Keep in mind we've played about 20 sessions of our main game The Dark Squad between the sessions here (and some other stuff), we don't get to play WFRP very often, but you are right- I tend to get as much as I can out of the various books. I like a lot going on, just for info I was a university lecturer for 20 or so years, and my specialist subject- narrative structures (for game design, professional writing, film/documentary etc.). So I tend to lean hard on story/plot. Also, I DMed this one (and some of the next- I think) when it first came out back in the day.
Also my players don't help.
We played last night and the buggers spent the best part of forty minutes attempting to climb Sigmar's Slippery Lance, one of the games at the Scouting 4 Sigmar fair, part of the Schaffenfest.
You'll see.
I'm just about to download the various images the players snapped from last night's session and uploaded to Discord, there are 37 images in total- 21 of them show Sigmar's Slippery Lance, and the various players failing to climb it.
The continuing adventures of the usual bunch of miscreants this time playing Warhammer Fantasy Role-Play 4th edition, and The Enemy Within Campaign, of course.
SESSION #11 Scouting 4 Sigmar at the Schaffenfest.
The PCs Fergus McClean, Dwarf Scout (Guide) played by Bear.
Looks Like: Rough and ready-for-anything Dawi- a bit unkempt; constantly muttering and grumbling at Seamus his imaginary dog. Sounds Like: Northern 'I wur down t'mine', although taciturn, and always grumpy.
Fergus is a short embittered (divorced) Dawi from the mining village of Schwartzstein in the foothills of the Grey Mountains. That is until he discovered his best friend Seamus with his wife Cherrie. Fergus left his village and his old life behind and set off in search of adventure, eventually taking up Scouting as a living. He has business in Altdorf and is at present journeying with three Manlings he has come to trust who are also on their way to the capital.
Frederich Hass, Human Witch Hunter (Interrogator) played by Jim.
Looks Like: Thick-set, tall with a resting angry face, never too far away from a snarl, otherwise well turned out. Sounds Like: Whispering menace, accusatory- probing, but charming when he wants to be. Accent is brooding (intelligent) cod-Russian (like a clever but menacing Daktari). Note he sees the hand of the Ruinous Powers behind every untoward event.
Frederich and his brother Olek watched their parents burned alive, prior to this a normal childhood was in progress. The Cult of Sigmar (with the help of the state) who burned Ma & Pa Hass then took the newly orphaned pair in and raised them to be model citizens. The orphans are Sigmarite through-and-through, Frederich the crusader, he likes the power that it brings; Olek the instrument (or else Prophet) of Sigmar. They're not zealots, not warped and broken inside, no... not at all.
Lothar Jurgen Muller, Human Witch Hunter (Interrogator) played by Kev.
Looks Like: Neat, tidy, clean-cut, perhaps even a little dashing- the boy next door, but doable- and always with a smile on his face, and often in his eyes. Lothar carries his own embroidered place mat with matching knife and fork. Manners and civility are so important. Sounds Like: Civil, polite, formal, caring- and entirely without menace. He's a Paladin doing Witch Hunter, which may yet prove amusing.
Lothar is a baker's son from Ubersreik that just happened to become a Witch Hunter, he didn't just drift into it, he has a plan (perhaps). Lothar however came to Witch Hunting with the thought that he could perhaps be of help- to the Empire, to his family, to the poor wretches that have fallen into corruption, and possibly to help himself (a little) along the way. He is resolutely nice in a world full of fetid stink and terror.
Olek Hass, Human Artisan- Blacksmith (Apprentice) played by George.
Looks Like: Seven (plus) feet tall, and not too skinny with it- lithe and muscled, he's a giant- with wild eyes. Sounds Like: A camp Nazi constantly unfolding, expounding, and explaining the mystery of ongoing events, and seeing the presence of Sigmar everywhere.
Olek and his brother Frederich watched their parents burned alive, prior to this a normal childhood was in progress. The Cult of Sigmar (with the help of the state) who burned Ma & Pa Hass then took the newly orphaned pair in and raised them to be model citizens. The orphans are Sigmarite through-and-through, Frederich the crusader, he likes the power that it brings; Olek the instrument (or else Prophet) of Sigmar. They're not zealots, not warped and broken inside, no... not at all.
