Lost-Eberron-4E Style

You have a pref? I'm eyeing a Hob Warlord right now, which might step on your warlord's toes (not a biggie if there are 3 others that cover the basic roles, but still...)

Not a problem, as I've been really wanting to give the fighter a try, expecially with the MP and AV being available. I'll be going with a warforged fighter, since EKB's info tilts the scales that way...

I added some more details up top(pt buy and starting wealth).

Garyh, I do believe that some primitive warforged were found in Xendrik. I believe they were a giant creation, that may help you, I don't know.

Ah, that's great! As much as I like Eberron, the only books I have for it are the ECS and Sharn: City of Towers, so I was not aware. Wikipedia has a handy summary:

Warforged - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

The idea of being an ancient giant-created warforged is very appealing. I'll go with that. Now to come up with name, detailed background, and the actual mechanical options. I'm not sure whether I'll go two-hander or weapon-and-shield (definitely no plans for a tempest fighter). Depends on who else joins up, I suppose.

One more though, this time regarding languages... on the one hand, why would an ancient Xen'drik giant-created warforged speak modern Khorvairian Common? On the other hand, not being able to speak with anyone would be a problem. Any ideas, EKB?

EDIT: My fighter might multi to warlord, but probably not immediately, as there are lots of other things to do with that level 1 feat (probably a superior weapon, but we'll see).

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As always, once bitten by the bug of character generation, I cannot rest until its done. So, here we are: Hesh Sul'tashk, Hobgoblin Warleader[sblock=Hesh Sul'tashk, Hobgoblin Warleader]Hesh Sul'tashk

It was at the feet of the Hundred Strong that I learned how to bring war. Until you have seen the plains of Dugrashul sowed with the blood of your thousand foes, you have not truly lived.

Male Hobgoblin Warlord
Initiative +5; Senses Low-light Vision; Passive Insight 9, Passive Perception 9
HP 26; Bloodied 13; Healing Surge 6 ; Surges Per Day 9
AC 17; Fort 14, Ref 11, Will 14
Speed 5
Action Points 1
:bmelee:Double Flail (standard; at-will) ✦ Weapon
+5 vs AC; 1d10+3 damage.
:ranged:Javelin (standard; at-will) ✦ Weapon
Range 10/20; +5 vs AC; 1d6+3 damage.
:melee:Brash Assault (standard; at-will) ✦ Martial, Weapon
+5 vs AC. 1d10+3 damage. Effect: Target can make a basic melee attack against Hesh as a free action and has combat advantage for that attack. If target makes an attack, an ally of Hesh's choice w/in 5 squares can make a basic attack against the target as free action and has combat advantage for that attack.
:melee:Furious Smash (standard; at-will) ✦ Martial, Weapon
+5 vs Fort; 3 damage and Hesh may choose one ally adjacent to him or the target. That ally applies a +3 power bonus to attack and damage for the next attack vs. the target before the end of the ally's turn.
:melee:Luring Focus (standard; encounter) ✦ Martial, Weapon
+5 vs Fort. Hit: 1d10+3 and pull one enemy within 5 squares up to 3 squares. Special: When charging, this power can be made in place of a basic attack.
:melee:Fearless Rescue (immediate reaction when enemy within 5 drops an ally to 0 or fewer hit points; daily) ✦ Healing, Martial, Weapon
Hesh moves to the nearest square where he can attack the target. +6 vs AC; 2d10+3 damage. Effect: The dropped ally can spend a healing surge and regains an additional 1d6 for every opportunity attack Hesh provoked when moving.
:close:Inspiring Word (minor; twice-per encounter) ✦ Healing, Martial
Burst 5 (Hesh or one ally in burst). Target can spend a healing surge and regain an additional 1d6 hit points. Usable only once per round.
Hobgoblin Resilience (immediate reaction when Hesh suffers an effect that a save can end; encounter)
Hesh makes a save vs. the effect.
Bravura Presence
Allies that see Hesh that spend an AP can choose to use this ability. If the ally hits w/ an attack, they may use a move action or make another basic attack afterwards as a free action. If they miss, they grant combat advantage to all enemies until the end of their next turn.
Battle Ready
+2 to initiative.
Combat Leader
Hesh and allies within 10 squares gain a +2 to initiative.
Alignment Unaligned; Languages Common, Goblin
Str 16 (+3) Dex 13 (+1) Wis 8 (-1)
Con 14 (+2) Int 13 (+1) Cha 16 (+3)
Athletics +9*, Diplomacy +8*, Heal +4*, History +3, Intimidate +8*
* Trained Skill
Feats: Weapon Proficiency (Double Flail)
Gear Chainmail Armor, Double Flail, 2 Javelins, Backpack, Bedroll, Belt Pouch, Flint and Steel, Rope (50 ft.), 2 Sunrods, Trail Rations (10 days), Waterskin; 5gp (88lbs)

Hesh's life was that of war: A song of blood of bravado sung by the dire singers and his drunken cohorts until the dawn's early hours. He was part of the Hundred Strong—a legion of hobgoblin, bugbear, and goblins at the heat of the Dhakaani strike forces. Wherever force was needed, the Hundred Strong would be, with Hesh deep in the middle of it.

