D&D 5E sleep vs tasha's laughter

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I like sleep.
It never becomes useless, as there will always be guards you can lay to sleep nonviolently with no chance for a save. Even if you have to upcast it to 5th level to maake sure it works. 3d8 + 2d8/spell level is good scaling. 11d8 for level 5 is an average of nearly 50 hp of sleeping guards.

and for an enemy: the average 9th level wizard won't be too happy either:
Assuming 14 con, your hp will be 8 + 8*6 = 56 hp. One good hit from an ally and you take out the wizard with a single cast of sleep.


and for an enemy: the average 9th level wizard won't be too happy either:
Assuming 14 con, your hp will be 8 + 8*6 = 56 hp. One good hit from an ally and you take out the wizard with a single cast of sleep.
Except it is going to put his familiar, his hechman and your injured Rogue to sleep first unless you can get them out of the AOE.

It can be useful, but it can also be hard to land.

Voidrunner's Codex

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