WFRP 4e The Enemy Within Campaign Book 1: Enemy in Shadows Session #11 Scouting 4 Sigmar at the Schaffenfest.


Enemy In Shadows Cover.png

Welcome to the Old World.

Mutants, Monsters, Greenskins.

The poor wasting away in slums rife with disease and drugs, or else
fighting ferociously to try to make a facsimile of a life for themselves.

Merchants grabbing as much as they can, while using sugared words like
'freedom' and 'democracy' to legitimize their stranglehold, their greed.

While the Nobles sit atop the Empire's fetid stew, a law unto
themselves, insured and insulated against the encroaching shadow.

What could possibly go wrong?

This is an ongoing game, and so please leave a comment, but don't-
whatever you do- don't give the plot/story/anything away.

You know what they say- ignorance is bliss, and the
players here seem to have found their sweet spot.

Undoubtedly, more to follow...
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Friedrich Hass, Male Human (Reiklander) Witch Hunter (Interrogator) played by Jim.
The Ten Questions-

Where are you from?

Friedrich was born in Ubersreik and has lived in or around there for his entire life.

What is your family like?

Family is a sore subject. He is extremely close to his brother Olek; but he will coldly and bluntly dismiss any questions about his parents, with just a simple “they are dead”. When he was 7, his father was accused of “wanton perversion against the will of all mighty Sigmar” by Vice Dutchy Cecil Thimblewaite after he did not provide a sufficiently respectful discount on his wares. An inquisition was launched, and both of his parents were found guilty and executed by fire in Sigmar's holy name. As a public act of charity, the Vice Dutchy offered to “sponsor” the wretched children of the deceased and they were sent to the monastery of his holy mercies, just outside the city.

What was your childhood like?

Quiet and peaceful, at first. But the day Friedrich had to stand and watch his parents burn on the pyres changed him forever. Life at the monastery was unforgiving and cold. He learned that in order to protect himself and his brother, fear was an acceptable alternative to both love and respect. Olek became extremely devout to the teachings of the church, Friedrich showed an affinity to violence and authority, and drew the attention of the inquisition, specifically Fabergus Heinzdork, Master or Arms and Beloved of Sigmar who then began his training as an interrogator and witchfinder.

Why did you leave home?

His training complete, and with Olek being given consent to commence his first pilgrimage, he is free to start his journey to rid the Reikland of heretics.

Who are your best friends?

Olek, then Master Heinzdork. He has a living uncle who he sees from time to time, although he shares the unusual affliction that Olek has.

What is your greatest desire?

To be able to forget what happened when he was 7. If that is not possible to seek righteous justice for as many as he can until he dies. To make sure that Olek is safe, especially from the inquisition.

What are your best and worst memories?

The first time he successfully interrogated a heretic. A fisherman who had started to develop bulbous mutations on his neck and underarms. Freidrich remembers lighting the pyre and the assault on his senses while the man burned provided a sense of comfort he had not felt in many years.

What are your religious beliefs?

He pays service and tribute to the almighty Cult of Sigmar.

To whom, or what, are you loyal?

First his brother, then the Cult, everything else is a distant third.

Why are you adventuring?

To purge the unclean, to protect his brother, perhaps when he has done enough then he won't hear the screams anymore.


Olek Hass, Male Human (Reiklander) Artisan (Apprentice Blacksmith) played by George.
The Ten Questions-

Note, Olek has always been freakishly tall, he has stopped growing now- he is 7'3".

▪ Where are you from?

Ubersreik, Olek was raised in a monastery outside of town.

▪ What is your family like?

Olek's parents were declared heretics and executed, the witch hunter who convicted them brought Olek and Freidrich to a local monastery affiliated with the inquisition to "save" them from corruption.

▪ What was your childhood like?

Cold, and fairly brutal. Inquisitors do not make the most caring adoptive parents, and Olek's upbringing was mostly focused on purging the sins of his parents. Most of his time was spent indoors, maintaining and cleaning the equipment used by the witch hunters.

▪ Why did you leave home?

Olek was given no choice in leaving his initial home, but he has now finally recieved permission to leave the monastery after being accepted into the cult of Sigmar, in recognition of his devotion and faith.

