Spartan Warships


Well, that was fun
Staff member
This is a collection of Spartan warships. I'll add to it gradually. Design principles:

1) Spartans use amor rather than shields
2) Spartans prefer ballistic weapons to energy weapons
3) Spartan design emphasises raw power
4) Spartan ships are... spartan inside. Spartans don't suffer the LUX penalty.

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Well, that was fun
Staff member
Kor-Lang 'Dominator' Class XII Destroyer
Weight 208,071 tons; Cargo Units 2100 (135.0 available; capacity 6,750.0 tons)
Hull Class XII (INIT -2d6)
Traits Heavily-armed
Crew 450 (cost 90000cr/m); Troops 100; Passengers 0 (0 standard, 0 luxury)
Command & Control Systems
Computers 1x Kle'eg MKV Battle System (CPU cycles: 70; max FTL: 13; checks: +0d6)
Sensors Godar MKII (range 6; check +0d6)
Engine & Propulsion Data
Subluminal 1x Kadrya MKI Fusion Reactor (power 58 ; SPEED 4.8; fuel efficiency 0.6)
FTL 2x Kessec MKI Antimatter Engine (power 72 ea; FTL 12.0; fuel efficiency 0.9)
Backup FTL -
Operational Range 1,555 parsecs
Defensive Data
Superstructure 160 DEFENSE 13 E-DEFENSE 20
Armor 76x ablative (SOAK 10 ballistic, 6 energy.)
Shields -
Point Defenses 12x Ba'el Heavy Repeater MK I Defense Cannon (+4 vs. missiles and fighters, Aura: 8)
Weapons Data
1x B'iJik Type 3 Magnetic Railgun (range 6; damage 7d6 ballistic; attack +0d6)
8x Kellein Type 1 Particle Cannon (range 4; damage 3d6 heat; attack +0d6)
Luxury 20% (Spartan: -2d6)
Facilities Sickbay (20), Training Hall (40), Messhall (50), Armory (50),
General Systems
Electronic Warfare 1x T'Panga Electronic Warfare System,
Tractor Beams 1x K'Chorla MKII Control Beam,
Cloaking Device
Hangars & Bays
Shuttles 4 ( 1x K'mtar Marauder Deck, )
Fighters 0 ( )
Vehicles 0 ( )
Market Value 6223 MCr
The Spartans are not known for their subtlety, and this is nowhere more apparent than in the design of their warships. The Kor-Lang class is designed to intimidate and destroy. The enormous magnetic railgun at the front of the ship can decimate most foes with ease, and the broadsides particle cannons can rain a constant stream of fire down upon the Kor-Lang’s enemies. Like most Spartan ships, the design is frugal at best - Spartans operate better without luxury, and so none of the vessel’s tonnage is wasted on anything other than training halls, an armory, and capacity for 100 aggressive Spartan berserker troops.

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Well, that was fun
Staff member
Kra'Changa 'Destructor' MK I Class XIII Battleship
Weight 240,000 tons; Cargo Units 2400 (0.0 available; capacity 0.0 tons)
Hull Class XIII (INIT -2d6)
Traits Tough
Crew 720 (cost 144000cr/m); Troops 0; Passengers 0 (0 standard, 0 luxury)
Command & Control Systems
Computers 1x Adjur MKIII Battle System (CPU cycles: 85; max FTL: 13; checks: +0d6)
Sensors K'Ehleyr MKIII (range 10; check +0d6)
Engine & Propulsion Data
Subluminal 1x Batrell MKI Fusion Reactor (power 90 ; SPEED 6.9; fuel efficiency 0.6)
FTL 4x Dracla MKI Antimatter Engine (power 32 ea; FTL 9.8; fuel efficiency 0.9)
Backup FTL -
Operational Range 1,977 parsecs
Defensive Data
Superstructure 180 DEFENSE 10 E-DEFENSE 22
Armor 117x ablative (SOAK 14 ballistic, 9 energy.)
Shields -
Point Defenses 4x G'Vera Automatic MK I Gatling Gun (+1 vs. missiles and fighters, Aura: 5)
Weapons Data
6x Koloth Type 2 Projectile Cannon (range 5; damage 5d6 ballistic; attack +0d6)
Luxury 17% (Spartan: -2d6)
Facilities Armory (50), Brig (30), Messhall (70), Training Hall (70),
General Systems
Fueling -
Electronic Warfare 1x T'Panga Electronic Warfare System,
Tractor Beams 1x K'Chorla MKII Control Beam,
Cloaking Device -
Engineering -
Hangars & Bays
Shuttles 4 ( 1x K'mtar Marauder Deck, )
Fighters 0 ( )
Vehicles 0 ( )
Market Value 6441.5 MCr
This behemoth is more an array of giant projectile cannons attached to an engine than anything else. The six enormous cannons point forwards, and are able to unleash a salvo capable of immense destruction. The vessel lacks little else in armaments, other than point-defence systems, and is often accompanied by smaller warships. If a Kra'Changa arrives in your system, something's getting destroyed.