The Sul'tashk was a name of merit amongst the Dhakaani of his time, and Hesh's father was a lhevket for the marhu's chief lhesh. But Hesh's time was at the zeneith of Dhakaani supremacy, during the initial Aerenal incursion into what would become Valenar. It was, in fact, during a conflict with these strangecomers that Hesh disappeared and found himself... elsewhere.

Personality and Appearance
Hesh is an heir to a martial empire spanning a continent almost unhindered. Gnomes are shirking ones hiding in their holes, dwarves are rarely seen strangers of the east, orcs tolerated western neighbors, halflings subjugated savages, and elves recent aggressors. Hesh has never seen a human, heard of a dragonmark, or suffered the ravages of the daelkyr invasion and all that followed. His personality is tempered by these experiences. He is haughty and confident, brave and foolish, condescending but faithful. He generally refuses to hear of the tales of Dhakaani's turn of fortune, and adjusts to his new situation by ignoring it for the most part. He deals with the now, leaving everything else for someone else.

Hesh is a Dhakaani nationalist before Dhakaani fell, and his interactions with others is strongly colored by this fact.[/sblock][sblock=What Happend]Gragnar and Tulresh were on the right, pinned by the damned elvish dervishes and their slashing blades. There was only one thing for it: Hesh was going to have to leap over the narrow path where Dugresh held back the advance while clearing the boulder at the edge of the rockface in order to charge into the heart of the enemy position and break their spirit. It would not be the first foolish move of day. He did not plan for it to be his last, either.

Winking to the crouching goblin darters under cover, the bravelord lept to his feet and began his charge, the double flail of his father's swinging above his head. "You may have the beachhead, but only your blood will take the cliff!" Then, like a mad devil, he leaped into the sun...

...and landed on the beach. But this was not the beachhead of Lar'tharesh. This was a strange shore the likes he had never seen. Even the lands of the savage lizardmen did not come close to the scope of the jungle he now beheld, or the strong wetness in the hot air.

A trick of the enemy. Foolishness. Hesh spun around, eyes straining for sight of anything or anyone. If this was elven trickery, he would need to find his bearing and then find a way back. Staying... staying was out of the question. He had duties. He had obligations. This... this was a setback, nothing more.

So the son of Hresh began up the beach, looking for signs.[/sblock][sblock=That Which is Neeful]A list of items for consideration:
Lvl 1: Amulet of Protection +1
Lvl 2: Boots of Adept Charging (AV)
Lvl 3: Curseforged Chain Armor +1, Vanguard Double Flail +1 (AV)
Lvl 4: [See Lvl 3]
Lvl 5: Gauntlets of Ogre Power[/sblock]
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Hesh looks great, Stonegod. Although how did "Stand Your Ground" get in there? That's a dwarven racial ability, isn't it?

I'm still trying to decide between sword, axe, and hammer, and two-hander shield. :) Your warlord would seem to work better with a two-hander type, due to the potential for extra melee basic attacks. But if I'm the only defender, I'm likely to want a shield. Decisions, decisions...

It'll help when more folks express interest. Not knowing who else we'd be working with, it's tough to know for sure what to build towards. If we get a paladin, swordmage, or warden, for example, I'd be more comfortable going in a more damage-based direction than pure defender.

Hesh looks great, Stonegod. Although how did "Stand Your Ground" get in there? That's a dwarven racial ability, isn't it?
Used an old dwarf as a template, so not surprise it snuck in.
I'm still trying to decide between sword, axe, and hammer, and two-hander shield. :) Your warlord would seem to work better with a two-hander type, due to the potential for extra melee basic attacks. But if I'm the only defender, I'm likely to want a shield. Decisions, decisions...
Anyone that combat advantage can be beneficial to also will love the bravura build. I see, however, a lot of hurt coming Hesh's way...
It'll help when more folks express interest. Not knowing who else we'd be working with, it's tough to know for sure what to build towards. If we get a paladin, swordmage, or warden, for example, I'd be more comfortable going in a more damage-based direction than pure defender.
Yup. Hesh is up for tweaking, of course, depending on who/what we get.

Interested! Definitely! I love Eberron...I struggled thinking about playing strange background from who-knows-which timeline, but in the end I think a "normal" background will be just as fun to depict reaction to the "strangeness" of the other players...
If you want a more "Eberron" background, let me know...

