OotS #417 is up!

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Whizbang Dustyboots said:
Rich continues to impress me with his storytelling and maturity. "Serious" fantasy novelists could learn a thing or two from him.

Agreed. Stick figures belie the high class storytelling that is going on here.

Nightfall said:
Short of Druss the Legend showing up, I see Xykon winning this fight pretty handily.

Sorry but if you exclude magic (which according to the earlier comic the good guys have more of anyway) in a straight fight you need about 10 to 1 advantage to stand a chance of taking a well defended position like a castle wall. Out numbered 3 to 1 isn't something to be that scared of.

Even if one in twenty hobgoblin attacks hit, they will only be doing 1d10 damage (heavy crossbow) at best, not enough to kill even a commoner outright, and the city has 250 low level clerics able to multiple cure light wounds, and who knows how many clw potions they could be stockpiling, even as the army approaches.

They need to "chill out".
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I'm having trouble seeing why the defense situation is so grim myself. Azure City appears to have a large supply of Paladins and plenty of Clerics given how freely Shojo tossed around ressurections. The army is a dream-enemy for massed paladins and clerics, all undead and evil creatures vulnerable to your smites and turning. And a wall and fortifications of that level should provide some very nice cover and concealment bonuses. The only real concern is that the Order isn't being used to it's full advantage by being treated like soldiers, the hobgoblins are no real threat, but Xykon and Redcloak on those undead dragons are. They need to be able to focus all their firepower on those few high-level enemies if they get a chance.

Ed_Laprade said:
Actually, I was rather annoyed by it. They have morale problems, so let's make them worse!

I'd say this was more about discipline - he knows that "chilling out" is not going to be helpful, and that everyone - including the lowly soldiers - need to do their best. They are only going to win that battle if discipline is tight, and that won't happen if some adventurer who has never been in the military before sabotages that discipline.

Besides, there's no indication that those rookies heard all that...

This is exactly why I love this strip. Back when it was mostly lame jokes strung together by a loose plot, I'd go read the thing every few weeks or so to see what was happening but wasn;t all that interested. But in the last few weeks it's become really story driven, with the humor being an extra bonus to a great story, so I put it on RSS and read it every day it comes out and absolutely love it.

I really need to get the OotS book. I'm really loving it.

Jürgen Hubert said:
I'd say this was more about discipline - he knows that "chilling out" is not going to be helpful, and that everyone - including the lowly soldiers - need to do their best. They are only going to win that battle if discipline is tight, and that won't happen if some adventurer who has never been in the military before sabotages that discipline.

Besides, there's no indication that those rookies heard all that...

Reinforcing the grim outlook of their situation doesn't do anything to help ratchet up discipline, it just decays morale further.

"Hey, we're doomed. Even if by some miracle we do prevail, you and many people you know are still going to die. It's inevitable.

... now let's get out there and give 110%!"

Besides, it's not like Haley was saying 'chill out' in the kick-back-with-umbrella-drinks sense. She was saying stop being so afraid and unsure of yourself, because the deck isn't totally stacked against us.

Baldadin is just being pissy and bitter.

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