▪ Who are your friends?

Olek has few friends, he has had little opportunity to meet new people in the monastery, and his unsettling mannerisms and all-consuming faith make him hard to approach. He trusts his brother, but is ever on guard for the possibility of betrayal. Family has failed him once already.

▪ What is your greatest desire?

While Olek would say his greatest desire is to "serve Sigmar in whatever way he is needed", his subconcious motivation is to be accepted and find a place in society. He sees entering the priesthood as the best path to achieving both.

▪ What are your best and worst memories?

While almost all of Olek's childhood would be a bad memory for most people, the singular worst moment for Olek was in learning that his parents were heretics, and the shame that placed upon him and his brother.

His best memory is his inauguration into the cult of Sigmar, his years of devotion to the god being finally recognized.

▪ What are your religious beliefs?

Even by Reikland standards, Olek is a devout Sigmarite, fervent and unshakeable in his faith

▪ To whom, or what, are you loyal?

Olek is loyal to Sigmar, the cult, and his brother. In that order. He would gladly die to protect any of the three, but even so he constantly searches for signs of heresy in the latter two.

▪ Why are you adventuring?

Olek seeks to prove his devotion to the cult and the Sigmarite faith, to do whatever he can to protect the Reikland and strengthen the empire.

FMcClean Headshot.png

Fergus McClean, Male Dwarf Scout (Guide) played by Bear.
The Ten Questions-

Where are you from?

Schwartzstein - A coal mining village in the foot hills of the grey mountains, between Helmgart and Castle Drachenfels

This is a tiny settlement of mostly dwarfs, trying to keep out of the way of the rest of the manling folk. Their neighboring settlement don't really like them, but those damn diggers do keep the coal flowing - so there's that.

Fergus spent his youth down' mine, just like his da, ma and just about everyone else he knew. Sometimes they wouldn't even see the surface for days a time. Dwarfs like it down there. No manlings to worry about.

What is your family like?

Both parents still alive. Father - Scaraman, Mother - Dorothy. They used to get on well enough, but Fergus hasn't seen them in years.

Lots of extended family, no children. Divorced. No one understands his desire to leave the hole.

What was your childhood like?

Family all got on well enough, went to school from 4 until 10, then down' mine. First as a lamp-holder, then cart-loader - one day he could hope to become a digger. If the mine didn't take him first. School was in the temple to Ancestor Aaron DeGrinn - the legendary first dwarf to invent gunpowder.

Why did you leave home?

Fergus had a wife, Cherrié McClean. They argued, who didn't?!? but theirs were worse and never seemed to finish. One day, he got off shift in 'mine and found her in bed with his "best friend" - Shamus. Took out his pocket axe, chopped his wedding finger off right there and tossed it at the pair - swearing that if he were a lesser man it would be their heads!

He walked out of the village that day and has never been back.

Who are your best friends?

No friends, Just his dog Shamus. Who he used to kick a lot - not so much anymore. He hates that damned dog, but he's never see anyone else harm it! Found the dog on the road. no one understands why it still hangs around him.

What is your greatest desire?

To settle down and be happy again. But he's never tell you that.

What are your best and worst memories?

see divorce.

Best: The day he found a nugget of solid gold in the mine! all the other dwarfs has somehow missed it. He smuggled it out an sold it to buy beer for all of his crew FOR A WEEK! Good times.

What are your religious beliefs?

Fergus believes in himself and the great Aaron DeGrinn.

To whom, or what, are you loyal?

He'll protect Shamus above all else. And his clan, even though they'll never know about it.

Why are you adventuring?

Once he got out in the surface world, he began to like the sunshine, the trees, and found all that time navigating underground had given him an uncanny sense of direction. He needed money to live, and people needed messages delivering. Some times even people found.

This usually kept him on the road, away from people. WHICH IS HOW HE LIKES IT!

NOTE: Shamus, Fergus' dog is... imaginary, he doesn't actually exist.


Lothar Jurgen Muller, Male Human (Reiklander) Witch Hunter (Interrogator) played by Kev.
The Ten Questions-

Where are you from?

