RECRUITING: OpenRPG, Monday Nights Pacific, High-Level D&D 3.5


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I am the DM for a high-level D&D 3.5 group that is currently seeking more players. We use the OpenRPG platform, in the Unshaped server on Mondays at 6 PM Pacific time. The game runs until between 8 and 9 PM Pacific.

The game is set in The 13 Kingdoms, for which I can provide the Setting Guide in pdf form. It has some tweaked races, new races, and its own pantheon. Non-Core/Setting Prestige Classes must be given a new write-up to link it to the setting.

Characters will join at 17th level with base XP and standard wealth, using 32-point buy to generate them. Characters must be made using Core + Setting Guide, though extra source material may be allowed on a case-by-case basis (and I reserve the right to nerf anything in the course of play).
The party currently consists of a Dwarf Fighter/Dwarven Defender, a Hanara Wizard (Transmuter)/Initiate of the Sevenfold Veil, an Elf Druid (Unarmed variant from Unearthed Arcana), and a Lizardman Cleric/Hierophant plus his brother/cohort Fighter/Templar.

The group is in the elven kingdom of Lorlynia, where they have been dealing with the attacks of a mysterious enemy who strikes at them and at seemingly-random civilians. This foe has also very recently come into possession of a powerful artifact. Research materials were stolen from a hideout near the central city and were turned over to sages there.

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That time slot would work out well for me if I have my time zones straight. I don't have a lot of experience with OpenRPG or high level play, though.


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Sorry this response took so long... I've been a bit indisposed.

The players and I can do a bit of teaching and coaching. We've helped new OpenRPG users before and can do so again. :) The lack of experience with high-level play may be a bit daunting at first, but once you know what your character can do on a regular basis (much easier with non- or light-casters), it's not hard at all.

Also, to any quiet-but-interested parties out there... As of right now, the server list in OpenRPG is down. As such, you need a server's address to connect to it. The address for the Unshaped server is


I'm interested in joining if you guys still have a spot open! The time is perfect for me (I'm central time-based) and I have experience with high level play. I haven't played with OpenRPG yet but I'll install and take a look.


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Spots are still open. The OpenRPG platform is fairly easy to use. The most important things to know are how to set up dice rolls (done as [XdX+X] with the numbers filled in) and describe actions (/me does such and such).

If you want to drop by the next session and watch things in progress, you'd be welcome.

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