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Achan hiArusa

Hilarious! And a great idea.


Sample output:
  • Just escaped Scourge of the Slave Lords. My fighter Charmed a swarm of downed mimics with a critical hit, much to the chagrin of the despairing paladin.
  • Playtested in In the Dungeons of the Slave Lords. My eladrin sniped a bunch of wights, humiliating the prone paladin.
  • TPK in Labyrinth of Madness! My dwarf just defeated a Portuguese man-o-war with no help from the helpless paladin.
  • Playtesting in The Dancing Hut of Baba Yaga. My shardmind killed a nitwit illithid, but it was too late for the stinking paladin.
  • Played in Expedition to the Barrier Peaks. My eladrin just pwned a skeleton. That was the end of the swallowed paladin.

Repeat until the new edition has been entirely revealed!

That reminds me, I haven't downloaded ProgressQuest on my current computer.


Hilarious! And a great idea.


  • Playtested in Queen of the Spiders! My vicar slew three troglodytes by accident, much to the chagrin of the contemptible paladin.
  • Played in Assault on the Aerie of the Slave Lords. My Scoundrel just critically missed two storm giants who killed the poisoned paladin.
  • Playtesting in Scourge of the Slave Lords. My vicar just critted three illithids by accident and then gave a stern lecture to the player of the nitwit paladin.
  • Game night: White Plume Mountain. My barbarian headshotted a ghoul to save the confused paladin.
  • Playtested in The Dancing Hut of Baba Yaga. My specialty priest just used a daily power on a goblin, humiliating the useless paladin.

Thanks, Rex! I can hit refresh on this thing all day, and just keep on laughing.


First Post
Love these short, quick 5e updates. I hope they continue as they are an easy way to find the new info trickling out all in one location (I imagine they also are/will be good in getting people to your home page instead of straight to the forums).

I enjoy the podcast links you've included, also.

Great job, thanks.


Looks like Monte Cook is saying people will be able to play with different character options AT THE SAME TABLE.

I'm really curious to see how my first-edition-style-fighter can play with your third-edition-style Wizard, but I really REALLY hope they can pull it off.


First Post
Looks like Monte Cook is saying people will be able to play with different character options AT THE SAME TABLE.

I'm really curious to see how my first-edition-style-fighter can play with your third-edition-style Wizard, but I really REALLY hope they can pull it off.

I assume most people are very surprised by this. I don't know how it would be possible... I can't see how this is possible. More power to them. They might strip down the overall complexity a little and well as make even less-optioned Essential-type characters. Not sure, but this is good news.

I for one am extremely excited about 5e.

Voidrunner's Codex

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