Shapechanger threat - were-x's and X-weres etc.


ok, what you think of the rest of the statblock?

Is it just its humanoid form that is Small? Are the mongoose and hybrid forms the size of a human and its humanoid form the size of a halfling? Not convinced by that, I'd rather it stay the same size in all three of its forms like a Wererat, which is Medium sized in all three of its forms despite a Giant Rat being Small. The old AD&D Giant Weasel was Medium sized, so I prefer Medium Monstrosity (shapechanger).

Just noticed the Skills are both a point too low, it should have Perception +3, Stealth +5 with Proficiency and those ability scores.

Let's see, what else…

Does it really need Pack Tactics? Neither a Wererat or Werewolf (which the beastie is clearly based on) have that trait. If you like the trait I have no objection to leaving it in. Some mustelids (i.e. meerkats) are adept pack hunters after all.

Having both Hypnotic Dancing and War Dance is superfluous, just War Dance would do and I'd tweak the wording a bit.

How about this:

War Dance. As an action, the mongoosewere cavorts and prances, dancing towards a creature within ## feet (the war dance can not affect other mongooseweres). If the creature can see the mongoosewere, it must make a DC 12 Wisdom saving throw or be incapacitated for 1 minute, mesmerised by the mongoosewere's movements. Any other creature within range that see the war dance must make a DC 12 Wisdom saving throw with advantage or be incapacitated for 2 (1d4) rounds. A creature can repeat the saving throw at the end of each of its turns, ending the effect on itself on a success. The incapacitation also ends if the creature takes damage, or someone uses an action to shake or slap them awake. A war dancing mongoosewere can move up to 30 feet, but must move towards the creature targeted by its dancing.​

I'd have the range be greater than the mongoosewere's movement, just so you have the creepy effect of it dancing towards its mesmerised victim for a few rounds. Maybe 90 feet, or three rounds of dancing movement?

I'm also tempted to increase its STR and damage a tad since mongooses are a bit bigger and nastier than rats!

Maybe STR 13 (+1)?

Oh, and all its attacks should have +5 to hit, not +4, due to its DEX bonus of +3.

If you increase the Strength its Shortsword becomes 6 (1d6 + 3) damage.

Finally, a 1d4 dice for the bite seems weirdly low. Maybe 5 (1d8 + 1) instead?

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Casimir Liber

Have adopted all changes but kept pack tactics - imagining a troop of the critters attacking in unison....


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Have adopted all changes but kept pack tactics - imagining a troop of the critters attacking in unison....

Looks good mechanically except the Shapechanger trait shouldn't have "a specific Small human" since, going by the Description it can take the form of other humanoid races.

It should either be "a specific humanoid", "a humanoid" or, if you still want it to shrink in size when not in hybrid or animal form, either "a specific Small humanoid" or "a Small humanoid".

Or maybe it can assume a wide range of humanoid forms including Small and Medium ones? In that case, it ought to be "a Small or Medium humanoid."

In the latter three cases, its Size & Type need to revert to "Small or Medium monstrosity" like an earlier draft.

For reference, the original AD&D Wolfwere could turn itself into any humanoid between 4 and 7 feet tall, and could even change its apparent sex to whatever it thinks its victim would most be tempted by.

Oh, and the plural of mongoose is mongooses, not mongeese.

As for the Description, it could do with some slight polishing and typo correction (like the "serpetnkind" in the second sentence.

