stress and Challenges are the portfolios of this greater female deity, now has the portfolio of Carvellan.
Tanti - this lesser deity, once the controller of Prostitution, Cash and Exploitation, but was slain by Cenraizione for improper care of the heavenly treasury.
Holders of the Chest:
The Holders of the Chest is the primary divine order of the gnomic peoples following Cenraizione, and form the Commandery in the military. Keeping and managing the treasury is their foremost occupation. A great many accountants and litigants are employed by this holy order. They serve as the logistical operations and hold a leadership role in the military. They are also responsible for punishments to those gnomes who have broken the rules of the Gnomicon and military protocol.
Militant Orders:
Harbingers auditor (inquisitor) of the Syndicate Chest (Gnomic Bank.)
Darklings are the elite wizards of the god, Arico.
Sunrays are the elite sorcerers of Fascel.
Final Sight are the elite assassins of Arico which comprise of mixed assasssins and spellcasters (possible UC 'ninja'.)
Non-commissioned corps:
Cane Breakers - an elite order of clerics, bards, fighters and rogues that comprise the bulk of the lower eschelon of the military, also closely associated with the Church of Cenraizione. 'Cane' is Gnomic slang for 'sugarcane' or 'sweet talk' and persuasion, as opposed to direct conflict.
Outcasts of Gnomic Society:
Nearly all the members of the Shiners and Lone Men comprise those spellcasters and rogue/profiteers who have fallen out of favor with the Syndicate, or simply lack the talent to meet the high standards of Gnomic society.
Gnomic Culture:
Gnomes enjoy relaxation, creating and consuming gastrological delights, especially confectioneries. Their appearance among their kind is of key importance and helps determine hierarchy among their peers. Dressing well is important, including the types of fabric, and material that are used in their clothing. Colorful wide brimmed hats with giant exotic feathers crown most gnome heads, male and female alike. Coats with braids, big shiny buttons and tailored fine fabrics and properly fitted over their loose trousers and wide, large buckled belts. But the most important garment to the point of fetish, is their boots.
When a given gnome as acquired some wealth or ill-gotten gain, their first investment will be a new pair of boots. Finest leathers and skins of rare endangered species, buckles of gold, mithral - whatever they can afford is the first measure of a gnome's status among their kind. When two gnomes first meet, a glance at one another's boots is always first before even looking into each other's eyes. Boots will determine a hierarchy between two gnomes. The leaders of their kind always have the best boots.
As a race of exploiters, gnomes have become a sedentary/nomadic race, that is to say, gnomes settle into a region, adapt to local culture, participate in trade, all the while learning how best to take advantage of them, how to access the local wealth and bleed it into Syndicate coffers. Eventually economic crisis will occur and the gnomes to be pointed as the blame. Already hated by their growing wealth, backlashes ofen occur enforced by laws, military or angry mobs. Not a few gnomes have been tortured to death as a result. At such times the gnomes move on.
The highest status among any gnome is to become the consummate exploiter with the finest boots, but not recognized as a villain among non-gnomes around them, through disguise, obfuscation or deceit, because the best would never get caught.
Non-gnome associates (aka 'first to be exploited):
Employees and freelancers, sometimes financial mediaries with other advanced cultures often serve as the 'Hand' of the syndicate, with local bosses and 'insiders' leading the exploitation of their own peoples. While this closest rank to the syndicate often doing criminal activity directly serve as the scapegoats for any financial discrepancies filling Syndicate coffers.
'Fertile Ground' or 'A Customer is Born Every Minute': everyone else.