D&D 5E This is a wiki (collaborative) thread

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First Post
One problem - the "last updated" time in the forum index relates to the last post, and doesn't allow for updates to the wiki-ized first post. So you can't tell on first visiting the forum if a wiki has been updated unless the updater also posts a comment about it.

Bacon Bits

Perhaps it's just me, but the CSS for the Wiki threads appears to not support the Dark theme:

2017-06-01 11_49_53-D&D 5th Edition News, Rules, Homebrews, and House Rules.png


Editing a wiki thread does not, it would seem, count towards the required three posts new users need before they can do more stuff.

Makes sense!

And hey, now I'm down to just two more required posts!

Voidrunner's Codex

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