Homebrew: Are these races balanced?

Captain Trek

First Post
OK, so I have some friends I'm thinking of running a Pathfinder game with. So far, so standard, right? Well the trick is that this game has a rather unusual setting and, to that end, three rather unusual playable races to go along with it:




Now, I'm sure a lot of you don't particularly care for the cartoon from which the above three races hail, so I'll get right to the point. All I want to know is whether, mechanically speaking, these three races are balanced with respect to each other. Note that I would, for my game, be removing both the somewhat silly "Down to Earth" drawback from Earth Ponies (given that, logically, Unicorns and Pegasi should also have it, and they do not) and also the limitations on the Unicorn race's Mage Hand and Prestidigitation abilities.

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First Post
Hail Brony!

I'm not a hardcore number cruncher, but these look fine.
Even though they were originally posted as an April Fools joke, I still think they are playable as is.
I agree that you should remove the EP's drawback, and Unicorn's should all have Mage Hand at all times.
Sounds like a silly, but fun game. Let us know how it turns out! :)

Captain Trek

First Post
I agree with Tinner. Also, they need a natural hoof attack.

Yeah, I was going to give all three races the same hoof attacks that the regular, real-world style ponies you can find in the Bestiary get (that is, 2 hooves at 1d3 leathal), though I figured that isn't really part of the balance issue because it's something all three races would get.

Anyway, my only other thought was that perhaps Earth Ponies should get the "Skilled" trait that humans get*, because "Trample" and "Sturdy" seem, by themselves, to be somewhat inferior to the abilities the other two races get.

*As I understand it, the statblock as it originally looked included both "Skilled" AND "Bonus Feat", which, understandably, were later removed for balance, as EPs getting BOTH of those would certainly be OP...
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