OSR [Shadowdark] How would you make a gnome?


Heretic of The Seventh Circle
Since Gnomes are traditionally tiny, hidden workers helping the tall folk in their house chores, I think being able to do the equivalent of Prestidigitation + Mending as a 5-minutes actions could be cool.
Traditionally they're earth spirits one can invoke to help you do alchemy, and first appear as such in the writings of Paracelsus, to be fair.

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I crit!
Someone in the Facebook group said
“- able to appear in random places across the globe and send you postcards of them doing fabulous things while you have to work”

And that’s it! Maybe they disappear to that place for three rounds and then come right back.

Bill Zebub

“It’s probably Matt Mercer’s fault.”
Someone in the Facebook group said
“- able to appear in random places across the globe and send you postcards of them doing fabulous things while you have to work”

And that’s it! Maybe they disappear to that place for three rounds and then come right back.

Sounds like an alternative version of Banish. "Your target gets sent to a tropical island and sips colorful cocktails. If your focus is broken before 10 rounds are up it returns, pretty pissed off you for not having a higher spellcasting mod."

Voidrunner's Codex

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