WOIN Just wondering about the status of NEW, NOW, and OLD.


I have not been actively monitoring the status of the above mentioned rule books, so it came as a surprise to me that people in the Fantasy Grounds forums are communicating that they are no longer supported. I know that the ruleset to play NEW has never been completely playable since it's inception. I communicated with them and they said the ruleset is in what they call maintenance mode.
Which according to what I understand means, it is, what it is.

I also got this response:
Moon Wizard said:
If you feel that this system should be given more development and expansions, then you should reach out to the publisher and let them know, so that they can find a developer to improve the experience. Ultimately, they are the ones who pushed to release on the FG platform, and worked with the developer.

I guess my questions are:
1. Are the rule books still supported by EN Publishing?
2. Can we expect to see updates, general clarifications, expansions, etc.
3. Reading the response I got from FG, is that statement true, or are they just trying push their problems on EN?

I really like the WOIN game system and have even made a setting available for it on DTRPG, which included an FG version. I was planning on creating some adventures as well, but now I am wondering what I should do? I have no avenues where I live for in house gaming and with FG the only outlet (that I know of), I may have to move to something else.

Thanks in advance for any information,

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Well, that was fun
Staff member
Are you referring to the game system itself or the Fantasy Grounds modules?

The FG implementations of WOIN are not, and never have been, anything to do with us. We gave Fantasy Grounds permission to use our content, but that's as far as our involvement goes. FG produced the modules in-house. I don't know who Moon Wizard is.

The game system itself is supported weekly via EONS (our digital magazine). We have other content coming soon too, including The Possessed, a horror-themed adventure.


I was referring to the game system itself and I appreciate the information and clarification! I did not think EN would drop or not support such a creation, but as you may have surmised I needed to know.

I guess I need to look for another VTT!!

Thanks again, sincerely,


Well, that was fun
Staff member
In related news March Langworthy (who was the 2000 AD line manager for EN Publishing) is now the WOIN line manager.


There's a general WOIN character on Roll20. I poked around with it briefly, and it appears to work, but I haven't used it for an actual game (yet).
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If a new WOIN product is placed into the WCPS site in DriveThruRPG does the new pdf show in the "Newest Community Content" area?


There's a general WOIN character on Roll20. I poked around with it briefly, and it appears to work, but I haven't used it for an actual game (yet).
The WOIN character sheet on Roll20 sort of works, but there are definitely bugs and glitches and there haven't been any updates or fixes to it in quite some time. My players have tried to use it, but they've given up because of these bugs & glitches. So we just use an Excel character sheet we created. And without a full-fledged WOIN Compendium on Roll20, many of the cool features you might be used to seeing when playing other big-name rules systems on Roll20 are not supported. If EN Publishing could work with someone (hint, hint, I DM'd @Morrus specifically about this several months ago) to create a proper WOIN Compendium and character sheet, that would go a loooong way to making WOIN more enjoyably playable on Roll20.


First Post
Using the general sheet on Roll 20 without the macros enabled, mostly using assets from the starfinder set that recently appeared on humblebundle, would definitely appreciate and purchase anything official there to make it easier to run

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