My group is nearing adventure 11 and I've been putting a lot of thought into how to do the Gyre bit. I'm not sure that doing it as written is going to be great for my table - the back and forth transitioning may leave one of my players confused and make focusing difficult.
One way I've been thinking of doing it is to make it seem like after Av, everything just crashed and burned as written. They land near the ziggurat, the ambush happens and they have their day to settle everything leading to the final battle against Nicodemus. This, I think, may cause the party to have that truly "We have no idea what to do or how to stop him" and when it's becoming clear that the battle is nearly hopeless pull out the, "A new memory comes to your mind - you begin remembering..." and transition to the moment the split happened and backtrack to the Gyre events.
Off the top of anyone's head, is there any issues anyone sees to this?