Malaysia's Flood Relief Bundle 2021


I crit!
Malaysia's Flood Relief Bundle 2021

malaysian food relief bundle.jpeg

"Malaysia has experienced severe rainstorms and flash flooding since 17 December 2021, leaving many people stranded and vulnerable. As such, this bundle aims to raise funds for flood relief efforts in Malaysia due to these recent floods.

"Proceeds from this bundle will go to Mercy Malaysia's Flood Relief fund.

"This bundle collects several games from Malaysian tabletop game designers (Aaron Lim, Alyssa Yeo, Centaur Games, Kristen Chin, Nana, Rick Chia, Samuel Mui Shen Ern, Tun Kai Poh, Valis Teoh and Zuhayri Mohamed), who have generously donated their games to support this fundraising effort. Please do support their games and gamemaking if you are able to.

"From previous years' experience, this isn't just a one-off issue. Due to the impacts of climate change and other factors like poor infrastructure upkeep and deforestation, the impact of seasonal rains and floods in Malaysia has been exacerbated in recent years.

"Even as we are raising funds for immediate needs, we also urge people who are not able to support our efforts monetarily to do what you can to support efforts to fight climate change and ecological exploitation that leads to these severe weather events."

Note I thought this deserved it's own thread
Note the above from this post : RPG Sales of 2021

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I hope they get some help from the international community, as I don't know how much will come from the US, where we have our own natural disasters to clean up and donate to at the moment.

Voidrunner's Codex

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