Apologies ahead of time for another lengthy instalment.
The sun continues to shine on our heroes in this one, in truth we got a lot less done than I expected, but that was down to the players- they had turned into a bunch of giggling loons by the end.
WFRP is a great game.
Also we lost the first forty or so minutes of the session to discussions various, about XP-a lot of discussion, about Talents, about Fergus' Blunderbus- he so wants to figure out how to make it go Kaboom! And a bunch of other stuff that we got stuck on in the last session.
The players also fixed their short term ambitions, we got to this because... Olek has just achieved his short term ambition, to be dedicated into the Cult of Sigmar as a Priest. Olek, played by George, has- once again, been reading the rules. The rest of us (me included) forgot all about ambitions and the like.
So, late start.
The to do list has been fixed (note, oldest issue first- not in priority order).
The bones of Johann Baumann, found on the road to Ubersreik, now carried by Oleg, need to be interred within the precincts of Morr.
The Purple Hand cultists, why did they want to speak to Kastor/Lothar, what's going on here? Are they protecting the Magical Pickleman (Magister Impedimentae)
Get a job or make some money.
Find somewhere to stay.
Here we go some more.
MITTERFRUHL (Spring Equinox), 2512.
The good weather (for the time of year) and the adventurer's good luck continues at... the Schaffenfest!
SCENE 1. Schaffenfed
The adventurers continue their perambulations around the Schaffenfest, although... stomachs are rumbling, and so-
Ye Olde Food Court and Itsy- a small in-tent Maker's Market, for small things. Comestibles and a little light shopping, what's not to like.
Three of the four PCs head to the Steak Shack, Fergus searches out a pie-and-peas vendor; he's northern (in accent), remember.
Then a nose around the sellers market- craft what-not, a lot of 'vintage' clothing- Freddy buys a new hat, and the opportunity for the players to spend a few pennies to get repairs done, or else to personalise some of their attire.
And... a chance to do a little gossiping, but- no-one rolls well, and it's apparently too early for the spending of fortune points.
We soon move on.
Out of the market, and...
SCENE 2. Scouting 4 Sigmar.
Ahead, a field- it's perimeter measured by lively and animated townsfolk- parents and family of the 100 or so children of varying ages who are competing in the various events on the go within the compass of the crowd.
A brightly painted, and enormous, sign- a massive sheet of some sort, staked taught, makes (almost) clear what's going on here-
Scouting 4 Sigmar, in all of it's/His glory.
The adventurers take in the spectacle, but then a voice- over and above the noise of the cheering parents and relatives, a voice like gravel that somehow travels to the ear.
"Frederich Hass! I am not believing mine eyes!"
"Lothar Jurgen Muller!”
“My two best students!"
"Ha! What a day!"
"But what's this you two should be in the Grey Mountains by now, with the Crown Prince Hergard von Tasseninck at your side!"
"Why are you here? Report Interrogator Hass. Report Interrogator Muller."
That's right.
That's Fabergus Heinzdork, Witch Hunter extraordinaire, and tutor to Fred and Lothar.
And so they do report- about mistaken identities, about ghosts on the road, and much more about tattooed cultists. Heinzdork is not impressed, and most particularly by the fact that Lothar is dressed like some sort of labourer.
The truth comes out-
“I've decided to forego the life of a Witch Hunter for a more relaxing and rewarding enterprise, I'm a boatman now!” Lothar doesn't even try to hide his glee.
Heinzdork, and a mirroring Freddy, are aghast, distraught, and then finally, and inevitably, very angry.
"Muller, you disappoint me, and yet... I always suspected that you were, how shall I put this and remain polite."
"You lacked discipline, backbone- a spine in fact. You..."
"Are too soft, and with that moustache- such a marvelous moustache, I fear Herr Muller your moustache is too good for you."
Make as much as you can of the moustache- Moooooooooooooo-Stash!
"Be off now, take your moustache and depart, I am done with you- I need to speak with Witch Hunter Hass, state business."
And with that Lothar does indeed depart.
Heinzdork receives a more comprehensive report from Freddy, this after first showing off his latest creation- Scouting 4 Sigmar, which he put together with a little help from Ludo Edel, the new High Priest of Sigmar here in Bogenhafen.
