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RPG Crowdfunding News 061 (5E Special Part 1): Storyteller’s Arcana, Artifices of Quartztoil Tower,

Welcome back to our weekly look at tabletop roleplaying game, and accessories, crowdfunding roundup! There are a lot of campaigns running at present, and many of those are for 5E supplements and adventures. So many in fact that this week I’m doing a double column – the first of which is below – that’s looking at the 5E offerings currently on Kickstarter. So whether you like the old classic ‘orange hardbacks’, classic dungeon adventuring action, or handy reference cards, we hope you’ll find something of interest in the below campaigns…

Welcome back to our weekly look at tabletop roleplaying game, and accessories, crowdfunding roundup! There are a lot of campaigns running at present, and many of those are for 5E supplements and adventures. So many in fact that this week I’m doing a double column – the first of which is below – that’s looking at the 5E offerings currently on Kickstarter. So whether you like the old classic ‘orange hardbacks’, classic dungeon adventuring action, or handy reference cards, we hope you’ll find something of interest in the below campaigns…

The Folio: Storyteller’s Arcana 1E & 5E gaming supplement by Scott Taylor
(Campaign Ends : Wednesday 11th October 2017; 18:50 UTC)

If, like me, you discovered tabletop roleplaying in the 80’s then you may have a certain nostalgia about the old TSR ‘orange spine’ books that were released for Advanced Dungeons & Dragons. I had a full set of them at the time and, although some are certainly worse for wear after over 30 years of use, still have them and would never part with them.

Scott Taylor, and Art of the Genre, have been harking back to the 80’s in style for quite some time with their excellent Folio range. They’ve also produced a couple of ‘orange spine’ hardcovers before now (The Complete Roslof Keep Campaign and The Cities of Sorcery; both of which are available in print in a limited pledge level this time round too). The previous two covers featured art from Jeff Easley and they are continuing the Classic 80’s TSR Artist Studio theme this time round with no on other than Larry Elmore providing the cover for The Storyteller’s Arcana.

The Storyteller’s Arcana is 128 page hardcover (also available as PDF) that will be split into three sections. The cover says “This life-long DM’s custom guide to adventuring is compatible with both 1E and 5E mechanics. Expand your gaming knowledge and find the sweet spot for fast and fun adventuring with new NPCs, classes, kits, named monsters, lairs, magic, and much mire in this new gaming supplement for all ages.”

Part One is Trope NPCs & Current Class Additions, which expands your game with new NPC classes and kits for Player classes. Part Two, Good Gaming and what I’ve learned in the past 30 years at the table, is full of DM advice, suggestions, new rules to flesh out your campaign and a load more info that DMs old and new should find an interesting read. Monsteers, magic and single dungron encounters are covered in the final section, Part Three’s Spot Encounters, Mini-Maps, and Cool Campaign Adds.

Artifices of Quartztoil Tower – 5E Adventure – Only $10! By Nord Games
(Campaign Ends : Wednesday 4th October 2017; 04:00 UTC)

Artifices of Quartztoil Tower is a 50-60 page, full color, adventure by Noah McCoy. It’s been written specifically to be suited to adventuring parties of any level and is expected to take about 3 to 5 gaming sessions to complete.

A town is beset by incursions from strange creatures; constructs of metal, magic, and old bones. All signs point to the mysterious Quartztoil Tower, standing tall over the mountains to the north, and thought long abandoned. Rumors of the magical secrets contained within have not gone unnoticed, however, and others are drawn to the tower by dark dreams, and darker voices…

Designed for any campaign setting, the adventure is full of new monsters and items, as well as “a new and very interesting group of NPCs that not only play major role in this adventure, but could be used in your wider campaign world.”

The Deck of Many: DnD 5e Reference Cards by Cardamajigs
(Campaign Ends : Thursday 5th October 2017; 12:59 UTC)

The Deck of Many are a series of reference cards for 5E covering Monsters, NPCs, Conditions and Weapons… with new decks being made available through stretch-goals in this successful campaign with just under a week (as of writing) left to go!

