WOIN OLD - Abjure - Breaching

Shaun Palmer

I'm confused as to how this works. The text says "This gives the target a +1d6 die bonus per 2 MP to attribute checks made to resist or breach a spell effect of the specified type", but how does that work when MAGIC attack are again DEFENSE stats, not opposed attribute checks?

What have I missed?

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I'm confused as to how this works. The text says "This gives the target a +1d6 die bonus per 2 MP to attribute checks made to resist or breach a spell effect of the specified type", but how does that work when MAGIC attack are again DEFENSE stats, not opposed attribute checks?

What have I missed?
Personally I'd homebrew this as increasing your DEFENSE scores against magical effects of the appropriate type by 3. I suspect this was written when opposed checks were still on the table for active defenses, which have mostly been removed. I can't think of any resistance checks used in the final game off the top of my head except to resist diseases with the optional rule in EONS.


Ah, maybe adjust the cost to 1mp and +2 defense so that it's basically the same as Shielding, except with a virtue or element instead of creature type.

Voidrunner's Codex

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