The Cape #1 & 2:Pilot/Tarot-Seadon 1/2011

Truth Seeker


Former police sergeant Vince Faraday is framed as notorious criminal Chess and left for dead at the hands of the corrupt ARK corporation's security. Mentored by Max Malini among a group of bank robbers who use carnival talents, Vince must leave behind his wife and son to fight against corruption in Palm City, including villains Chess and Scales. Under the guise of The Cape, Vince must trust mysterious blogger Orwell to help in the fight.


Ark Corporation's aim is at prison privatization, but The Cape will battle Chess and his newest ally Chef to stop it. As Chess and Chef set their sites on Secretary for the Bureau of Prisons Patrick Portman, the Cape intervenes, barely surviving the encounter. Orwell, Max Malini, and the circus gang band together to help the Cape recover and also save Patrick.

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The lead actor annoys the shiznit out of me, especially with his airy, grating voice. Otherwise I thought it was pretty decent, including the rest of the cast. Seemed to switch between wanting to be stylish and wanting to be gritty/realistic a number of times, but that might work if done well enough.


Mod Squad
Staff member
I was unimpressed. The acting was okay, but the writing was shallow and archetypal, leaving the characters to be mere sketches of people, so most of them lacked anything like a real personality. The plot has been similarly thin.

I generally give any new show at least three or four episodes to grab me, so I'll probably watch a couple more, but my expectations are not high.


First Post
Overall, I enjoyed it. It wasn't particularly deep, but I don't really think the show was trying to be. My impression was that they were drawing a lot of influence from comic books (as opposed to something like Heroes). Also, I suspect that they were favoring action over drama for the purpose of emulating comics, as well as getting ratings.

I had to work last night, and watched my recording today. When I watched it, it seemed a little short to me. Unless I missed something, the second episode was only 40 minutes long, which I'm sure didn't help characterization.

My one complaint would be the "family" scenes with Dana and Tripp. Especially in the second episode, they didn't seem to have any impact on the story. That makes me question why they're in the episode at all. Hopefully that changes one way or the other in the coming episodes.

A 2.6 rating is not stellar for the premiere. Hopefully the fact that it was on a Sunday, not at its regular time, and not with any other shows is responsible for the relatively low ratings.


I saw the first episode and wasn't particularly intrigued. Couldn't really be bothered with the second. Well let me know if it improves.


I re-watched some of teh early parts I missed plus some more last night and was still not thrilled.

Goliath, er, Spawn, er Max was shallow, but decent.

Summer Glau as "Orwell" struck me as way too derivative of a gal who is actually hotter (!) , Dina Meyer, as Oracle in "Birds of Prey" and "Eyes Only" in "Dark Angel".

The lead actor still kind of bugs me but I guess he's a good 'everyman'.

Scales is no Juggernaut.

Chess(ire Cat eyes) is kind of two-dimensional as a main villain.

All-in-all, I think maybe they tried to introduce too many characters/villains ala "Batman & Robin" and "Batman Forever" (shudders at the memory of those films) especially since there's no background/pop culture history base for these characters.


Jason Tondro (author of the ICONS Field Guide to Superheroes series) had some good comments and observations about The Cape in his Doctor Comics blog yesterday.

Personally, I've been in the mood for a new action show that's light fair for awhile now. If anything, it's worth watching for the eye candy of Orwell and her sweet ride!


First Post
I re-watched some of teh early parts I missed plus some more last night and was still not thrilled.

Goliath, er, Spawn, er Max was shallow, but decent.

Summer Glau as "Orwell" struck me as way too derivative of a gal who is actually hotter (!) , Dina Meyer, as Oracle in "Birds of Prey" and "Eyes Only" in "Dark Angel".

The lead actor still kind of bugs me but I guess he's a good 'everyman'.

Scales is no Juggernaut.

Chess(ire Cat eyes) is kind of two-dimensional as a main villain.

All-in-all, I think maybe they tried to introduce too many characters/villains ala "Batman & Robin" and "Batman Forever" (shudders at the memory of those films) especially since there's no background/pop culture history base for these characters.

They aren't cat eyes, they are a chess peice, knight I think.

Voidrunner's Codex

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