Good miniatures set?


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Are you willing to paint or are you looking for pre paints?

If you are willing to paint (or spray and then dip in furniture stain) then Mantic Miniatures has a decent price on plastic orcs, undead, elves, and dwarves,. Ifyou buy in bulk it works out to less than a dollar a figure.

I have a lot of the undead range, which looks excellent when spray painted a bone coloured cream / yellow and then washed black. I also have a bunch of dwarves, which are decent but not as good as the undead.

If you live in the states, ebay should work well for you (cheap shipping). If you see cheap and horribly painted pewter or plastic minis, there is a cleaning product called Simple Green that is nontoxic and biodegradable. An overnight soak in a bucket and a scrub with a toothbrush should strip the old bad paint away without harming the miniature.

@S'mon - Have you considered using either a brush on or spray on matte sealer to protect your metal minis?
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@S'mon - Have you considered using either a brush on or spray on matte sealer to protect your metal minis?

Is that different from varnish? Traditionally I've used a gloss varnish, but that just seems to make them shiny without actually protecting the raised surfaces such as nose tips that need protecting the most.


REAPER MINIATURES has a line of miniatures called LEGENDARY ENCOUNTERS (which I also have a great many of) that are plastic and pre-painted and quite nice.

Holy crap, they're awesome!

See, this is the problem with the RPG industry. Everything is pure word of mouth. This sort of thing should be ADVERTISED. I'd much rather see ads for this sort of thing on ENW than all the bloody wow gold ads.


Holy crap, they're awesome!

See, this is the problem with the RPG industry. Everything is pure word of mouth. This sort of thing should be ADVERTISED. I'd much rather see ads for this sort of thing on ENW than all the bloody wow gold ads.

Just ordered myself £37 of those Reaper plastics this morning. :D


First Post
While refilling the lost ranks you may also want to consider paper miniatures from PDFs. One Monk is a good example. Typically less than $5 for a set, and you can replace them with real miniatures over time.

Some of their free minis also look quite decent -

The Auld Grump

Thanks for that link. I'm definitely going to use the free ones immediately to get started, and then put together a gift list. :D


First Post
Is that different from varnish? Traditionally I've used a gloss varnish, but that just seems to make them shiny without actually protecting the raised surfaces such as nose tips that need protecting the most.

it's basically the same - it just varnishes them without the shine/gloss. I think the glossy varnish is a bit stronger, but you can get around that by using an extra coat of the matte finish.

Holy Bovine

First Post
I'm looking for a good starter kit of assorted miniatures to add into my AD&D game. Once upon a time, I had a few dozen really awesome die cast figures, most of which were painted and amazing, but my mom sold them in a garage sale years after I moved out! :rant:

I've been looking around Amazon, but haven't found anything that's reasonably priced. I don't want super top notch amazing figures at this point; I'm more interested in bulk sets, since I have none at all now. Can anyone recommend a brand or set of cheap decent quality figures?

Miniatures, Board Games, CCG's & More

Honest, easy to order from and have decent prices on most common 'bulk' figures you sound like you are looking for. Shipping, if you are in the USA, is free on orders over $75 iirc.

edit - forgot to add - look in the DDM and Reapermini-->Legendary Encounters sections.
Most sets of DDM have stuff like orcs, goblins, undead etc
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New Publisher
Auggies is great for buying pre-painted miniatures. There are also other spots, but he's great. Link on page one, but I wanted to plug him again.

Voidrunner's Codex

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