D&D 4E Introduction to Chaos Scar text?


I've been trying to find all the information about the Chaos Scar. I've found the module .pdf files and such, but almost everything I find says "You can find the Introduction to the Chaos Scar HERE," which goes to a broken link at WotC. I've tried various searches to find it, all of which point toward the same broken link.
Sure, I've got the general idea that a meteor from the Far Realms crashed and left dangerous crystals, etc. But some of the mods say things like "See 'Introduction to the Chaos Scar' for details on the effects of ____". With that link broken, I have no idea what that actually means. Is there some place I can find the actual document that was there?

On a side note, I don't seem to be able to log in anymore. ???

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The EN World kitten
I've been trying to find all the information about the Chaos Scar. I've found the module .pdf files and such, but almost everything I find says "You can find the Introduction to the Chaos Scar HERE," which goes to a broken link at WotC. I've tried various searches to find it, all of which point toward the same broken link.
Sure, I've got the general idea that a meteor from the Far Realms crashed and left dangerous crystals, etc. But some of the mods say things like "See 'Introduction to the Chaos Scar' for details on the effects of ____". With that link broken, I have no idea what that actually means. Is there some place I can find the actual document that was there?
It took some doing, but I was able to locate the "Introduction to the Chaos Scar" article on the Wayback Machine. You can find it over here. There's also an enlarged map of the area that's still up on the WotC website proper.

For a good overview of Chaos Scar adventures from the online Dungeon magazine, check out this blog post.


THANK YOU!!! Yes, that is what I think I was looking for.
Map was also easy to find, but part of the key was in the article you found for me--makes so much more sense now.

Yes, that blog was one of the ones I found helpful when doing research.

Voidrunner's Codex

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