OSR Modern Necessities for Old-School Essentials: 1 day until kickstarter launch!


Coming to kickstarter in March 2024, Modern Necessities for Necrotic Gnome's Old-School Essentials tabletop RPG! Adding rules for running modern and urban fantasy themed campaigns, including the ability to combine them with any compatible module of your choice, Modern Necessities includes some of the following:

20 modern themed classes, such as Soldier, Secret Agent, Treasure Hunter and Wheelman.

Extensive firearm and other modern weapon rules, adding everything from pistols to airstrikes. This includes weapon attachments, special ammunition, unique magical weapons and even rules for how different fantasy cultures approach their unique weapons design!

Assorted other types of modern equipment, such as night vision goggles and drones.

Vehicle rules, allowing the use of everything from motorcycles to attack helicopters.

48+ technomancy spells.

Modern themed NPCs, including rules for mercenaries and specialists.

Many optional rules, such as weapon jamming, weapon conditions, armor damage, and even two optional skill systems.

Sample plot hooks.

A small introductionary adventure set in a world hit by a magical apocalypse, titled 'Assault on Blackfang Tower'.

3 stretch goals, including rules for weird west campaigns, sci-fi and cyberpunk campaigns, and a full adventure module, titled 'Bunker in the Badlands'

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Sign up here for the pre-launch now, and be notified when the campaign goes live.

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Do you intend to include Procedures for play to use in these settings? A modern game won't be doing a lot of dungeon exploration or wilderness hexcrawling. What are you replacing those with?

Similarly - what will be replacing treasure/magic items and gold to XP? I can't imagine a modern spy thriller or spec ops team will find many chests of gold pieces or wands of fireball. How do you determine when you level up? Whats the incentive system for gaining XP?

Do you intend to include Procedures for play to use in these settings? A modern game won't be doing a lot of dungeon exploration or wilderness hexcrawling. What are you replacing those with?

Similarly - what will be replacing treasure/magic items and gold to XP? I can't imagine a modern spy thriller or spec ops team will find many chests of gold pieces or wands of fireball. How do you determine when you level up? Whats the incentive system for gaining XP?


Some of the core procedures still work just as well. Having run these rules extensively (and similar ones I've written for other systems, such as 5e and Shadowdark), something like sneaking inside or assaulting an enemy base still can mostly use normal dungeoneering rules, for example. Movement, encounters, breaking open doors, avoiding traps, those still work as normal. Any other quirks that arise from that are handled by the inclusion of specific gear and class abilities. Other than that, the optional rules include alternate XP systems, such as session based and mission/objective based XP/progression, and I will try my best to have some decent modern loot tables.

Also, the Bunker in the Badlands adventure, which represents the 'official' setting of sorts, will be written as a hexcrawl in a modern world suffering through a magical apocalypse. So spec ops teams actually CAN still find chests of gold and wands of fireball in that :)

Hope that answers some of it,

With regards,

-The Dutchman

Jack Daniel

Color me excited, this sort of thing is why OSR.

Also, ever since Skyscrapers & Sorcery (a Swords & Wizardry-based riff on d20 Modern) disappeared from DriveThruRPG, the scene has been in dire need of a BX-compatible modern action game.

Color me excited, this sort of thing is why OSR.

Also, ever since Skyscrapers & Sorcery (a Swords & Wizardry-based riff on d20 Modern) disappeared from DriveThruRPG, the scene has been in dire need of a BX-compatible modern action game.
Agreed! Never got to play Skyscrapers & Sorcery myself, but it does sound close to what I'm trying to accomplish. I was actually considering a 0e/Whitebox Modern game too.
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Oh, you are actually from the Netherlands - nice

What is the RPG scene like there? Lots of people playing Old School and New School games?

Sadly, I live in an area without much of a scene, so all my gaming is done online. I hear the bigger cities, such as Amsterdam, and some further south, in Belgium, have a pretty good scene though! All the usual games. 5e, Pathfinder, OSR stuff. There also at least used to be a Dark Eye scene, since that's from Germany.
I've been meaning to maybe get one started in my area eventually. Just a question of finding people, haha.

Eyes of Nine

Everything's Fine

Sadly, I live in an area without much of a scene, so all my gaming is done online. I hear the bigger cities, such as Amsterdam, and some further south, in Belgium, have a pretty good scene though! All the usual games. 5e, Pathfinder, OSR stuff. There also at least used to be a Dark Eye scene, since that's from Germany.
I've been meaning to maybe get one started in my area eventually. Just a question of finding people, haha.
Hey - it gives you time to create kickstarters 🤣

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