L4W Discussion Thread V

OK, I've heard back from about half the judges and they're good with us moving forward with Wikia as the new repository for L4W information. Please let up logins and port your PC's over there.

I'll update the charter to link to the new wiki/character creation guide

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The new wiki just links to the character creation thread here on the forums, someone said a while back (in the old 'new wiki' thread) that the creation stuff should be removed from the wiki and just kept on the boards, then there's only one page to update when houserules change n stuff.

Hey guys,

When I try to copy/paste the code from the rpgnews backup for Crag into a new page at the new Wiki, it's telling me that the spam filter is blocking me from saving the page. Anyone else seeing this and is there a fix/workaround?

The new wiki just links to the character creation thread here on the forums, someone said a while back (in the old 'new wiki' thread) that the creation stuff should be removed from the wiki and just kept on the boards, then there's only one page to update when houserules change n stuff.

I've been updating the character creation guide and wondering if the CS template sheet was ported over? If not, could you do that when you have a minute?

One thing I've found is that the search function of Wikia sucks large.
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No thats strange. I havn't seen anything like that. Are you signed into wikia?

Yep, sure am. Says "Kalidrev" in the top-right corner. Here's the message I'm getting:

wikia said:
Spam protection filter[edit this page]

From L4W Wiki

The page you wanted to save was blocked by the spam filter.
This is probably caused by a blacklisted link or pagename.
The following link, text or pagename is what triggered our spam filter:

Return to [URL="http://l4w.wikia.com/index.php?title=L4W:PC:Crag_%28Kalidrev%29&action=edit&redlink=1"]L4W:PC:Crag (Kalidrev)

Wiki's spam page says that the error means you tried to post a link that they have put on a blacklist.

In other words, they think one of the links your using goes to a bad place, and have listed it specifically as not being allowed on their sites.

Ah..sorry for the Facilitator post, was still logged in I guess :blush:

I've updated the Charter and Creation Guide links to forward to the new wiki page, although still need a template for new PC's to edit.

I've been updating the character creation guide and wondering if the CS template sheet was ported over? If not, could you do that when you have a minute?

One thing I've found is that the search function of Wikia sucks large.

I don't have time at the moment to copy across an entire template CS, but the constituent parts are there already.

Editing Category:L4W CSTemplate - Preview - L4W Wiki

something I noticed when I ported my character over earlier is that the attack icons ( :branged: :bmelee: etc) aren't there.

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