How about…

Giant mongooses tainted by demonic power, mongooseweres haunt warm climates, waylaying and murdering those they meet. They are arch enemies of all serpentine creatures, yet their bloodlust and the thrill of the hunt renders all sentient beings their prey.​
[If it is Medium size in all forms]​
A mongoosewere has three forms it shifts between. Its true form is indistinguishable from a mongoose the size of a person. It can also take on the form of an attractive humanoid, typically an elf, half-elf or human, whose inoffensive appearance helps it pass through urban areas easily. For combat, the monster adopts a human-sized hybrid form, furred and armed with sharp claws and teeth but standing on its hind legs. It is equally comfortable fighting in giant mongoose form. A mongoosewere prefers to fight alongside others of its kind and is sometimes accompanied by normal mongooses, giant weasels and other mustelids. These creatures are fierce and loyal companions under the direction of a mongoosewere.​
[If it Shapechanges into "a Small humanoid"]​
A mongoosewere has three forms it shifts between. Its true form is indistinguishable from a mongoose the size of a person. It can also take on the form of an attractive Small humanoid, typically a halfling, gnome, small elf or human child whose inoffensive appearance helps it pass through urban areas easily. A mongoosewere cannot imitate the appearance of another individual to disguise itself as them, but it can freely change the race, size, and apparent age of its humanoid form so as not to be recognized. For combat, the monster adopts a human-sized hybrid form, furred and armed with sharp claws and teeth but standing on its hind legs. It is equally comfortable fighting in giant mongoose form. A mongoosewere prefers to fight alongside others of its kind and is sometimes accompanied by normal mongooses, giant weasels and other mustelids. These creatures are fierce and loyal companions under the direction of a mongoosewere.​
[If it Shapechanges into "a Small or Medium humanoid"]​
A mongoosewere has three forms it shifts between. Its true form is indistinguishable from a mongoose the size of a person. It can also take on the form of a Small or Medium sized humanoid, preferring attractive and inoffensive appearance who can pass through urban areas easily, such as a human child, halfling, or elf. A mongoosewere cannot imitate the appearance of another individual to disguise itself as them, but it can freely change the race, size, and apparent age of its humanoid form so as not to be recognized. For combat, the monster adopts a human-sized hybrid form, furred and armed with sharp claws and teeth but standing on its hind legs. It is equally comfortable fighting in giant mongoose form. A mongoosewere prefers to fight alongside others of its kind and is sometimes accompanied by normal mongooses, giant weasels and other mustelids. These creatures are fierce and loyal companions under the direction of a mongoosewere.​
Snake Slayers. According to legend, the demon lord Graz'zt recognized mongooses proficiency at fighting snakes and created mongooseweres to battle his serpentine foes. Reaching up from the Abyss, he bestowed mongooses with the gift of shapechanging and speech and greatly increased their size and strength.​
Mesmerizing Dancers. Graz'zt also enhanced a mongoose's talent at bewildering or distracting another creature by dancing around, allowing a mongoosewere to transfix opponents with their combat acrobatics. Generally one member of a pack will dance while the others attack.​


Just noticed something curious in the 5E Monster Manual Jackalwere:

Medium humanoid (shapechanger), chaotic evil
Shapechanger. The jackalwere can use its action to polymorph into a specific Medium human or a jackal-humanoid hybrid, or back into its true form (that of a Small jackal). Other than its size, its statistics are the same in each form. Any equipment it is wearing or carrying isn't transformed. It reverts to its true​
form if it dies.​

It takes both Small and Medium forms but only has on listed size of Medium, so maybe we're supposed to do the same for the mongoosewere's Size & Type entry and put "Medium monstrosity (shapechanger)" there?

The more I think of it, the more I prefer Medium monstrosity over Medium or Small for the mongoosewere.

Consider the Oni: it's got Change Shape with "The oni magically polymorphs into a Small or Medium humanoid, into a Large giant, or back into its true form" but has Large giant as its Size & Type, not Large, Medium or Small giant.

I think the Size at the start of the monster is supposed to be the size of its true form, or maybe the form it's most commonly encountered in, considering the Jackalwere's true form is Small and it got Medium humanoid (shapechanger).


ok published here

Its Bite still has "If the target is a humanoid, it must succeed on a DC 11 Constitution saving throw or be cursed with wererat lycanthropy." That ought to be removed.

If it had AC 13 it doesn't need (natural armor), that was only if it's AC 14.

The passive Perception should be 13 as its Skill is +3.

Upon reflection, I think the first sentence of Shapechanger should be worded "The mongoosewere can use its action to polymorph into a Small or Medium humanoid, a mongoose-humanoid hybrid, or back into its true form (that of a mongoose)" rather than "to polymorph into a Small or Medium humanoid or a mongoose-humanoid hybrid, or back into its true form", as it's slightly clearer.

Apart from that it's good to go.

Will transcribe that (hopefully) final version in my next post.
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Medium monstrosity (shapechanger), chaotic evil
Armor Class 13
Hit Points 39 (6d8 + 12)
Speed 30 ft.

