Smaller Core books


Kae'Yoss said:
Instead of Fireball, Lightning Bolt, Cone of Cold, and so on, we might just have Elemental Strike, and you can choose an energy type (just like energy powers in the EPH work) and maybe even an area type (ray, bolt, burst, ball, cone....)

This is one change that I would find particularly distressing. One of the things that makes D&D, D&D, IMO is the long list of spells. I don't mind having delayed blast fireball rolled into the standard fireball, but I want separate entries for lightning bolt and scorching ray[/i] (for example).

My general feel on the shrinkage, though, is that I'm fine with it, proved they're tightening up the rules. In fact, if I can run a game with as much depth and ease of use with fewer pages of rules, I'll pay more for lower page count (to a point).

I'm not too concerned about the PHB and MM. Those changes could be accounted for in tighter rules (apparently a major focus of 4E), better editing, and a change in layout. I'd like to see the book size stay consistant, with more content replacing complexity, but I'll live.

The DMG both concerns me and doesn't. If the DMG is as "meaty" (or lacking in meat) as the 3x DMG, then there isn't much loss. Honestly, given the 3x content, you could move the magic items to the PHB and the traps, xp awards, and NPC/treasure guidelines to the MM and get rid of the DMG. On the other hand, if there is the sort of insight and creative sidebars (gemstone properties, lists of descriptive adjectives, etc.) that EGG included in the 1E DMG, I want that book to return to being the largest of the set. I'll be happy, though, if we get the basics of traps, NPCs, rewards, magic items, and some well organized aids in dungeon dressing.

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Mystery Man

First Post
Don't forget DnDi.

This may or may not be the reason for the smaller books, but you'll have more content thru that if you choose to buy it.

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