Oh, and if you are thinking that the Scouting 4 Sigmar games/fair probably looks like an Old Worlde version of the Hitler Youth, well... you'd be absolutely spot on.
Heinzdork concludes the conversation-
"I am disappointed that you are not at the side of the Crown Prince, he is a great man, I believe his mission into the Grey Mountains would have been the making of you Frederich."
"I am certain that the Crown Prince will make his fortune on this mission, he will return dripping with gold and glory, destroying the greenskins and the beastman hordes. Taking back the treasure the corrupt ones stole from our glorious Empire!"
"As for me I have other business, I must away from Bogenhafen on the morrow, there's corruption afoot, the stench of the pyre draws me back to the road."
"But I will look out for you Frederich Hass, I will sing your praises if there are any to be sung, you may write to me as and when. Tell me of your exploits, and the like, and so I may share your biography with the members of our illustrious order."
"I will be a friend to you Frederich Hass, perhaps- if you display the talents necessary, a mentor, we shall see."
"And there is this for you.”
Heinzdork palms Freddy a golden crown.
“A share of the spoils from today's venture, even Witch Hunters need to turn a profit, we must eat, and have beds to sleep in- No!"
"Now, for old time's sake- show me what you've got, earn that coin- win as many events as you can, and... [whispering] make sure that popinjay Lothar Muller does not win any!"
And so... and inevitably, it's competition time.
Keep in mind in all of the above/below events the adventurers competition comprises a rag-tag bunch of ill-fed, undernourished, waifs and strays aged between 10 and 15.
Freddy, in the first event, and still in all of his armour- runs through the crowd of kids, knocking them out of his way as he goes.
Later he will try to make amends for this by telling some of the snivelling brats a terrifying story about the corrupt humans and/or salivating monsters that will visit them in the night if they fail to worship Sigmar properly.
But let's get to that.
The first event?
Run 4 Your Life.
Just an extended (+20) athletics test (SL+Mv), with some barging (attempted) by Freddy.
Oh, but Brother Arbuthnott has dressed as a corrupt zombie clown in order to scare the little ones faster down the track to Sigmar's finishing line.
Ready! Steady! Go!
Note, Fergus sits this one out, although regrets his choice almost immediately. Fergus, as it turns out, has much the best athletics score.
Crazy-legs Olek rolls '02' and is off like a hare, a very tall hare mind, that's six levels of success.
Freddy attempts to barge into Lothar but instead trips and stumbles and only just keeps on his feet. Lothar passes Olek, who is still so enthused/surprised that he's in the lead that he somehow manages to trip himself up, the big man collapses in a heap just before the finish line.
Which allows Lothar to cruise home for the victory.
Heinzdork is furious, his gravel voice again somehow finding its way to the adventurer's ears over the noise of the crowd.
Over the noise of the crowd, I'm repeating myself for a reason, the crowd are not happy now- what's with the grown-ups ruining their children's fun.
The adventurers however are now pro's at this sort of thing, Lothar hands over the shiny schilling he just won to the first of the young 'uns to pass the line, and then showers praise upon the champion, hoisting the youngster aloft.
Olek does some sort Sigmar-related crazy-legged breakdancing, or else he replays a variety of versions of his end-of-race collapse, again to the gathering delight of the crowd. Everyone likes a fool.
While Freddy's conciliatory scary story goes down less well, see above.
In short, and after a bunch more charm (and other) checks the crowd are on their way to being won over, although Freddy is still not popular, and Fergus hasn't been introduced yet.
So, time for that to happen... here's Fergus!
Hammer to Fall!
The second event, here it is.
Competitors just need to stand the hammer up, hammer head up that is, so that it is balanced on the flattened base of the shaft.
To do this a competitor can take one, two or three strength or athletics checks- the number declared before they begin. However many checks they chose to make they must incur a -40 penalty (in total) to these. So- one test at-40, two tests at -20 each (or -10 & -30), three tests at etc.
Fergus is up.
And completes the task in style, although he chooses to take three turns to achieve the feat, and he rolls '01' on his first check. He has to then spend both of his fortune points to get the thing done, but he's not for giving up.
