Roll20 publishes Game Percentages... Pathfinder at 25%

Regardless of where the data comes from it seems like pathfinder is THE game being played now. You can argue sample sizes and program preferences all day but clearly pathfinder is a pretty big force in the industry. Surprising to me is that fantasy flight star wars game is doing SO well. I'm happy about that.

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the first stat i found interesting was the d&d 3.5e player percentage...which is actually larger than pathfinder (course this is based on player surveys...i'm on roll20 and i didn't know they had player surveys :D). i wouldn't be surprised if a lot of pathfinder and 3.5 games were running the same adventures/rulebooks some overlap with players is understandable. my prediction (and why not predict? ...guessing about hazy statistics doesn't make one less wrong :blush:) is that 5e picks up big chunks of audience as the quarters roll on (pun perhaps not intended).

still the impossible question-how many pathfinder games are using 5e rulesets/mechanics? how many of those players and dm's own 5e phbs? etc....

second notable item was the relatively low % of numenera gamers...again this due to a variety of factors i'm sure. 1) it's just incredibly hard to gain traction in this space (by traction i mean large numbers of gamers actually playing your game) 2) from above-how many people are using numenera mechanics and settings for ideas for pathfinder/d&d games? and 3) is numenera really a roll20 game or is it more theatre of the mind? (i find roll20 to be useful for even a rules lite game..character tracking/campaign progress etc....but even more useful just as an online place to meetup-yeah you can use just g+ but roll20 makes it more fun).

why is this notable? numenera , and let's throw 13th age in there too, had relatively high profile launches and both games have had some time (not that long...but still) too 'settle' into the gaming landscape...i suppose the lesson here -d&d really is the 800 lb gorilla ! :devil:
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Wow. PFRPG is definitely hemorrhaging players to 5E. No one can argue that correlation, its right there. It doesnt seem like 5e will be a fly by night phenomena.

Wow. PFRPG is definitely hemorrhaging players to 5E. No one can argue that correlation, its right there. It doesnt seem like 5e will be a fly by night phenomena.

Yeah, I'm actually surprised by how quickly new Pathfinder games are dropping while new 5e games are rising just as quickly. Pathfinder is in no danger though. It may not be number one in the 4th quarter (in terms of sales), but it's still a great game with loads of players.

We have seen the dynamics from fantasy grounds...and the implications from many other sources.

But lets go back to roll 20. This is from July-September. 5E is barely out, and already has a 12% share. (Also, in terms of Pathfinder, it is handily beat by WotC, its just happens to be for 3 editions).

roll 20 is very user friendly and it will have plenty of 5E games. Give it a few months.

Now, it is possible that there is some 5E "bubble" and once the initial enthusiasm fades, the growth trend will reverse. But I kinda doubt it.

It's human nature, I suppose. You invest time into a social network, or money in a mobile phone, and you don't want to feel you made the "wrong" choice. Therefore everybody who didn't make the same choice you made has made the wrong choice.

Bingo. I have never heard a D&D vs. PF or edition war post that was not swimming in sunk cost fallacy. Once people have decided what team they are on they actively filter all new data to confirm their biases and reject anything negative about that team.

Edit: To the OP, my only comment would be that I play with some players online and looked into using virtual tabletops before but it was not worth the trouble for just one or two players. Switching from 4e to 5e I have even less reason to use the tools. I am sure those who are used to them will continue to use but in general you can play 5e with just skype, or even just on the phone because of theater of the mind.
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Tribalism is as old as humanity.

That's a pithy soundbyte, sure, and we all know that, but I was more specifically referring to the corporate marshaling of tribalism. That's particular manifestation of the phenomenon is more recent.

I've taken the PF and D&D figures only, put them on their own graph, and extended the lines into next year.

Warning: this is complete nonsense. It's just me extending some lines on a graph using MS Paint. It's fun, but it's not scientific. At all.


I've taken the PF and D&D figures only, put them on their own graph, and extended the lines into next year.

Warning: this is complete nonsense. It's just me extending some lines on a graph using MS Paint. It's fun, but it's not scientific. At all.

View attachment 64546
Sincere question: Then why do it? It assumes a static progression and as you say, is "nonsense". I don't see the point, especially given the Site's anti-edition-war stated stance. That aside, given the treatment 5e gets (is the 5th D&D iteration of a monster really "news"?) it's not surprising but I don't get it the point.

Note: while I don't play 5e, I have no axe to grind against it. If anyone reading this is a fan, more power to you.

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