"Out of the Frying Pan"- Book IV - Into the Fire [STORY HOUR COMPLETED - 12/25/06]

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el-remmen said:
You are welcome, and there is another story coming soon, that I hope you will find equally as great. . . ;)

I don't know if you remember me, but I was once an avid reader of this story hour. I have had so little time to read EN World in the last few years, but I have always meant to catch up on your story. It was what got me interested in story hours initially if you remember.

Anyway, I'll be looking forward to seeing your Second Son of a Second Son campaign story hour. I bet it'll be great.

Your website is also really too. I actually also have a wikispaces site for my campaign (see link in sig), and I posted a link to your Aquerra site recently. I'd love to hear what you think of it.

Happy gaming,

C.I.D. :p

Cyronax said:
I don't know if you remember me, but I was once an avid reader of this story hour.

Of course, I remember you. Welcome back!

Cyronax said:
I have had so little time to read EN World in the last few years, but I have always meant to catch up on your story. It was what got me interested in story hours initially if you remember.

I take it that means you have not caught up still. . . ;)

Cyronax said:
Anyway, I'll be looking forward to seeing your Second Son of a Second Son campaign story hour. I bet it'll be great.

Thanks! It is a ton of work and I am nervous that grad school will prove too time-consuming to keep up with it, but we'll see.

Cyronax said:
Your website is also really too. I actually also have a wikispaces site for my campaign (see link in sig), and I posted a link to your Aquerra site recently. I'd love to hear what you think of it.

I left you a message over there. That project has been awesome and fun, and allowed me the easy to develop little world-building details here and there with regular ease and easy reference.

Of course, some of my players have been very much involved in making it as useful as it.

Glad you remembered me. The whole concept and lead off for Out of the Fryin Pan was especially cool. I'm still really behind in your story ... I think I got to the part just after Jana died.

Well I hope you're able to post your campaign. It sounds like a cool plot from what I read on your website. I'm in my second semester of grad school right now, and it is difficult to balance school, my D&D campaign, my girlfriend, and work all at once.

It can be done, though my time for D&D has suffered (since it technically and unfortunately is the least important thing on that list :confused: )



Manzanita said:
I'm the second son of a second son. & I even have a second son, for what its worth!

The irony is, I don't think even one of the PCs in the SSoaSS campaign ended up being the second son of a second son according to their backgrounds. However, the name was always just a metaphor for "not likely to inherit much". :)

I just finished up with reading your engrossing tale. It was enjoyable througout, and I look forward to your next yarn.

It may be against my own cheap*ss self interest to say so, but you should find a way to get paid for this stuff -- it's just that good.


Dr. NRG said:
I just finished up with reading your engrossing tale. It was enjoyable througout, and I look forward to your next yarn.

It may be against my own cheap*ss self interest to say so, but you should find a way to get paid for this stuff -- it's just that good.


I am glad you enjoyed it, but as for money. I am not really interested. However, once all the "books" are edited I am going to look into printing them with lulu.com for a private bound set of copies and some gifts for my players - and if anyone wanted to buy one of those. . . well, we'll see when the time comes. :)

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