Yes, that was both of this session's fortune points spent standing a big hammer up.
Fergus does commitment, it's no wonder he's still so angry about his wife shacking up with his best mate (see Fergus' backstory).
Fergus also does celebration, it's at this point- while delivering his victory speech (before anyone else has had a go) that Fergus comes up with his 'special' dawi chant. Which is this-
“Hole! Hole! Hole!”
Dawi live in holes, according to Fergus, but how we got to this- that's a windy one. Fergus however is still trying to get the people of Bogenhafen to like him, and his kind.
Then... everyone else fails to even get one success.
Fergus is, as it turns out, the champion.
Heinzdork is distraught, his voice comes again- to Freddy.
“Really Freddy, a Dwarf? You were beaten by a Dwarf?”
It's also worth noting that all of the adventurers took time after their various failed attempts to lift the hammer to do some sort of comedy re-enactment for the gathered audience, absolving themselves in the process of their failures, and entertaining- Olek and Lothar are, as usual, the hits of the show.
Frederich, who is injured (-10 on all tests involving his left arm) makes a meal of his pulled muscle, even applying bandages and a sling before his attempt at the hammer, he elicits a little sympathy.
He really is trying.
And by this point the players are into it.
Which naturally brings us to...
Sigmar's Slippery Lance.
Now then, to begin with, no lie. It is a lance (reinforced) that the competitors are climbing, and it is very greasy- pig-fat, and lots of it.
This one is an extended climb test, all medium sized competitors jump onto the lance two yards up, and then must climb (-20) to the top. It's seven yards to the top. Any negative results and the competitor slips down the lance the same number of yards.
Now the confession.
We played over ten turns at this one, any more and it would be fatigue time- for three of them, not Fergus, he kept trying for another two turns- he kept trying until the bitter end.
Over thirty minutes spent trying to climb a very greasy pole.
I'll save you the worry- no one gets even close, Fergus is the best at it, and he stays on the pole for the longest by far, Freddy leaps up the pole- slides down pole, repeat. Lothar pretty much the same, only Olek gets close to Fergus' efforts, and then only once.
“Heeeeeey Oop!” Which Fergus shouts repeatedly as he slither-climbs.
Olek attempts to push Fergus up to the top of the pole, result- the initiate priest of Sigmar slithers back down the pole and then falls off.
Thirty minutes of this, and I'm fairly certain that one of the muppets even spent a fortune point out of frustration.
Job done.
We move on, but not before another show from the adventurers for their audience, who at this point are completely onside, the programme of events has changed- the kids will have their go after the It's a Knockout! Show is over.
If you can remember that far back.
On to the final event.
Fling! Fling! Fling! The Hammer of Sigmar! See how far the bastard flies...
Sigmar is ripped! Ranged (Thrown) +20, result = SL + Strength Bonus = roll that many exploding d4s on Fantasy Grounds and that's how many feet the hammer flies.
I like a bit of random.
Note, it costs pennies to enter all of these events, and so the PCs are paying for their humiliation, but not much- it's proving to be a bargain.
And so on we go.
Fergus' first throw (7d4 exploding dice) is thirty feet.
And that's the winner, it's not until the last throw, from Olek- (6d4 exploding dice) for twenty-seven feet that anyone else even gets close.
More remarkably, earlier in the piece, Lothar manages to throw the hammer nineteen feet with only two exploding d4s.
The crowd go wild, as Fergus gets them going again-
And moments later one of the great and good at the event, it seems Witch Hunter Heinzdork has already departed, comes over to award Fergus with his medal. The dwarf, remember, won two of the four events.
Here it is-
“I'm reet chuffed! HOLE! HOLE!” etc.
But then all is a fluster, an older priest suddenly runs into the midst of the adventurer's, grabs Olek by the arm and... takes off at a sprint.
SCENE 3. Sigmar's Big Game Player.
The priest in need of Olek is Father Erdo, Ludo Edel (High Priest of Sigmar here in Bogenhaffen) told Olek earlier to be at the Schaffenfest this afternoon- for a special mission, and so here it is...
"We must depart- there is no time!"
"We are already deep into the second half!"
"Quickly! Olek, we need you. Sigmar needs you!"
