I have some level 4 and 5 PCs in a Castles and Crusades Game and a prepublished adventure has a philosophers stone in it which transmutes iron or lead into 50-250k of gp. I'm thinking it is enough to buy a smnall keep along the lines of the one in B2: Keep on the Borderlands.
The idea is that this keep and lands will generate income for the party and function as a home base. Note that while they are not name level the Knight is treated as 4 levels higher so he is level 9 for purposes of income AFAIK. So 50-250 what can an aspiring baron get for that?
The idea is that this keep and lands will generate income for the party and function as a home base. Note that while they are not name level the Knight is treated as 4 levels higher so he is level 9 for purposes of income AFAIK. So 50-250 what can an aspiring baron get for that?