New Dwarven Forge Kickstarter kicked off over the weekend...tempted, but...


I have three DF sets: Room & Passage Set, Cavern Set, & Cavernous Passages Set. I purchased them probably 10 years ago or longer, before I had kids, so it was a bit easier to justify, and I feel like they've gotten more expensive since. I thought they were somewhere in the $120-$200 range when I bought them, but can't be sure.

Anyhow, I love them. These three sets cover me plenty well enough for most indoor encounter areas (I don't build out whole dungeons at once, I just grab what I need for each battle as it comes up. Sometimes I ballpark the shape of the room to match the pieces available rather than making it 100% faithful to the map, but that mostly happens for natural caverns and I don't feel like it holds me back creatively, as if I do have a unique encounter area that doesn't fit the maze pieces, I'll just draw it on a battle mat or a large piece of paper instead (or if it's a set piece encounter and I have sufficient prep time, sometimes I'll fancy it up with giant colored construction paper cut to show the terrain. But I'd say the three DF sets probably cover 90% of my indoor encounters, so I definitively get plenty of use out of them.

I keep the three sets packed in the boxes they came in. They're a little bulky but we usually play at my house in my regular campaign so transport is a non-issue there, and when I play at my nephew's house in his game, I just toss the three boxes in the trunk of my car, which also works. If I was playing somewhere that I had to commute to via bike or public transit I'd go without, but that hasn't happened in years, probably not since I've even owned this stuff.

So I give it the thumbs up for what I've got now. However as cool as some of the newer sets look, cost, space and lack of versatility will probably keep me from expanding my collection any further. The town sets might be tempting if they were more reasonably priced.

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I really mean affordably priced, I am not trying to suggest the prices are unreasonable as I understand that a ton of work goes into them; just saying that the newer stuff is too rich for my blood.

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I crit!
I so much want to do this kickstarter.

I had an idea for a sheet with snaps on it that I could snap the tiles into so I could preset them before going to an event and just lay them out. Just spitballing, not sure if its even a workable idea.


How much painting do you do on the hirst molds stuff? The dungeonstone stuff seems to be a light stone gray, I'm wondering if just doing some washes to pop out the crevices and cracks and all that would be enough or do you find yourself doing a lot of detail work?

Good luck on the season!

The Hirst Arts stuff paints up super quick and looks good. I do some detail work, but most of it goes unnoticed honestly.


I understand why people don't want to pay the prices for this stuff, but it is what I spend most of my hobby money on. I have a life and a family too. Most of us spend luxury money on something. Me, I cannot stomach paying movie ticket prices.

So, yeah, Dwarven Forge is not necessary by any stretch of the imagination, but it is super cool. I will also say you would be hard pressed to represent something on a playing mat that I cannot represent in 3d. It's just part of the hobby that I am into - if you're not that's cool too.


I so much want to do this kickstarter.

I had an idea for a sheet with snaps on it that I could snap the tiles into so I could preset them before going to an event and just lay them out. Just spitballing, not sure if its even a workable idea.

I have a friend who has used magnetic sheets with some success. Works very well with the lighter, newer pieces.


I was going to pledge for this kickstarter but at these prices I'm now wondering if its not more feasible to spring for a relatively cheap 3D printer and print my own terrain pieces...

How much painting do you do on the hirst molds stuff? The dungeonstone stuff seems to be a light stone gray, I'm wondering if just doing some washes to pop out the crevices and cracks and all that would be enough or do you find yourself doing a lot of detail work?

Good luck on the season!

Honestly it's made from a powdery substance so priming first is a must. I tried to just wash it and it didn't stick well. I did a wipe-and-prime method and it worked quite well. It all depends on what material you use to make the actual tiles. The better quality stuff helps.
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So from one of the updates, apparently they might offer some of the original tiles. They might be a little cheaper than these fancy ones. Keep your eyes peeled guys, I have a huge set of the originals and it was well worth it. :)

Flexor the Mighty!

18/100 Strength!
Honestly it's made from a powdery substance so priming first is a must. I tried to just wash it and it didn't stick well. I did a wipe-and-prime method and it worked quite well. It all depends on what material you use to make the actual tiles. The better quality stuff helps.

I bought them from dungeonstone so I'm not sure what they are using though they say its very dense and porous.

Voidrunner's Codex

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