13 (+1)​
16 (+3)​
14 (+2)​
13 (+1)​
13 (+1)​
14 (+2)​

Skills Perception +3, Stealth +5
Damage Immunities bludgeoning, piercing, and slashing from monmagical attacks that aren't silvered
Senses darkvision 60 ft., passive Perception 13
Languages Common (can't speak in mongoose form)
Challenge 2 (450 XP) Proficiency Bonus +2

Foes of Serpentkind. The mongoosewere scores a Critical Hit if it rolls a 19 or 20 on a melee attack against a serpentkind creature. Serpentkind creatures also have disadvantage on melee attacks against the mongoosewere. Serpentkind includes snakes, nagas, yuan-ti and similar creatures.

Keen Hearing and Smell. The mongoosewere has advantage on Wisdom (Perception) checks that rely on hearing and smell.

Pack Tactics. The mongoosewere has advantage on an attack roll against a creature if at least one of the mongoosewere’s allies is within 5 feet of the creature and the ally isn’t incapacitated.

Shapechanger. The mongoosewere can use its action to polymorph into a Small or Medium humanoid, a mongoose-humanoid hybrid, or back into its true form (that of a mongoose). Other than its size, its statistics are the same in each form. Any equipment it is wearing or carrying isn’t transformed. It reverts to its true form if it dies.


Multiattack (Humanoid or Hybrid Form Only). The mongoosewere makes two attacks, only one of which can be a bite.

Bite (Mongoose or Hybrid Form Only). Melee Weapon Attack: +5 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 5 (1d8 + 1) piercing damage.

Shortsword (Humanoid or Hybrid Form Only). Melee Weapon Attack: +5 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 6 (1d6 + 3) piercing damage.

Hand Crossbow (Humanoid or Hybrid Form Only). Ranged Weapon Attack: +5 to hit, range 30/120 ft., one target. Hit: 5 (1d6 + 2) piercing damage.

War Dance. As an action, the mongoosewere cavorts and prances, dancing towards a creature within 90 feet (the war dance can not affect other mongooseweres). If the creature can see the mongoosewere, it must make a DC 12 Wisdom saving throw or be incapacitated for 1 minute, mesmerised by the mongoosewere's movements. Any other creature within range that see the war dance must make a DC 12 Wisdom saving throw with advantage or be incapacitated for 2 (1d4) rounds. A creature can repeat the saving throw at the end of each of its turns, ending the effect on itself on a success. The incapacitation also ends if the creature takes damage, or someone uses an action to shake or slap them awake. A war dancing mongoosewere can move up to 30 feet, but must move towards the creature targeted by its dancing.


Giant mongooses tainted by demonic power, mongooseweres haunt warm climates, waylaying and murdering those they meet. They are arch enemies of all serpentine creatures, yet their bloodlust and the thrill of the hunt renders all sentient beings their prey.

A mongoosewere has three forms it shifts between. Its true form is indistinguishable from a mongoose the size of a person. It can also take on the form of a Small or Medium sized humanoid, preferring attractive and inoffensive appearance who can pass through urban areas easily, such as a human child, halfling, or elf. A mongoosewere cannot imitate the appearance of another individual to disguise itself as them, but it can freely change the race, size, and apparent age of its humanoid form so as not to be recognized. For combat, the monster adopts a human-sized hybrid form, furred and armed with sharp claws and teeth but standing on its hind legs. It is equally comfortable fighting in giant mongoose form. A mongoosewere prefers to fight alongside others of its kind and is sometimes accompanied by normal mongooses, giant weasels and other mustelids. These creatures are fierce and loyal companions under the direction of a mongoosewere.
Snake Slayers. According to legend, the demon lord Graz'zt recognized mongooses proficiency at fighting snakes and created mongooseweres to battle his serpentine foes. Reaching up from the Abyss, he bestowed mongooses with the gift of shapechanging and speech and greatly increased their size and strength.
Mesmerizing Dancers. Graz'zt also enhanced a mongoose's talent at bewildering or distracting another creature by dancing around, allowing a mongoosewere to transfix opponents with their combat acrobatics. Generally one member of a pack will dance while the others attack.

(Original monster designed by Casimir Liber and Cleon on the Creature Catalog Monster Homebrews forum)
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