Weird and wonderful IC quotes at my table (WARNING-NOT FOR THE GENTLE OF SPIRIT, OR THE KIND OF HEART)

Over the space of a RL year.

'For the right fee, I will tell you.' Nes, when asked about his purpose.

'I plan to do just enough to keep you from kicking me out.' Wolf 's self-introduction.

'I guess I should have woke you this time.' Liam, after a Gendo night camp attack.

'I want to register a grievance: what do I have to do to get you to hit him with a hammer?' Wolf to Rugger, regarding Liam.

'I'm not inviting him to the Alcove.' Nes, regarding Liam's shooting of light panels.

'I'm counting that as a negligent discharge,' Otto to Liam, during the the second vex fight.

'Great way to greet people.' Wolf, in Lucatore.

'Nuure am ash hull.' Augie to Wolf.

'He doesn't need therapy, he just needs to quit being a little b*tch.' Cid, regarding Liam's mental state.

'I don't speak mime.' Otto to Augie.

'They didn't take enough tongue.' Rudger, about Augie.

'There's a pink slip coming, I can feel it.' Rudger.

'This not going to end well.' Wolf, after interviewing Verena.

'Look, we already f*cked up; let's just roll with it.' Augie, via note.

'I may not be able to tell the weather, but I can see the future.' Wolf, as they head out in a rainstorm.

'There's too many people on the bridge!' Nes, repeatedly, during the second assault on the Foster raid camp.

'How YOU doin'?' Lex, during a 'struggle snuggle' in the Foster raid camp fight.

'Sure, when I screw up everyone gets mad, but Lex hurts everybody and its OK.' Liam, after Lex's 'grenade in spider mouth' incident.

'Even I would have trouble getting laid in waders.' Wolf.

'It was a donation.' Otto defends looting the dead.

'I'm disappointed in how you handled that.' Wolf, after Rudger buys cloth from a looter.

'I don't really have a plan, but I would like to stop doing what NES wants.' Wolf.

'How did we end up with a scout who can't talk?' Otto. 'We were hiring on a budget.' Wolf.

'So if female and good-looking is off the table table because you're a d*ck, how about someone who can shoot?' Wolf to Rudger, regarding hiring former slaves.

'Which one of you bastards was supposed to help me over the wall!?!' Cid, after the Smiler fight.

'That was picturesque as hell!' Otto, as Johann heals Lex within the area effect of a sparkler.

'Don't scrap it, it's beautiful!' Otto, about the sub trapped in the ice.

'Maybe we should have asked what the tree we're supposed to kill looked like.' Rudger, in the Forest of Druids.

'I signed up to work with professionals.' Otto, about Augie in the Primer ruins.

''I thought he was trained.' Cid, about Liam in the Primer ruins.

'Good grenade.' Augie, as he collapses from friendly shrapnel.

'I'm following the leader; you're just a clanner.' Cid to Lex.

'I didn't think we would get this far.' Rudger, when it came time to meet the Horned God.

'I said it was a plan, I didn't say it was a good one.' Augie.

'Sooner or later we're going to have to choose a side.' Wolf, regarding the snarled mess of intrigue and plotting the Alliance is uncovering.

'In a fair fight with just about anyone, I will..likely lose. That's why I will kill you in your sleep.' Wolf, explaining his combat philosophy.

'Why are we here?' Johann, after with the first fight in calibration site one.

'It is a Fascist system, and I will burn it down…unless they promote me.' Wolf, on social inequities.

'You're lucky I'm not documenting these war crimes.' Wolf, after Johann used chlorine gas.

'Only use this if my life is threatened.' Friedrich to Philippe, upon issuing him a weapon.

'I am so tired of fighting in the dark.' Otto.

'You can put this guy, milk, and bread together, and couldn't tell them apart.' Wolf, about the image they found outside Mulhouse.

'I really want to see the Square of Heroes. F*ck me, what a bunch of pretentious c*nts.' Wolf, in Bassham.

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