Kittens. And names for same...


Mod Squad
Staff member
Some folks may remember I had a little saga with a kitten named Moxie, who had some special needs that took her from us young. We said goodbye to here the day after Xmas...

Well, it is now springtime. As it gets warmer, many cats go outside more, and that means kittens. We went out to a shelter today, and got ourselves a couple of adorable furballs. Pics in the spoiler block, 'cause they came up big.
Kitten 1.JPGKitten 2.JPG
They're siblings - the black one is a little girl, and the orange and stripey one is a boy.

We decided to not name them until we'd seen them in action, and we want to do some more observing. Both are normal, energetic kittens. But, if we had to characterize what we've seen so far - she's a bit more outgoing, he's a bit more thoughtful. Both are adorable and purr like gangbusters.

Names that are on the current list:

Deja Thoris and John Carter
Trillian and Ford Prefect
Harlequin and Harrison (from Ellison's "Repent Harlequin..." and Vonnegut's "Harrison Bergeron")

Other name suggestions are, of course, welcome - as it is a fun game to play.

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Magellan and Isabella
Fire and Smoke or Ash
Bella and Don-ee
Chewy and Gooey
Lynx and Minx
Tryskadecaphile (13 lover) and Tigger (T, I, Double Guh, Er)
Lego and Eggo
Luke and Darth

Sorry, long day at work.

Very cute. We have a 20 year old cat called Sofa who is clearly not well, and I doubt she'll still be with us by Christmas.

Then again. We also have a mobile anti-cat device (which dual-purposes as a ranging mud collection and transferal unit) called Jango. He smells a bit.
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If we wanted to go super-trendy, we'd call them "Nutella" and "Bacon".

Also considering Val and Ender.

Piewacket & Morris

Darkness & Fireball

Necromancer & Evoker

Rogue & Monk

Leia & Luke

Alia & Paul

Cymoril & Elric
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So, Percival, our Elder Statescat, is not amused. This is expected - cats are territorial, and it can take some weeks to get them to be okay with each other. This means we have a room where the kittens stay between supervised romps through the house. This room is now dubbed the "Kitten Vortex". As in, "I can't get caught in the Kitten Vortex, or I'll never escape the cuteness!"

What about Morgana & Arthur?

In considering pet names, there's a couple of things that we tend to abide by.

1) Generally avoid attaching a name of evil to a pet.

2) No naming after trickster powers/gods, or otherwise after forces of fortune that can turn on you - in a pet (especially a cat) this is asking for trouble. So, no Loki, Coyote, Anansi, "Lucky", Raven, Puck, Eris, and so on.

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