Born and grew up in the town of Ubersreik (if that's where we are), to family of bakers.

What is your family like?

Father is a reasonably well known baker specializing in breads, and uncle has spin off business in pies!
Mother helps in bakery and runs the home.
Two older brothers - one (27) a baker, the other (24) working as a cart driver (wanting to be a coachman).
Younger sister (12) does some work at home but there's just enough money in the family to pay for her to go to a small local school.
Family pull together to make a better place for themselves, hold big family meals etc.
My career choice was not expected, but seen as another means to improve our place in the world.

What was your childhood like?

Hard work, but part of a close, large family. Just enough money to have someone teach me to read & write.
Otherwise, helping out at the bakery. Natural drawing skills meant I would often use this to advertise products, and earn a few extra coins for the family.

Why did you leave home?

A Witch Hunter was in town on the trail of a suspected sorcerer.
The trail had seemingly gone cold, until i had a funny feeling about a customer.
I remembered something of his features and mannerisms, and was able to match them to the witch hunters wanted poster.
After this helped the Witch Hunter, he asked if i wanted to become his apprentice (on an initial trial basis). So left town for a while to become the apprentice of Fabergus Heinzdork, Master or Arms and Beloved of Sigmar.

Who are your best friends?

Dan the Ham - taken over his father's butchers, after he died of an unknown disease. Still in town, looking after his family.
Swifty Lunq (Lunquist) - father owns the local tavern. Lunq is a bit of a dodgy individual.
Rolf - also apprenticed to Dan the Ham's father, would run with Lunq on some of his late night shenanigans. Rumour has it that he got himself into a bit of hot water one night and has since done a runner, possibly to Altdorf.

What is your greatest desire?

Have enough money so that my family do not have to work so hard, and are safe.
Move them into one of the big posh houses.

What are your best and worse memories?

Being cold and hungry during a difficult winter.
Being warm and cozy with a table full of food and family.

What are your religious beliefs?

Follower of Sigmar.

To whom or what are you loyal?

Family and friends above all others.

Why are you adventuring?

Fortune, Fame and Hunting those naughty witches!!

A note about character creation- we used the system exactly as described in the book, Jim (playing Frederich Hass) did everything he could to get a Witch Hunter and managed just (on his final roll) to make it across the line. Kev (playing Lothar Jurgen Muller) got to the same spot on his first roll, in fact Kev didn't change any of his dice rolls, he took whatever came up first roll every time.

Also, if you take the time to read the answers to the 10 questions (in the SPOILERS bit) you will note that the first three PCs are doing grim dark with extra grim and dark, while Kev (Lothar) is channeling the Waltons. It takes all sorts to make a massacre.
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The Enemy Within Campaign.
It is the year 2512, and I BLESS each Bountiful day be-midst the Wise Reign of His Imperial Majesty Karl-Franz I, Sigmar Hallow His Name. The Empire THRIVES, builds Bridges where once there was naught but CHASM! And GULF! The Beneficent Emperor His Imperial Majesty Karl-Franz I causes the TUMULT SKIES to rain down Peace upon all who dwell within these BLESS'D shores. Even those that must TOIL or CRAFT, even the Lowest of the Common CROWED. The Emperor His Majesty Karl-Franz I sends to ALL WHO DWELL WITHIN THIS GREAT LAND His countless Blessings- to jubilate all that countenance this PARADISE made plain, which is safely, securely, and surely blanketed with security. PRAISE SIGMAR!
Attributed to Gaunt Alain,
Witch Hunter.
Book 1: Enemy In Shadows.
Part 1: The Enemy Within.
Chapter 1: Wanted: Bold Adventurers.

Session #00 Introduction, Author Unknown.
Session #01 Entry 21:02:2512 Fergus McClean's Notebook.
Session #01 To The Coach & Horses.

Session #01 Letter to Princess Plum (Lothar's younger sister).

Session #02 The Eye of the Tiger.

Chapter 2: Mistaken Identity.
Session #03 Massacre on the Altdorf Road.
Session #04 Frederich's Prayer to Sigmar #01.
Session #04 A Non-Consensual Face Tigering.
Session #04 Olek's Prayer to Sigmar #01.

