rigur said:Thanks for a great story.
el-remmen said:You are welcome, and there is another story coming soon, that I hope you will find equally as great. . .![]()
Cyronax said:I don't know if you remember me, but I was once an avid reader of this story hour.
Cyronax said:I have had so little time to read EN World in the last few years, but I have always meant to catch up on your story. It was what got me interested in story hours initially if you remember.
Cyronax said:Anyway, I'll be looking forward to seeing your Second Son of a Second Son campaign story hour. I bet it'll be great.
Cyronax said:Your website is also really too. I actually also have a wikispaces site for my campaign (see link in sig), and I posted a link to your Aquerra site recently. I'd love to hear what you think of it.
Manzanita said:I'm the second son of a second son. & I even have a second son, for what its worth!
Dr. NRG said:I just finished up with reading your engrossing tale. It was enjoyable througout, and I look forward to your next yarn.
It may be against my own cheap*ss self interest to say so, but you should find a way to get paid for this stuff -- it's just that good.