True20, I Think I Love You


First Post
Nice to know that this rule set is getting love from more than just the fans. I like it becuase it provides the structure of d20 while bringing back the fun (If I wanted a rules system that was as complex to set up and play as d20, i could always go and play a video game. I like my rules transparent. When they come out with a d20 for dummies book... you know things have been taken too far).


PS> Check out Chuck's Books!

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Brutorz Bill

First Post
Looks like I'm in some good company.

Ironic that True20 actually removes the impetus I had for working on Modern Medieval, since it provides a unified system with all the coolness and functionality I desire for use with both Fantasy and Modern. That, of course, doesn't mean that the Modern Medieval supplements don't have their uses in a True20 campaign. They just need a little work.;)

Does this mean we might see some SEP True20 products???


Does this mean we might see some SEP True20 products???
Well, I have a second kid on the way in February, so I'm afraid SEP is going to take an even bigger hit than has already happened. That being said, if I do further work in RPGs, it's either going to be my pet project (Choson, an RPG about 16th century Korea) or True20, so there's always a chance.

I would love to adapt Modern Medieval to True20 fantasy.

Brutorz Bill

First Post
Well, I have a second kid on the way in February, so I'm afraid SEP is going to take an even bigger hit than has already happened. That being said, if I do further work in RPGs, it's either going to be my pet project (Choson, an RPG about 16th century Korea) or True20, so there's always a chance.

I would love to adapt Modern Medieval to True20 fantasy.

Congratulations! Mine starts college next year.
I'd love to see you do a True20 version of Modern Medieval course I'd also love to see True20 versions of your Special Forces stuff.
Good Gaming!

You should check out Interface Zero... I like that book's take on Cybernetics better then Cybertech's cybernetic-enhancements as separate feats approach.
So how do they approach it?

I was planning to give my wallet a rest and not pick up Interface Zero, but I'd have to rethink that if there are great cybernetic rules.


First Post
So how do they approach it?

I was planning to give my wallet a rest and not pick up Interface Zero, but I'd have to rethink that if there are great cybernetic rules.


Thanks for your interest in Interface Zero.

You can purchase cybernetics/bioware for our character in a couple of ways.

First, you can purchase them outright, paying the cost for the upgrade (what we call cybernetic/bioware implants).

Or, you can take an Upgrade feat, which gives you 3 upgrade points to spend on cybernetic or bioware systems.

You can even combine the two, using upgrade points to offset the cost.

You can even opt to save your upgrade points and purchase more upgrade feats later until you accumulate enough points to purchase what you want.

Regardless of how you purchase the cybernetic/bio-mods, you must pay a tolerance cost, which reflects your body's ability to handle the integration of these systems.

To determine your Tolerance score add 10 to your total Fortitude save (10 + Base Fort + Con modifier + any relevant feats).

As you put more cybernetics and bioware into your body, your tolerance rating drops, and you start suffering penalties such as retarded healing, deteriorating personality, etc...

You can also purchase feats which allow you to improve your tolerance rating (Improved Tolerance), so there are ways to offset the damage done to your hero's body.

Various types of cyberware (masterwork, superior masterwork, etc) have lower invasiveness ratings, while others (usually substandard or blatant cyberware) have higher invasiveness ratings.

It's a trade off, but balances quite nicely. All in all great system.
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First Post
I don't have an opportunity to buy it right now, can anyone give any reviews/overviews?

Fighterboy posted this over at the True20 forums:

How to Use This Book............................2
ChapterOne: Warrior Creation.................3
What Defines a Warrior?........................4
Warrior Backgrounds.............................4
Warrior Core Abilities............................5
Warrior Variants...................................6
Mystic Knight.......................................6
Fighting Styles......................................6
Learning a Fighting Style........................6
Unarmed Stylesvs. Armed Styles ............6
Skills and Styles...................................6
Attack, Defense & Styles........................6
Creating Fighting Styles..........................6
Sample Fighting Styles...........................7
ChapterTwo: Skills and Feats..................11
ChapterThree: The Arsenal.....................25
ChapterFour: Expanded Combat..............39
Advanced Damage................................40
Advanced Criticals................................40
Margin of Success.................................40
Instant Death.......................................40
Automatic Damage................................41
Free Attacks.........................................41
Knockdowns and Knockback....................42
Vehicle Combat.....................................43
Mounted Combat...................................45
Stuck Weapons.....................................49
Getting a Weapon Stuck.........................49
Breaking Weapons.................................50
Weapon Toughness................................50
Teamwork Tactics..................................51
Combat Challenges................................51
Taking a Challenge ...............................51
Attack Challenges..................................51
Stunt Mechanics....................................53
Offensive Stunts ...................................54
Defensive Stunts...................................55
Maneuver Stunts...................................56
Variant Initiative Systems.......................56
Battlefield Events..................................57
Damage Roll.........................................58
Saves as Defense Scores........................59
Mass Combat........................................59
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