Session #04 Sgt Pflaster's Report ov Incydent.

Chapter 3: Heart of the Empire.
Session #05 ALTDORF!
Session #06 One Less Witch Hunter.

Chapter 4: On To Bogenhafen.
Session #07 Slow Barge to Weissbruck.
Session #07 Entry 27:02:2512 Fergus McClean's Notebook.

Session #07 Letter to Princess Plum #2.
Session #08 My Face Painting Days Are Over.

Book 1: Enemy In Shadows.
Part 2: Shadows Over Bogenhafen.

Chapter 5: The False Inheritance.
Session #09 The Magical Pickleman.

Chapter 6: The Schaffenfest.
Session #10a Everyone is go Schaffenfest!
Session #10b Good Fortune at the Schaffenfest.
Session #11 Scouting 4 Sigmar at the Schaffenfest.

A 5 Shilling BOUNTY will be payed to ANY
upon efidence tew the adjudicated authoritees
ov the remaints ov any an all MUTANTS!
slayn within the bordres of t' GLORYOUS EMPIRE
Commonly seen edict posted everywhere in the Empire.

Bring Out Your DEAD! A Liste of Dead PCs so far...
Awaiting an update- Spaces Avaialable!
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Great start to a campaign story!
I’m lucky enough to be playing in the Enemy Within campaign, run by @TheSword , and it is a superb story and set of adventures.
Good luck, and I will be following with interest to see if your characters are as stunningly successful and disastrously failing (often at the same time!) as Luchs Von Schwertkrieg, Alexis Falkenheyn and Hilda Von Lustfarht have been.

Great start to a campaign story!
I’m lucky enough to be playing in the Enemy Within campaign, run by @TheSword , and it is a superb story and set of adventures.
Good luck, and I will be following with interest to see if your characters are as stunningly successful and disastrously failing (often at the same time!) as Luchs Von Schwertkrieg, Alexis Falkenheyn and Hilda Von Lustfarht have been.
Is there a write up available anywhere, or anything... just so I can see how it's done.

Thanks for taking the time to encourage, appreciated.

Cheers goonalan

Is there a write up available anywhere, or anything... just so I can see how it's done.

Thanks for taking the time to encourage, appreciated.

Cheers goonalan
Wonderful to hear you’re having a crack at this!

We haven’t done full write ups but I’m happy to send what we did write? I know you don’t want spoilers in this thread but if you want to create a thread to discuss spoilers away from your players let me know.

Are you on the Ratcatchers Guild?

It’s a very good discord for all things WFRP. There are people on for all editions of the game and it’s a nice community.

Wonderful to hear you’re having a crack at this!

We haven’t done full write ups but I’m happy to send what we did write? I know you don’t want spoilers in this thread but if you want to create a thread to discuss spoilers away from your players let me know.

Are you on the Ratcatchers Guild?

It’s a very good discord for all things WFRP. There are people on for all editions of the game and it’s a nice community.
Hi there,

I'll try to make contact on Discord but, and here's the thing, I'm not very tech-savvy, and when I say not tech-savvy I really mean it.

I use a PC at work (as little as possible) I'm a university lecturer (with all the quals- I promise you I'm clever-ish), and obviously use the PC to play Fantasy Grounds (and Maptools before that) but... everything else, no idea.

I paid for Foundry and also bought a bunch of the WFRP books there, and after nearly three months of trying to make it work have finally abandoned it. I read all the instructions, watched the videos for the WFRP system (which seem to be all based on a previous incarnation) and after four 3-4 hour sessions with the players in Foundry trying to make it work- we gave it up.

We managed to work out how to make PCs, but then when we went back to it in the next session they had gone (the PCs) but we've not managed to actually make a map appear on the screen, or sort out how to use initiative, or to make tokens, or indeed to put tokens on a map (or anywhere).

My players are (two of 'em) IT whizz kids (compared to me) but even they couldn't work out Foundry.

Apologies if I sound like a negative Nora, we're stoked to be playing WFRP on FGU (first session tonight) but I generally have no clue with technology. I've never owned or used a mobile phone. Think about that.

All the caveats done.

I'll try to get in touch.

Thanks Paul

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