The Ecology of the Elven Cat (unpublished AD&D 2E version)


And that's the end of another one. Obviously, this was written back in the AD&D 2nd Edition days (as evidenced by some of the teminology in the notes) - in fact, according to my records, I submitted it back on 6 November 1997. It was rejected in part due to the "graphic nature" of parts of the storyline, and I recall Chris Perkins (then the assistant editor of Dragon) specifically not liking the "twig breaking" cliché. I couldn't really argue with them, either, because even I felt I had probably crossed the "graphics line" with this one. Naturally, the "graphics line" was much closer in those days; I don't think this storyline was anywhere near as bad as some of the things that would later become acceptable in Dragon fiction, but then times change.

In any case, I hope you enjoyed reading it.

Oh, and for those who care, I shortened "Brokko" to "Brokk" when I needed a thuggish-sounding name for the protagonist of my "Ecology of the Cyclopskin" (published in Dragon #254), and I liked the name "Gandlebain" enough (it sounded appropriately elvish to me) to reuse it in an adventure called "Rimbule the Metamorph" (published in Signs & Portents #7). "Skrunge" was actually the name of a half-orc assassin PC I rolled up in the AD&D 1st edition days and never got to use.

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Elven cat stats? Here's what I found off of Google:

2nd Edition elven cat stats from a Forgotten Realms Monstrous Compendium (listed under "Cat"):

3.0 version from the Creature Catalogue site (listed under "elfin cat"):

Alternate version, updated to 3.5 (scroll down the page a bit after clicking on the link):

No doubt there are probably other versions out there as well.



First Post
Thumbs up!

Johnathan, Hey, thanks a million... I love it as I do them all! It's a shame they won't revert back to the old format. I'm sure many here would love to see some more of your works published in Dragon.

Keeping my fingers crossed...



Inventor of Super-Toast
It's a bit graphic, but nothing too terrible. I really like this one, since it reads from the point of view of the creature being profiled, not from somebody fighting it. It's cool to be able to read these!

Demiurge out.


First Post
demiurge1138 said:
It's a bit graphic, but nothing too terrible.

Graphic? Come on! It's a very intelligent kitty cat, what do you expect it to do? A cunning runt left a running... (and that stupid little remark I made was worse than the implications in Mr. Richards story, no? Wah wah waaahhh!. Or if you remember the Gong Show and prefer their standards: GONG!).

Surely nobody was offended and the readers (even of Dragon magazine) won't have nightmares about beetle-sized felines ripping their goodies to ribbons, eh?

I, too, liked the fact that it was written in first person. It gave it a bit more perspective. He almost was obligated to write it this way since it's a cute and cuddly thing similar to what we all know and love (and true neutral). Not exactly a beast to be feared and loathed by all walks of life. If it was written in third person it'd almost have to be such a horribly foul creature as the seemingly ever feared "Vorpal Bunny" from Monty Python's "Quest for the Holy Grail".

Ecology was much appreciated. Now, I must beg for more...

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