Items for a juvenile black dragon?


First Post
In the next session, PCs will be faced at one point with a juvenile black dragon, CR 7. Chances are that if he is close to getting killed he will flee and plot his revenge, so I wouldn't worry too much about the items being things that shouldn't fall into the PCs hands. What items might such a dragon have that would be useful in combat? Or what books might have good suggestions?

I've already checked Dragons, Draconomicon, and Draconic Lore, and only the Draconomicon has any dragon items. I might give him a couple of those, but are there any other ideas?

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An item that can create Obscuring Mist/Fog Cloud/Solid Fog. This he can use his blindsense to attack while everyone else has concealment, and he can get out of there without being sniped at with spells/arrows.

Any sort of item that might coat his body or claws in acid, or fire an acid radius around himself.

Something that can cause a huge distraction (Illusion maybe). Black dragons have Move Silently and Hide as class skills. If the dragon has pumped those skills up, he could then Hide in the fog, and wait for them to think he ran off. Then pounce.

Combine the above with an item that gives healing (a collar that casts Cure Serious 1/day if he's reduced to a third of hit points, for instance, or when he wills it).

An item that turns his breath weapon from a line into a cone, so he can hit more people.

Jolly Giant

First Post
A very simple; but also very useful, item I've used a few times isa collar or amulet that increases the save DC of his breathweapon. These are highly sought after items by the dragons in my homebrew. I've prised them the same as magic armors; +1 bonus = 1000 gp, +2 bonus = 4000 gp, +3 bonus = 9000, and so on.


Penguin Herder
Juvenile Black Dragons have 13 hit dice. Their breath weapon DC is Constitution based. See where I'm going with this? Amulet of Health as big as he can afford. Not only do his HP and Fort save go up, but so does his scariest attack DC. Mua-ha-ha!

Cheers, -- N

Rechan said:
An item that can create Obscuring Mist/Fog Cloud/Solid Fog. This he can use his blindsense to attack while everyone else has concealment, and he can get out of there without being sniped at with spells/arrows.
Blindsense means that his targets will still have concealment. He'll be able to pick the right square to attack, but still have a 50% miss chance.


Penguin Herder
Fog items are kinda useless, though. He can already do darkness 3/day, and he can't yet cast spells -- so he couldn't use a Wand or Scroll.

Darkness + his Hide ranks should give him some advantages, especially since the Rogue can't do the same.

Cheers, -- N


Nifft said:
Darkness + his Hide ranks should give him some advantages, especially since the Rogue can't do the same.
But Darkness has like a 20' radius. Fog Cloud provides more cover for an escape.


Nifft said:
How does a non-spellcaster cast fog cloud?
Item similar to a necklace of fireballs, but instead of a boom you get a big fog bank.

I've given these to a badguy who always has an escape plan on hand.


First Post
Ohh.. nice.. it's not the melee miss chance that's scaring me, it's the "i know about where everyone is and i'll move and BREATHE !!!" ha ha ha!!! All it needs is the squares they are in, so, the dragon should be good. Darkness or fog.

Voidrunner's Codex

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