Victoria Rules
This is a theory, as at this point is much of what we know about 4e. That said, the evidence is piling up fast...Charwoman Gene said:Simulation has been eliminated as a design goal in 4e.
This is a fact.
What do you mean by "sandbox play"?D&D 4e is not ideally suited to sandbox play or rules-emergent world building.
Yes we do. As it has been stated that initial design is even now still in flux - never mind secondary design for the second-third-fourth round of core releases - *and* that WotC are paying at least some attention to what is said here, then having 40, or 60, or 320 posts/threads asking "where'd the simulation (def.: realism) go?" would indicate there's at least some desire for them to keep it/put it back.We don't need 40 Threads that amount to whining about this fact.
I'm not sure 3e was the heyday here, as it was more rules-heavy. The lighter the rule-set, the more (or less) realistic things can be made, depending on the DM.I feel bad for simulation players and DMs, it reflects the sandbox experience I wish I could find others to enjoy with me. 3e was kind of a heyday for you. But its done, if you want to protest, speak with your wallet and voices, but let the criticism focus on what can be fixed.