KS: Castles & Crusades Campaign World - Airhde (lots for $69), ends 1/5/15



There are a lot of modules and extra stretch goals for this. The $69 pledge level is the sweet spot in my opinion.

They are trying to print their campaign world Airhde, in color. They are about 1k from doing it at the time of this post.

They are 6k from printing a second book, The Player's Guide to Aihrde, in color.

Check out the stretch goals and this Kickstarter if you like C&C.

I like C&C as it is a rules light (as RPG's go) system.

They have delivered on past KS'ers as well.

They are offering most of their products as add-ons at a discount, if you want to check out their system for the first time.

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