Level Up (A5E) The Martials Die damage i add to my original damage is doubled when i crit?


according to the Powerful Blow and Way of the Fist features from the Adapt class, it says i can pay 1 exertion point (for each feature) to add an additional martial arts die of damage to the original damage. Is the damage added by those features multiplied when i crit or not?

Also, both features says i can use it after i hit the target, not before rolling the attack

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All damage is doubled on a crit.
hey just another 2 questions that popped in my mind

On the Way of the Fist feature, it says i recover Exertion points equal to half my proficiency bonus, but it doesnt say if it rounds up or down... i assumed it rounds up but i wanted to make sure

Also can i reload a weapon im not proficient?


hey just another 2 questions that popped in my mind

On the Way of the Fist feature, it says i recover Exertion points equal to half my proficiency bonus, but it doesnt say if it rounds up or down... i assumed it rounds up but i wanted to make sure

Also can i reload a weapon im not proficient?
Always round down unless it’s explicitly stated otherwise

Can you give me an example regarding loading? I’m not clear about what you’re asking.


Always round down unless it’s explicitly stated otherwise

Can you give me an example regarding loading? I’m not clear about what you’re asking.
for example, the pistol (or any weapon with the "loading" property tbf) requires an action to reload it, if im not proficient with said weapon, can i still reload it?

for example, the pistol (or any weapon with the "loading" property tbf) requires an action to reload it, if im not proficient with said weapon, can i still reload it?
this isn't how the loading property works (except for the revolver, but that's a noted exception). loading means you can only make one attack with any given action you use to attack when using that weapon, even if you could normally make more - it essentially drop kicks any extra attacks you might have in the face.

either way though, nothing about the loading property says you have to be proficient to load the weapon (even if it's a revolver), so yes, you can still load the weapon even if you aren't proficient with it.

Voidrunner's Codex

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