So here's Thormir Brassbeard, Dwarf Warlock 1
Str 10
Dex 8
Con 20 (+2 race)
Int 14
Wis 12 (+2 race)
Cha 11

Senses:Low-light vision, Perception 11, Insight 16

AC: 14
For: 15
Ref: 13

HP: 32
Healing surge: 8
Surges/day: 11

Saves:+5 against poison

Skills (*trained; °armor penalty):
Acrobatics° -1
Arcana* +7
Athletics° +0
Bluff* +5
Diplomacy +0
Dungeoneering +3
Endurance° +7
Heal +1
History +2
Insight* +6
Intimidate* +5
Nature +1
Perception +1
Religion +2
Stealth° -1
Streetwise +0
Thievery° -1

Languages: Common, Dwarven
Alignment: Unaligned

Racial Features:
+2 Dungeoneering and Endurance
Cast-iron stomach
Dwarven resilience
Dwarven weapon proficiency
Encumbered speed
Stand your ground

Class features:
Eldritch Pact (infernal)
Prime Shot
Shadow Walk
Warlock's Curse (1d6)

Feats (*bonus):
Sacrifice to Caiphon (Dragon #366)

Basic attack: Melee: warhammer +2 vs Ac, 1d10+1 dmg
Ranged: Eldritch blast +5 vs Ref, 1d10+5 dmg, rng 10

Eldritch Blast
Hellish Rebuke

Diabolic grasp

Flames of Phlegetos

Adventurer's kit 15gps
Leather armor 25gps
Warhammer 15gps
Dagger 1gp
44 gps[/sblock]
Thormir was once simply the young first son of a rich and influent dwarven merchant family from the Mror Holds. His father, richest of his clan, had many investments in mines, caravans, all kinds of markets. And Thormir learned well the things he needed to to earn money. He was clever, and smart, quite a good talker for a dwarf, and most important of all, appropriately greedy.
But one day, his future, already drawn before his eyes, changed. His clan had to hire a group of adventurers to get rid of a bunch of particularly persistent orc marauders which were harassing the business in the area. The job went smoothly, as the adventurers easily got rid of the threat and gloriously entered the high walls of the dwarven city. But the point is, they were rich. Not just "rich", they were awfully Rich!
They were luxuriously clothed, even going to battle. They spent and gave away gold pieces like it was nothing. They nonchalantly wielded spectacular and incredibly rare magic items... in brief, Thormir choice was swiftly made. Raiding catacombs, fighting orc warlords, adventuring in other wordls... apparently, they were not only an exotic way to kill time, but a veritable business, and a highly profitable one, at that!
Problem was, Thormir was too slow and not strong enough to be a good warrior. He tried the magicks, but dwarves aren't particularly talented arcanists, and Thormir couldn't even learn the simplest tricks. His faith appropriately resided in Moradin, like it should be for a good dwarf, but it was not that overwhelming.
The solution came to him when he remebered the sorcerous mercenary he drunk under the table declare that what was needed to use powers like his own, was "toughness". "For Kol Korran's beard", thought Thormir,"the guy was lying half-uncounscious on my stone floor and I was all right, or I'll be damn'd!!"
Thormir spent years, and most of his small personal fortune to pursue knowldge on that suitable power, and in the end, he was able to bind infernal powers by contract.
Now, a more mature dwarf, about 50 years old, Thormir is still experimenting his new... possibilities, departing from home, promising to return greatly enriched and glorified...

Two months later, Thormir was putting his hands on a chest full of gold, to be divided with two companions... and the next moment he was on a beach... without the gold!! YEARGH!!!
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Sounds interesting.

I'll shoot for a Warforged Warden. Basic background, he was constructed, possibly illegaly, at the end of the war to help protect druidic teams trying to reclaim devestated wilderness areas.

I will put him together this evening and post tomorrow

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Okay! With a warden looking to be in the mix, I think I can safely go with a more offensive-oriented fighter. Fullblade, here I come! :)

I'll aim to get my character posted today.

I also see interesting contrasts between a giant-era warforged and a post-Last War warforged.

I absolutely love this concept!! I'm thinking human ranger from the time of the lycan purge, or perhaps a changeling (doppleganger) saboteur (or counter-agent) from the last war preparing to destroy (or prevent the destruction of) Sharn's Crystal Tower. I'll have something up by this weekend.
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I'd be interested in this as well, probably as a melee striker. My two possible ideas are:

1. An elven rogue (artful dodger/aerialist), an unmarked member of a House Phiarlan entertainment caravan who had just been selected for more advanced training in service to the house (an acrobat, she had been selected for intrusion/assasination training). Probably from sometime before House Thuranni split away, but not long before- maybe circa 960, during the midst of the war. One of her first "lessons" was a nighttime chase through the streets and towers of Sharn- but one dark alley doorway opened into a whole different land. Was this some kind of more elaborate test, an illusion worked by the masters of the House of shadows?

2. A shifter two-blade ranger, from the Eldeen Reaches, current era. Most of the fighting strength of his village was sapped by the demands of the war, and he was one of the first of his generation to come of age and take his place amongst the hunters. But the winter was hard, and he had been forced to push himself harder on his patrols to keep the hunting grounds safe from interlopers and predators- imagine his surprise when he woke from a hastily-built snowcave to find himself somewhere very different...

Ooh EvoKB running a game? yays and Eberron 4e to boot. I'll see what I can come up with but of the assembled crew a controller draws my attention, but not a wizard. I'll have a look at Invoker or Druid for concepts and get back to you tonight.

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