D&D 5E PHB is #3 right now on "Amazon's Hot New Releases"


Wandering. Not lost. (He/they)
This exchange seems pertinent as well.



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Wow, that's awesome news if it's outselling 3E. So far, so good for 5E it seems.

Reviews are mainly positive. Sales are obviously strong. Let's hope WotC can keep the momentum going.


Wandering. Not lost. (He/they)
I appreciate that Mearls is putting it in a larger perspective instead of shouting the launch window numbers and acting like that was the complete picture.



Mod Squad
Staff member
It would be great to see that.

Yes and no. I, too, am curious, but we would tend to attach meaning to the numbers that isn't warranted.

In order to really understand what the numbers imply, we'd need context over the years - and even if they gave us numbers for 3e and 4e, we'd have to then make adjustments for time, and economic situations around each release. In short - actually understanding sales numbers isn't trivial, and we'd be unlikely to do it well.

Hand of Evil

Yes and no. I, too, am curious, but we would tend to attach meaning to the numbers that isn't warranted.

In order to really understand what the numbers imply, we'd need context over the years - and even if they gave us numbers for 3e and 4e, we'd have to then make adjustments for time, and economic situations around each release. In short - actually understanding sales numbers isn't trivial, and we'd be unlikely to do it well.

I was thinking of comparing them to the growth of Gen Con over the same period, it would be a great health check of gaming in general, not just the growth of online sales.


Glad that it is doing so well. I think 4e might have paved the way a bit in that it brought in new players that were added to the grognards, both groups of which see some appeal in 5e. I know our group is half new half old and generally are excited over 5e.

I was a little taken aback to see the PHB on the top of the non-fiction list, but then I saw how divorced from reality the other books on that list were and changed my mind.

Thinking about it now, it's also interesting to point that choosing to delay the other two main books will allow 5E to spend more time under the spotlights. People will be talking about D&D as the newest thing for at least three more months going forward.

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