Olek sprawls and flounders trying to keep pace with Erdo, who is dodging his way through the crowd.
Frederich is soon in hot pursuit of his brother, Lothar- munching on a pretzel- dawdles after, Fergus is too content right where he is-
And the crowd, most of them, are still along for the ride.
Brother Erdo has much to say to Olek en route to wherever it is that they are going...
"We are playing catenaccio, you understand yes- 4-2-4, with flexible wing-backs that overlap but also drop back for cover- yes!"
"But... my mind- you must not worry about that, the time... the time is almost gone. The Middenman will soon blow his whistle, and then we will have little or no cause to be over-the-moon!"
"No, Olek- that is not for you. For you it is just- 'ow you say, Back of the Net! Yes!"
"Ludo tells me you are big game player, yes!"
"We need you Olek- we are in the group of death and while it is a game of two halves, we have had our oranges, we are in squeaky bum- time, yes!"
Olek is trying desperately to make sense of the things that Erdo is saying, and just to say in the real world George has about as much to do with football as I have- i.e. nothing.
Middenball! The pair arrive at the muddy pitch side just in the nick of time. Oh, and that's The Pithouse Wanderers, from the wrong-side of the river, the Sigmar team's opposition for this game.
Erdo continues with his litany.
"Sigmar is blessing us, there is but a minute to pass before the fat lady will begin her choral spectacular!"
"Blessed be, and we have a corner!"
Erdo turns to a nearby priest of Sigmar, and shouts-
“Tell the Middenman we have a substitue! Quickly now.”
And then back to Olek.
"Here are your final instructions Olek-"
At which point the kindly DM says a little something about all of the The Pithouse Wanderers players, basically making some nonsense up about each of them-
“If Tipton Wobbly looks like he's going left he'll be going right; Gonk Haversack, if he gets close enough, will grab you by the balls- stay away from him. Ninepins is the goalkeeper, but watch out for Tenpins his brother, he will throw stones at you from behind the goal...”
That kind of thing, and lots of it, all the way through the side, until-
"Can you remember all of that?"
And then when Olek affirms.
“Then repeat it back to me...”
But not even I remember, and so we go on to-
"If not- ow you say, just Bang it in the Back of the Net!"
Erdo has, of course, an indeterminate Estalian-cum-Tilean accent.
He is a Priest of Sigmar, but also a convert to the not-so-beautiful-game. Middenball!
And then... well, the ball comes over as Olek makes his way into the box, and... it's all on one roll of the dice.
Hammer of Sigmar!
Olek rises above the crowd, Gonk Haversack grabbing just too late, and slams his big bald head into the Middenball!
The net strains and then ripples.
The Middenman blows his whistle- and that's time.
Game over.
George, playing Olek, is genuinely delighted- he's also a little bit drunk (George, not Olek) so that helps. There is screaming, swearing and shouting.
The crowd stream onto the pitch in celebration.
The priests of Sigmar on the touchline, including brother Erdo, are jumping for joy.
Note, you can also see the match report in the image above, along with a special offer for an 'action shot reproduction-portrait' of the exact moment the Sigmar Supermensch Olek Hass puts the ball firmly into the back of the net, this courtesy of the on the spot artist Stock Foto.
If you are really observant you can also see the final score there too.
The Pithouse Wanderers 9 Hammer of Sigmar 1.
At which point both Olek (and George) are somewhat deflated.
But brother Erdo isn't, far from it-
"Never mind nine to one Olek, we had twenty five to one on that we would not score!"
"Sigmar blesses us..."
"See you at the High Temple!"
"Hey, Olek!"
Brother Erdo does a very odd knees-up-Mother-Brown dance to the following tune-
"Sigma till I die, Sigma till I die, I know I am- I'm sure I am- I'm Sigma till I die... Woo Hoo!"
And then runs off.
Olek is... giddy.
Oh, and just to say- earlier on in the piece brother Erdo lets Olek know- the Middenball thing is all Ludo Edel's idea, the new High Priest of Sigmar it seems is a go-getter, even muscling in on Shallya territory in the poorer districts of the town, like the Pit.
But, there's more... not much more, but a bit.
SCENE 4. Smackdown Bogenhafen!