The Deck of Many is a tool used to assist Game Masters in their role-playing campaigns, freeing them from traditional reference books and allowing them to only bring the references they need. Each card features original artwork and easy to reference information.

The cards are Tarot sized (70mm x 120mm) and each deck comes with between 20 to 30 cards. Some of the monster cards are split over two cards due to the amount of information presented. There will also be two blank Monster/NP cards in each deck to allow GMs to make their own encounters. A blank deck of 40 additional cards is also available as a purchasable add-on.

In Darkness Delve Vol. 1: DnD 5E Adventures for Levels 1-10 by Michael Cerny
(Campaign Ends : Thursday 5th October 2017; 23:59 UTC)

In Darkness Delve Vol 1 is the first in a series of adventure anthologies. This volume includes five demonic adventures for levels 1 to 10 along with over a dozen ne w monsters and some powerful new magic items. The adventures are as follows…

Dealing With Your Demons by Josh Heath (Levels 1-4 and 6-10)
The present is haunted by echoes of the past.

Dealing With Your Demons is divided into three parts, designed to be played a bit at a time as characters progress through their adventuring career.

In Part 1, the PCs discover a lost temple in the wilderness - guarded by a foul demon - who they will almost certainly feel honor bound to dispatch. The first adventure will feel very much like a standard, short, introductory adventure: find a mysterious temple, investigate, clear it of foul creatures and collect the treasure.

In Part 2, the group will continue their careers, assuming that the events from Part 1 are just distant memories. Except, they find themselves plagued by increasingly frequent attacks and ambushes. Someone or something is holding a grudge and the PCs need to figure out why.

In Part 3, the party finally realizes that the "demon" they dispatched in part 1 was no evil fiend, and that they have perpetrated a great evil on an ancient civilization. As the attacks ratchet up in frequency, the group must find a way to atone for their sins before being judged.

The Details are in the Devil by Rory Toma (Levels 5-10)
A deadly plague is sweeping the land, and worse, there are rumors of a demonic army following just behind. The panic-stricken people of Bannmar beg the party to seek aid from the walled town of Glaingow.

Arriving at the fortified town, the PCs are horrified to find it in flame and ruin. A giant demon, larger even than the town hall, is rampaging, threatening to destroy and consume the entire land.

No army or wizard can stand before the hellish beast and the group must do the unthinkable - find a way inside and kill the demon from within.

Demons in the Mine by Brian Saliba (Levels 6-8)
The demon, Shabrexibex, has decided to make a new home at the bottom of a dwarven mithril mine. He needs to make a few changes to give it that home-y abyssal feel, so he's sent a few minions to clear the way.

Infused throughout with dark humor, this adventure would be downright funny, if it weren't so horrifying.

Through the Demon Glass by John Teehan (Levels 2-4)
The Lady Melora is young, wealthy, and well traveled. She's also just been cut off by her older sister, the Lady Hansley.

Unfortunately, for Hansley, Melora has learned of dark magic during her wanderings and is going to put it to good use to keep the money flowing.

Teapots of Terror by John Teehan (Levels 3-5)
It's that time of year, time for Duryard's harvest festival. There's singing, dancing, and feasting. Madame Chellac, the finest potter in the region, has donated several lovingly made teapots to be auctioned off to help the needy.

Everything was going so well. Until, that is, Madame Chellac's teapots started exploding and demons begin attacking the crowd.

Dark Wizard Games: Double Mayhem Adventures by Mark Taormino
(Campaign Ends : Friday 6th October 2017; 20:55 UTC)

Mark Taormino’s adventures are written for OSRIC but easily adapted to a range of other related systems such as DCC, Pathfinder, D20, Labyrinth Lord, Swords of Wizardry, 1E AD&D and of course 5E.

The adventures mirror the style of the old 1980’s modules produced by TSR, as is immediately recognisable from just looking at the cover style…

The two adventures on offer are The Hanging Coffins of the Vampire Queen (Levels 10 to 14) and The Secret Machines of the Star Spawn (Levels 6-10). Each adventure comes with class blue map dungeons on the inside cover, over 50 numbered encounters, DM, Player and Character Backgrounds, Wandering Monster and Rumor tables, removable covers (for the printed softcover versions) and lots of classic style artwork.

