Non-iPod compatible with iTunes?

I've got a 1.7GB iPod, purchased four months ago. I've found out that it is way too small to run all of my songs. I want to buy an mp3 player (and, occasionally, a music video player) that's at LEAST four times as large. I want it to have more bells-n-whistles than an iPod does. But I also don't want to lose the hundreds of dollars I've spent on iTunes, so it has to be compatible.

Anyone know of any players that can do all of that?

Help would be appreciated. I generally avoid personal electroincs (given my "butter-finger" tendencies), so I'm completely clueless.

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The Apple-logo premium (i.e. the 50% markup for the same features), plus I've heard that non-Apple mp3 players tend to have more features.

Hence, I want to get my cake (i.e. a more cost-effective mp3 player with better features) and eat it too (i.e. have it be compatible with the 223 (!!!) items I've already bought through iTunes, and the 980-ish items I've already uploaded, plus the couple hundred more songs I haven't uploaded yet because I don't have space on my iPod...).

I'm planning on either keeping my old iPod for audio-book reading (through, I think?) or maybe give to a coworker.
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I've heard that one way to get rid of the copy protection on songs bought from iTunes is to burn them to a CD and then rip them back to MP3s. If you're willing to do that you should be able to take those songs anywhere and play them on any player. You'll also have a backup copy of your music should your computer die an electronic death.


Merkuri said:
I've heard that one way to get rid of the copy protection on songs bought from iTunes is to burn them to a CD and then rip them back to MP3s. If you're willing to do that you should be able to take those songs anywhere and play them on any player. You'll also have a backup copy of your music should your computer die an electronic death.

Right. Your options are either a) buy an iPod or b) burn all your AAC files to CD and then rip them as mp3's so you can put them on a non-iPod.


Heretic Apostate said:
The Apple-logo premium (i.e. the 50% markup for the same features), plus I've heard that non-Apple mp3 players tend to have more features.

Hence, I want to get my cake (i.e. a more cost-effective mp3 player with better features) and eat it too (i.e. have it be compatible with the 223 (!!!) items I've already bought through iTunes, and the 980-ish items I've already uploaded, plus the couple hundred more songs I haven't uploaded yet because I don't have space on my iPod...).

I'm planning on either keeping my old iPod for audio-book reading (through, I think?) or maybe give to a coworker.

An 8 gb flash based iPod mini runs about $200. There are refurb models available for about $20-30 less. I've owned a refurb iPod mini and it was terrific. There are also some refurb previous gen iPods for about $20-30 less than the refurbed current models, but they don't have the video capabilities of the current gen iPod minis.

Checking New Egg, I'm not seeing anything close to a 50% markup vs at least name brand MP3 players.

Most seem to be about $160-190. As far as features go. About the only things I can think of that you won't find on the iPod are FM radio and sound recording. There are FM add ons for iPods and ditto for sound recording if you really want those. You didn't say what features you wanted that weren't on the iPods though.
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