The Old World Wrassling Federation (OWWF) is proud to present-
A middle aged man dressed in a suit of many-colours, and possessing a cor-blimey accent, strides around the ring- haranguing the crowd.
‘Step right this way and make yourself two crowns!”
“That's right, two whole crowns for no more than a few minutes’ mild exertion!”
“All you need do is last four minutes in the ring with my champion!”
“Two crowns if you last four minutes (12 turns).”
“Five crowns if you defeat the champion within that time!”
“You, there!”
The hairy man in the ring doing the barking, points directly and unmistakably at Lothar.
“You look fit-as-a-fiddle and fast on your feet!”
Freddy stares daggers at Lothar.
“Do you think you could stay out of trouble for four minutes?”
“It’s not that long, you know!”
Lothar considers the offer, playing to the crowd- and the barker.
“And you!”
“Yes, you!”
The man in the ring is quite definitely pointing at Freddy.
The Witch Hunter combines sneering and preening, as a lot of Witch Hunter's do much of the time.
“Why don't you show your friends just how strong you are?”
Freddy flexes for the crowd, and then clutches the spot on his left arm- the pulled muscle.
He grimaces.
“Just a three-shilling entrance fee and he’s all yours!”
‘Come along, friends, who’ll take him on?”
“Just a three-shilling investment, and you could have it back many times over in just four minutes!”
“Why, if I were a moneylender, I’d get locked up for charging interest like that!”
And here we all are-
And that's the competition, the champion, Crusher Braugen, he's a big man but he's definitely blowing hard.
And now Lothar and Freddy are in deep discussion, they both- they think, could survive a while with Crusher, or at least they're both keen to find out if they can.
They're both therefore a little taken aback when...
“'Ere I am! Dawi champeen!”
Fergus, when he makes himself known, is already striped down to his budgie-smugglers, and soon after lathered in grease, actually pig fat, he took a bag full of this from the Scouting 4 Sigmar games, as a souvenir, and also to snack on.
With some help from his friends, and a few of the nearest audience members, and then also the compare- Fergus is slipped, slid and slopped into the ring.
Note, the pig-grease is on Fergus' back, stomach and legs, but not on his face, hands or feet (mostly).
Crusher gets a -10 to his Melee Brawling Grapple attempts.
The bell rings, and...
Well, we get four turns done of the action, the first of them sees Fergus swinging wildly and Crusher dodging- easily, the pair then trade advantage over the next two turns. Fergus attempts to rebound off a rope and head-down cannonball Crusher, but he misses the spot and instead rebounds into the big man's hands- and then zip-slithers right out of them again.
It goes back and forth.
Three turns in and it all goes wrong for Fergus- Crusher grabs the dawi, hooks his arms under and then over Fergus' arms, and then flips him up and over his head- the crucifix, or so I'm told by our resident wrestler Jim (playing Freddy).
That's Entangled five, and Fergus is going nowhere, or so it would seem.
Seconds later however and the dawi somehow manages to get himself free, and then to crawl his way down Crusher's back, right-way-around, and back on to his feet, a boot (comedy rather than hurt) for Crusher's backside.
Neither fighter has inflicted a single point of damage on the other.
And here's the great bit, the other adventurers have figured out how to get Advantage-from Charming the crowd by starting up chants (Lothar), or by singing and proclaiming in support of Sigmar, and Fergus (Olek), or by using his Intuition to figure out Crusher's weaknesses, and then hollering the info to Fergus (Freddy).
The players have also figured that they can use Leadership to transfer the Advantage they have to Fergus, and what's more they're doing it- it's working. Just to say this got worked out in the very first round- albeit it just started with Lothar trying to get the crowd behind Fergus, and then after George divined that Leadership could be used to transfer Advantage.
Great work.
Soon after “HOLE! HOLE!” is, well- not quite ringing out, but there are pockets of “HOLE!” chanters.
It seems to be working.
Crusher is on zero advantage atm, Fergus- I think- has got a whole stack, I think he's maxed out on five.
So, he's in it. Although after the game I read up on a few of Crusher's talents and it seems I've been underselling the big man, he's going to be even tougher next session, now that I know what I'm doing.
But that's as far as we got tonight.
The sun is still shining.
