World of Kulan DM
The Dragons of Harqual
The oldest dragon of each color in a particular region of Harqual is called The Majestic. Thus, the great blue dragon of the Great Expanse is known as Adamanditar, The Majestic Blue Dragon of Great Expanse. The Majestics are always true neutral and are the greatest protectors of the Tenets of the Balance on Harqual. The Majestics gather once every 5 years for the Wyrmtide on the first day of Summerfall to celebrate the passing of the seasons and to discuss recent events that are endangering the Tenets. These meetings are the draconic version of a Druids’ Circle. [The last Wyrmtide was in 755 N.C.).]It is considered blasphemous to kill a dragon that lives within the Balance, but not so if the dragon is considered rogue. The Majestics have often sponsored adventurers to hunt down rogue dragons endangering the Balance and have just recently (in the last 30 years) commissioned an elite group of adventurers known as the Knights Majestic. These groups of knights never refer to themselves as dragon slayers and will be insulted by any that call them such.
The Knights accept fighters, rangers, druids, sorcerers, rogues and bards. They do not accept paladins and most wizards into the order due to those individuals’ extreme ideals. This includes elementalists because they rely on one or two particular elements instead of a balance of forces.
Now you are probably wondering “Where in Hade’s Underrealm were the dragons during all this war and death?” (DM's Note: The Divinity War, Mortals War, Black Wars, Ogre Wars, etc.) The answer is simpler than it seems at first. They were protecting the Tenets of the Balance during the wars that raged across Harqual. It was not their duty to get involved in the conflict but to minimize and repair the damage that was done during the wars to nature and its creatures.
Not even the few rogue dragons through the centuries would dare form an alliance with the Empire of Swords. For if they did, the Majestics would have got involved and wiped the evil mortals of the Imperium off the face of Harqual, as well as the rogues. The Pantheon of the North knew that widespread devastation would be the result from the dragons entering the wars and forbade them to get involved. It would not have been good for the Tenets. Thus, the dragons remained on the sideline, helping the Priests of Daghdha and Larea protect the Tenets of the Balance from the ravages of war. This is why the land rebounded so quickly and the civilizations did not.