WOIN Small magic questions


Hello! I have two small questions concerning magic, or rather, one question concerning MP regeneration, and one concerning the mage exploit arcane bolt.

My question about MP regeneration comes from how it is worded in the book. It says that a magic-user recovers MP when resting, and once per day they can spend time to regain their MP, then they need 8 hours of rest to regain the ability to do so.

How I initially read that is that when waking up in the morning (assuming a proper rest) you would have full MP, then during the day you can spend an hour to refill MP, and when you rest again at night, you regain both the ability to regain MP through time, and full MP. However, I realize it could also mean that you only regain MP after spending time to do so, and resting only refills the ability to spend time to get MP, so 8 hours of rest would not restore MP, just the ability to spend an additional hour to refill your MP. Which is it? I am still thinking it is the former, but I thought it wouldn't hurt to ask.

My second question is if you just roll MAG when using arcane bolt, or if you can roll MAG (evocation).

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How I initially read that is that when waking up in the morning (assuming a proper rest) you would have full MP, then during the day you can spend an hour to refill MP, and when you rest again at night, you regain both the ability to regain MP through time, and full MP. However, I realize it could also mean that you only regain MP after spending time to do so, and resting only refills the ability to spend time to get MP, so 8 hours of rest would not restore MP, just the ability to spend an additional hour to refill your MP. Which is it? I am still thinking it is the former, but I thought it wouldn't hurt to ask.
Yea, I can see some confusion on the wording. The way I read it is that a PC can only do the one (1) hour to recover their MP if they've been well-rested via eight (8) hours or the equivalent. The eight (8) hour rest itself doesn't recharge their MPs, but allows them to then spend an hour meditating (or studying, etc.) which does.

They don't have the option of recovering MP via 8 hour rest, and then also recovering their full MPs one per day as well via 1 hr rest.

Although, that would be an easy enough tweak if someone wanted to go higher magic use.


I can see it either way due to the wording, since I says "A magic-user recovers MP by resting." But it never calls the hour recovery resting, but it DOES describe the eight hour rest as resting. The wording is weird, and I read it as the double-recovery method, but that gives an ABSURD amount of MP, so I feel like it is just funky wording?


It is, but it's not quite as funky to me. The paragraph reads like a contract paragraph, and I read it that way (which is my day job) so I'm sort of used to various conditionals and stuff. The first sentence is descriptive but "rest" isn't really defined. The second sentence and paragraph detail how one exactly recovers MP via resting - specifically, one needs to be well rested (8 hrs) and then spend an hour recovering the MP via study or method.

It feels like it implies a bit like it's a 9 hour period - 8 hr rest followed by 1 of study, but I think the intent is more rest for 8 hrs, and then you can recover MPs during the day, at a 1 hr rest at the PCs choice / timing. I suppose the further one gets from being freshly rested ... well, you get it.

Totally fair question, by the way. I completely see where you are coming from.


I see where you're coming from, but they say you recover MP by resting, stops the sentence, and then later defines how one becomes rested (8 hours).

The 1 hour thing is also specifically doing something, not just resting. That thing cannot be stressful, but it is still a focused activity.

I agree with you that I think the RAI is that it is a 9 hour thing to get it all back, but the RAW I feel has issues in its wording I was hoping to clarify.


Well, that was fun
Staff member
Hello! I have two small questions concerning magic, or rather, one question concerning MP regeneration, and one concerning the mage exploit arcane bolt.

My question about MP regeneration comes from how it is worded in the book. It says that a magic-user recovers MP when resting, and once per day they can spend time to regain their MP, then they need 8 hours of rest to regain the ability to do so.

How I initially read that is that when waking up in the morning (assuming a proper rest) you would have full MP, then during the day you can spend an hour to refill MP, and when you rest again at night, you regain both the ability to regain MP through time, and full MP. However, I realize it could also mean that you only regain MP after spending time to do so, and resting only refills the ability to spend time to get MP, so 8 hours of rest would not restore MP, just the ability to spend an additional hour to refill your MP. Which is it? I am still thinking it is the former, but I thought it wouldn't hurt to ask.
The latter is correct.
My second question is if you just roll MAG when using arcane bolt, or if you can roll MAG (evocation).
When you roll an attribute check, that always includes skills and equipmwnt

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