Maximum Mayhem Dungeon #1: The Hanging Coffins of the Vampire Queen

The Vampire Queen has assembled a team of her worst prisoners for a little game. Together you strangers face a simple choice… death or freedom? She has challenged your daring band of adventurers to run the gauntlet of her wicked dungeon lair using all of your original weapons, magic items and possessions! You must survive terrible traps, beastly monsters, even each other as you outwit and fight your way through all the horrific surprises she has arranged. Fortune and glory await those brave souls who can escape from the Hanging Coffins of the Vampire Queen!

Maximum Mayhem Dungeon #2: The Secret Machines of the Star Spawn

Locals have been hearing whispers of strange happenings around the Ancient Volcano. Rumors over the last several years of an unspeakable evil that has risen up inside. An evil that “fell from the stars.” There is something wicked and devilish going on inside. Highwaymen report of strange creatures, mechanical monsters, horrible beasts and “little green men” that are roaming the land. You and your stalwart adventurers have decided to take on the challenge of plundering the mountain for the treasure within!

Dimgaard Vol. XXII – 5e DnD Adventures by Dan Hass
(Campaign Ends : Sunday 8th October 2017; 18:08 UTC)

In the latest volume of Dimgaard’s 5th edition adventures we’re given six adventures across two story-arcs as well as two supplements. The adventures take place in the Fey Secrets campaign, actually concluding that series, and the Tyranny in Purple campaign. The supplements are GLD23 Alchemist CR0-20 (Alchemist is an artificer speciality) and DGS31 Adventuring Days II for 2nd level PCs. The adventures are as follows:

Fey Secrets Campaign Series
FS19 Into the Wilds. The resilient villain Bane Cross has found refuge with his benefactor Arethisia. Can adventures cross the planes and rid the cosmos of Bane Cross’ evil. For 1-8 19th level characters.

FS20 Bane Cross. In the city of Hafa, the villain Bane Cross recovers within the protection of his patron. There is only a limited time to reach him before his clone is (again) in place and he ventures back out to spread evil. Can heroes reach him in time to prevent his reemergence? For 1-8 20th level characters.

FS21 Arethisia. The Mother of Hags has demonstrated her hatred of everything other than her ugly fey. While her initial plan to proliferate evil fey throughout the cosmos has been thwarted, unless she is directly confronted her machinations will continue to threaten all creation. Can heroes finally eliminate this threat to the cosmos. For a well-prepared party of 20th level characters.

Tyranny in Purple Campaign Series

TP8 The Onyxbane Factions. As the resistance works above ground to build an alliance capable of defending against the Tofarian Empire, beneath the mountains in the Cavern Realm an effort is underway to recruit newly discovered resources. However, the effort’s secrecy has been compromised. Can heroes overcome the intrigues within the dwarven community to garner their support? For 1-8 8th level characters.

TP9 The Keenbone Initiative. The thane of Virbur has engineered tacit support from the Onyxbane dwarves under his influence to support the surface revolt against the Tofarian Empire, but it is delicate. The thane is engaged in several activities that he hopes will solidify support, and the most important is to enlist other Onyxbane communities in the campaign. But the Keenbone kobolds won’t stand by idly as their generational enemies grow stronger. Can heroes circumvent the Keenbone initiative and establish the Onyxbanes as reliable allies? For 1-8 9th level characters.

TP10 The Keenbone Assault. With the help of the Tofarian Empire, the Keenbone kobolds are poised to move against their generational enemies – the Onyxbane dwarves. Can heroes emerge to prevent the annihilation of the dwarven town and galvanize the alliance between the dwarves than the Rebellion. For 1-8 10th level characters.


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If you have a forthcoming Kickstarter, or see one that excites you, please feel free to drop me an email on angus.abranson@gmail.com You can follow me on Twitter @ Angus_A or on Facebook where I often post about gaming.

See you tomorrow for Part 2 of our 5E Special!

Angus Abranson

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