Although, in truth, the last bells heard measured five o' clock, there's not much more to be had of the Schaffenfest.
Not much left of the sun.
There's just the rest of the fight to play out, and then a quick dash to the Zoocopeia for what is bound to be- the final show of the day.
Next time... it's getting dark.
The final XP table for this session is below, oh and you are down to half rations for the Session XP now, all the way to session 20, if it lasts that long.
Stuck on a rules question in WFRP, can anyone here help me out pretty please.
For Talents in the book (page 132) it says-
If you can take a Talent multiple times, it may have a special rule for what this means written into its description. Further, it may have an associated Skill marked under ‘Tests’ (see Talent Format): if so, for each time you have the Talent, you gain +1 SL on any successful use of a Skill tied to the Talent.
And furthermore in the Talent Format (same page) it says-
Tests: If the talent is tied to one or more tests your character can make, the affected tests are listed here. talents tied to a test come with an extra rule: For each time you have taken the talent, you gain +1 sl on any successful use of the skill tied to the talent.
And I'm asking about Crusher Braugen here.
He has Reversal (1). Which says-
Max: Weapon Skill Bonus
Tests: Melee when defending
You are used to desperate combats, able to turn even the direst circumstances to your Advantage. If you win an Opposed Melee Test, instead of gaining +1 Advantage, you may take all your opponent’s Current Advantage. If you do this, you do not cause any Damage, even if it is your Turn in the Round.
So, questions-
1) Can Crusher only use Reversal when he is defending in Melee, i.e. not when he is attacking. If so why the last sentence in the power, because surely on his turn Crusher will be attacking, and from the text above it appears Crusher can use the Talent on his turn.
2) Does Crusher gain an extra +1 sl if he successfully makes a melee test in defence- because as stated above- "For each time you have taken the talent, you gain +1 sl on any successful use of the skill tied to the talent." I think so.
But here's the thing-
The second Talent I'm confused about, particularly in conjunction with the first.
Crusher has Dirty Fighting (2). Which says-
Dirty Fighting
Max: Weapon Skill Bonus
Tests: Melee (Brawling)
You have been taught all the dirty tricks of unarmed combat. You may choose to cause an extra +1 Damage for each level in Dirty Fighting with any successful Melee (Brawling) hit.
Which conjures the following questions-
3) If Crusher makes a successful Melee (Brawling) test by +3 sl, he then automatically adds another +2 sl to make +5 sl. The extra two coming from having the Talent Dirty Fighting (2), as above. Crusher then compares his 5 sl with his opponent to see who has won. That's right isn't it?
4) And so continuing on with the example above, Crusher beats his opponent by +3 sl, which is added to the damage- weapon +5 (his fists) = 8 damage plus 2 more for Dirty Fighting (2) = 10 damage (-Toughness & armour). Is that right? Because it seems like Dirty Fighting just got counted twice.
5) If Crusher is defending with Melee (Brawling) as per Reversal (but not attempting to use Reversal)- and he makes a successful check does he get an extra +1 sl for having Reversal (1) plus another +2 sl for having Dirty Fighting (2). Because if he does then Crusher is never going to use any other weapon than his fists ever again.
I'm probs missing something very simple, but... I'm missing it atm.
Not the expert on Warhammer, but here are my 2c:
1) Reversal can be used ONLY in defense, the line about stealing Advantage is contingent on the first part, it applies only to defensive result. And the damage part is for those situations when you could do damage in defense. You don't do it, you just remove advantage.
2) Same as before, Reversal is used when DEFENDING and it grants +1 SL per level, but not when he's attacking with brawling
3) Dirty fighting is offensive and it grants extra damage. This is NOT extra SL, it is just damage once the Brawling attack is resolved. So, you get +3 SL not +5 because specific beats general - this is specific description on what happens if you have talent multiple times. (this part depends if WFRP has the same rule about rules as D&D - as I said, not an expert)
4) Damage calculation would be +X (fists) +strength bonus +2 from dirty fighting +SL (BUT THIS IS DIFFERENCE BETWEEN OPPONENTS NOT THE TOTAL SL OF THE ATTACKER)
5) You cannot combine Dirty fighting (melee attack) and Reversal (Melee defense) they are used in different context