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Well, that was fun
Staff member
Ka'Jor 'Overlord' MKI Class XVIII Carrier
Weight 499,980 tons; Cargo Units 5000 (2.0 available; capacity 100.0 tons)
Hull Class XVIII (INIT -3d6)
Traits Scramble
Crew 4350 (cost 870000cr/m); Troops 400; Passengers 0 (0 standard, 0 luxury)
Command & Control Systems
Computers 1x Kle'eg MKVI Battle System (CPU cycles: 100; max FTL: 15; checks: +0d6)
Sensors K'Ehleyr MKIII (range 10; check +0d6)
Engine & Propulsion Data
Subluminal 1x Batrell MKI Fusion Reactor (power 90 ; SPEED 5.0; fuel efficiency 0.6)
FTL 2x Kessec MKII Antimatter Engine (power 79 ea; FTL 8.8; fuel efficiency 0.8)
Backup FTL -
Operational Range 4,666 parsecs
Defensive Data
Superstructure 200 DEFENSE 14 E-DEFENSE 26
Armor 56x ablative (SOAK 5 ballistic, 3 energy.)
Shields -
Point Defenses 18x G'Vera Automatic MK I Gatling Gun (+3 vs. missiles and fighters, Aura: 7)
Weapons Data
2x KaiTan Type 2 Magnetic Railgun (range 3; damage 5d6 ballistic; attack +0d6)
1x Vor-tang Type 3 Plasma Delivery System (range 3; damage 8d6/2d6 plasma; attack +0d6)
Luxury 9% (Spartan: -2d6)
Facilities Armory (500), Messhall (300), Training Hall (300),
General Systems
Electronic Warfare 1x T'Panga Electronic Warfare System,
Tractor Beams 1x K'Chorla MKII Control Beam,
Cloaking Device -
Hangars & Bays
Shuttles 20 ( 1x Agi-Kell Marauder Deck, )
Fighters 100 ( 1x Cha-Eng Marauder Deck, )
Vehicles 0 ( )
Market Value 14425 MCr
One of the earliest Spartan carriers, the Ka'Jor class is able to deploy a complement of 100 fighters, along with 20 support vessels filled with up to 400 berserkers armed and ready to board enemy ships. Although a monster, the Ka'Jor can be vulnerable on its own due to a lack of overlapping fire-arcs (a theme common amongst Spartans, who like to concentrate firepower forwards).



Well, that was fun
Staff member
K'Chinga 'Talon' Class VI Scout
Weight 63,675 tons; Cargo Units 800 (653.0 available; capacity 32,650.0 tons)
Hull Class VI (INIT -1d6)
Traits Explorer
Crew 28 (cost 5600cr/m); Troops 0; Passengers 0 (0 standard, 0 luxury)
Command & Control Systems
Computers 1x Khidri MKIV Battle System (CPU cycles: 35; max FTL: 7; checks: +0d6)
Sensors Godar MKII (range 6; check +0d6)
Engine & Propulsion Data
Subluminal 1x Kargan MKI Fusion Reactor (power 38 ; SPEED 6.3; fuel efficiency 0.6)
FTL 1x D'Ghor MKI Antimatter Engine (power 20 ; FTL 3.3; fuel efficiency 0.8)
Backup FTL -
Operational Range 173 parsecs
Defensive Data
Superstructure 18 DEFENSE 17 E-DEFENSE 11
Armor -
Shields -
Point Defenses -
Weapons Data
2x Ankhisk Type 1 Magnetic Railgun (range 2; damage 3d6 ballistic; attack +0d6)
Luxury 63% (Poor: -1d6)
Facilities Sickbay (5), Training Hall (5), Messhall (5),
General Systems
Fueling -
Electronic Warfare 1x T'Panga Electronic Warfare System,
Tractor Beams -
Cloaking Device 1x K'mtar Ambush System,
Engineering -
Hangars & Bays
Shuttles 0 ( )
Fighters 0 ( )
Vehicles 0 ( )
Market Value 1372 MCr
This iconic, feared Spartan ship is well-known. Designed for ambushes, it is adept at sudden, deadly attacks. The wing-mounted railguns are powerful, short range guns which can shred an enemy in seconds. The ubiquitous ship is old, but still sees plenty of service today - many pirates use older models, although few of those still retain the Spartan components, having long since been replaced piecemeal (thus the example shown in the NEW core rulebook). The ship's main weakness, at least as originally designed, is the complete lack of defensive measures - the Spartans used it for quick, lethal attacks, and never saw the need for armor or point-defences.



Well, that was fun
Staff member
T'Loth 'Little Thorn' MKI Class II Corvette
Weight 8,867 tons; Cargo Units 150 (92.0 available; capacity 4,600.0 tons)
Hull Class II (INIT 0)
Traits Tactical,Evasive
Crew 4 (cost 800cr/m); Troops 0; Passengers 0 (0 standard, 0 luxury)
Command & Control Systems
Computers 1x DuKath MKI Battle System (CPU cycles: 17; max FTL: 4; checks: +0d6)
Sensors Divok MKI (range 2; check +0d6)
Engine & Propulsion Data
Subluminal 1x Azetbor MKI Fusion Reactor (power 15 ; SPEED 7.5; fuel efficiency 0.6)
FTL 1x Huraga MKII Antimatter Engine (power 8 ; FTL 4.0; fuel efficiency 0.9)
Backup FTL -
Operational Range 7 parsecs
Defensive Data
Superstructure 18 DEFENSE 20 E-DEFENSE 10
Armor -
Shields 1x Sk'atha MKI Shield Generator (power 10 ea; SOAK 5)
Point Defenses -
Weapons Data
3x Gar'Tag Type 1 Railgun (range 2; damage 2d6 ballistic; attack +0d6)
Luxury 50% (Poor: -1d6)
Facilities Sickbay (1),
General Systems
Electronic Warfare
Tractor Beams
Cloaking Device
Hangars & Bays
Shuttles 0 ( )
Fighters 0 ( )
Vehicles 0 ( )
Market Value 203 MCr
This fighting vessel is a mainstay of the Spartan navy, often deployed in groups to protect larger warships. Three forward-pointing railguns and - unusually for Spartan vessels - one of their only deflector shield models give it a nasty bite. A crew of four mans the T'loth, sharing a tiny dormitory and a one-man medical closet.

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