I Have Created the Most Detailed Game World!


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I have stated up about 30 different unique boats for my game world. They go in size from a simple rowboat where I have about 10 of each nicely laminated, to huge warships and galleons which I have 1 of each. The size varies tremendously. The small conoe's are no larger than 3 square hexes by 1 (15x5) where as the huge ships go about 40 square hexes by 14 (200x70). About 2x the size of a real life spanish galleon! Although we haven't used even a fifth of them in actual game play, it is great when the group heads to the docks and is looking for a ship to rent, board or stow away on. They then can see all the different options at the waters edge. Now when lining up all the boats at say a city dock I have miniature sized laminated pictures of the boats which can be laid down at the table for a compartive view by the players. They then can see relative sizes, the look and then make a decision based on that.

Hah, that's awesome. :D

You know what? I understand your sentiment. Some would say I'm too old to pretty much fantasise as much as I do, but I do love maintaining some crazy details too. Just makes you feel it's that much more of an actual world, doesn't it?

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Thanks, now I don't feel so bad about the amount of work I've put into my own game. It is pretty amusing to see you mention several of the things I have done (even Spottle Dice).

No, I am not modest with my map making skill. They are the best and I have seen many, many posted.
Do you have a gallery where we can view them (and steal them)? I have a huge collection of maps that I have grabbed from maps people posted online. I'm an artist myself and have made a few of my own maps. But I still love to use nice maps that other people have made. My personal favorite map maker is a guy named Cisticola. His stuff is beautiful.

I have them sit around watching my 60: TV in the dark watching the competition play out on the screen all through a Pro Show Gold Program. (not a great program as it is complex, but it shows a video just like at the movies (3D and all). My players see themselves fighting their opponent and the victor is seen on the screen.
I'm curious about this. Is there any chance of you posting one of these videos on Youtube? I would love to get a better idea for what you are describing here. It sounds cool.


Sounds like a very interesting setup. Do you feel because of the work you have done the players are ever apprehensive of making massive sweeping changes to your setting?

Excellent question because my gaming group is right now on the brink of attempting to eliminate an exceptiuonally powerful Dragon that has been in my campaign for 20+ years! Literally the MOST powerful! No previous groups have ever even dared to challenge its authority, but this group is in the process due to varying circumstances! Without question the players (many of which have been in my game for 8+ years) are exceptionally concerned about their chance of success. They constantly kid with me saying "John (me the DM) is never going to allow us to eliminate this dragon. It has been in the game for years and is one of John's favorite npc's"

However, the one thing I have on my side is that 3 of the 5 current players have experienced victory against one of my most powerful and beloved npcs in the past! He was always thought to be invincible, but was defeated. He was an exceptionally powerful and pompous wizard living in a floating city within the clouds. They at least know it can be done! The other good part is that my players are very aware of the powerful npc's through previous characters and experiences. It comes natural for them to interact with these npc's in a way that their characters should due to stories and tales of their greatness that their characters have heard. At times I do have to remind them that their current character has minimal to no knowledge of the npc!


Do you have a gallery where we can view them (and steal them)? I have a huge collection of maps that I have grabbed from maps people posted online. I'm an artist myself and have made a few of my own maps. But I still love to use nice maps that other people have made. My personal favorite map maker is a guy named Cisticola. His stuff is beautiful.

Cisticola is an awesome mapper! Know his name from the Dundjinni site and use whatever he is kind enough to post. The maps I have are ridiculously huge. Strangely, I have never made a gallery or anything. However, I just took a few pics of some of them to see if I could post it here. I put the D & D Gargantuan Dragon in the picture to help show scale of the maps. Let's see if this works. I would consider posting some of these up on Youtube or something to share.



Here is another. Sorry, if the pic isn't perfectly clear. It cost me $140 to get these printed at FedEx/Kinkos. Sometimes I can fit 2 on a sheet if they are a bit smaller for that price.



Sorry if the pics are a bit grainy. Tried my best with the photo. Unfortunately, I can only post pictures of cities that my players have been too. Don't want to ruin the surprise for them when they finally head to a new city and they have already seen it posted here :lol:

Dragon Isle.jpg


What about posting up the high res image as a jpg for people to use? I'd love to see that first town map in the original digital format. That would be great to use for when I need a quick generic section of a town. There are so many locations to choose from on a single map.


That's a lot of hard work to be proud of. I've got a lot of incomplete stuff for my campaign that could use this level of work/detail. Good show.


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Wow. What a wonderful treasure trove of resources. I really wish there was a online library or something that people could upload all of there game content to share with the world. Music, pictures, maps, stats, names, ideas, just everything all organized into categories, searchable, browse-able, all accessible for everyone to exchange and use freely.

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