WFRP 4e The Enemy Within Campaign Book 1: Enemy in Shadows Session #13 Two Dead Dads in the Sewer.

Entry 27:02:2512 Fergus McClean's Notebook.

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The continuing adventures of the usual bunch of miscreants this time playing Warhammer Fantasy Role-Play 4th edition, and The Enemy Within Campaign, of course.

SESSION #08 My Face Painting Days Are Over.

The PCs

Fergus McClean, Dwarf Scout (Guide) played by Bear.

Looks Like:
Rough and ready-for-anything Dawi- a bit unkempt; constantly muttering and grumbling at Seamus his imaginary dog.
Sounds Like: Northern 'I wur down t'mine', although taciturn, and always grumpy.
Fergus is a short embittered (divorced) Dawi from the mining village of Schwartzstein in the foothills of the Grey Mountains. That is until he discovered his best friend Seamus with his wife Cherrie. Fergus left his village and his old life behind and set off in search of adventure, eventually taking up Scouting as a living. He has business in Altdorf and is at present journeying with three Manlings he has come to trust who are also on their way to the capital.

Frederich Hass, Human Witch Hunter (Interrogator) played by Jim.

Looks Like:
Thick-set, tall with a resting angry face, never too far away from a snarl, otherwise well turned out.
Sounds Like: Whispering menace, accusatory- probing, but charming when he wants to be. Accent is brooding (intelligent) cod-Russian (like a clever but menacing Daktari). Note he sees the hand of the Ruinous Powers behind every untoward event.
Frederich and his brother Olek watched their parents burned alive, prior to this a normal childhood was in progress. The Cult of Sigmar (with the help of the state) who burned Ma & Pa Hass then took the newly orphaned pair in and raised them to be model citizens. The orphans are Sigmarite through-and-through, Frederich the crusader, he likes the power that it brings; Olek the instrument (or else Prophet) of Sigmar. They're not zealots, not warped and broken inside, no... not at all.

Lothar Jurgen Muller, Human Witch Hunter (Interrogator) played by Kev.

Looks Like:
Neat, tidy, clean-cut, perhaps even a little dashing- the boy next door, but doable- and always with a smile on his face, and often in his eyes. Lothar carries his own embroidered place mat with matching knife and fork. Manners and civility are so important.
Sounds Like: Civil, polite, formal, caring- and entirely without menace. He's a Paladin doing Witch Hunter, which may yet prove amusing.
Lothar is a baker's son from Ubersreik that just happened to become a Witch Hunter, he didn't just drift into it, he has a plan (perhaps). Lothar however came to Witch Hunting with the thought that he could perhaps be of help- to the Empire, to his family, to the poor wretches that have fallen into corruption, and possibly to help himself (a little) along the way. He is resolutely nice in a world full of foetid stink and terror.

Olek Hass, Human Artisan- Blacksmith (Apprentice) played by George.

Looks Like:
Seven (plus) feet tall, and not too skinny with it- lithe and muscled, he's a giant- with wild eyes.
Sounds Like: A camp Nazi constantly unfolding, expounding, and explaining the mystery of ongoing events, and seeing the presence of Sigmar everywhere.
Olek and his brother Frederich watched their parents burned alive, prior to this a normal childhood was in progress. The Cult of Sigmar (with the help of the state) who burned Ma & Pa Hass then took the newly orphaned pair in and raised them to be model citizens. The orphans are Sigmarite through and-through- Frederich the crusader, he likes the power that it brings; Olek the instrument (or else Prophet) of Sigmar. They're not zealots, not warped and broken inside, no... not at all.


It was a cracker, or else two crackers- what follows (in this here write-up) is in fact the work of two very short sessions, the first was only an hour or so long- it was always going to be a short session because Kev (Lothar) wasn’t going to be in-game until 9 PM but then we also spent the first hour talking about the previous session’s shenanigans. The second session, well- it was only ninety or so minutes long, we didn’t have much left to play out.

Sorry, rambling unnecessary explanation over.

And so…

Here we go again.

Weissbruck, then onto the Bogen.

SCENE 1. The Bounty Hunter (and friends).

So, we’re on the Berebeli, it’s just gone midnight and the boat is under attack, or else the PCs- who were discussing the new info garnered in the last session were mid-meeting when movement was heard outside- on the main deck, and on the deck above. Olek went to investigate only to discover an interloper armed with a bucket of burning pitch, alas the fool intruder managed only to pour said burning pitch all over himself, and thus a battle of epic proportions begins.

Kidding, it’s a scrambling mess of a fight, this is WFRP.

So, in the next few seconds the following occurs-

The intruder, still aflame and screaming, clambers up onto the top of the stacked cargo on the deck and there prevaricates- attempting (and failing) to put the flames on his clothing out, and yet reluctant to throw himself into the dock- the ultimate cure for the flames.

Then a second bucket of burning pitch looms out of the dark and slams into Olek, and the big man is very quickly badly injured and on fire too.

Moments later, a third burning bucket of pitch clatters down the stairs and into the cabin in which the remainder of the PCs are still sitting.

Then, well… lots more things happen.

Olek ducks back into the cabin, wraps himself in a rug- there are a dozen or more of these on the floor here, and then by rolling around on the floor he manages to put the fire on him out.

Clever- the rugs.

The still very drunk Fergus attempts to put the fire in the cabin out- the dwarf, at present, can either take an action or else move, but not do both- so intoxicated is he. He does however supply an astute commentary for his companions.

“I’ll jus… I’ll jus… Get this, jus’ get this. Fiiiire. A mean. Fire-‘ere, Tha fire. ‘Ere. I’ll jus…”, and on it goes, like a litany.


A fiery encounter.

Lothar meantime grabs out his new weapon, a bow, and goes hunting through the portholes, windows, and doorways of the cabin for a potential target. Alas he cannot find one immediately.

This mainly because the still burning intruder, having failed repeatedly to put the fire on his clothes out, flings himself into the River Bogen just as Lothar was about to shoot the screeching fool.

The second intruder- the fellow that flung the pot of burning pitch (very accurately) at Olek, rushes to help his companion- and to get into cover.

A little later this same fellow will pass before a porthole through which Lothar just happens to be aiming his bow, the Boatman doesn’t miss (and it’s a hard shot), and a Crit- moments later this badly wounded fellow also flees the fight, one arm clutched close to his chest- broken and beyond.

Where’s Fred in all of this?

The Witch Hunter manages to leap over the fire in the cabin, which is at the base of the ladder leading up to the deck above, he scoots up the steps and there confronts the third intruder, the guy that dropped the bucket of burning pitch into the cabin earlier.


Frederich gets into the fight. Olek extinguishes the fire on his clothes. Lothar is looking for targets. Josef comes screaming and shouting out of his cabin. And… Fergus staggers towards the fire, pointing and shouting.

Back to Fred and the third intruder.

The two swing heartily at each other for a short while, remarkably neither of the pair manage to land a hit (with Fortune Points being spent by Fred). At which point Olek, now no longer on fire, makes his way up and to his brother’s side.

Note, Fergus is still trying and very mainly failing to put the fire in the cabin out.

Anyway, Olek has an idea, he’s a clever fellow.

“Your comrades are abandoning their attack- they flee. Here, here’s a few shillings- take them and retreat. Remember we are all beloved of Sigmar, we should not suffer to bring harm and injury to each other.”

More remarkably, after a Fortune Point and a great ‘04’ roll, the third ruffian doffs his cap, grabs the proffered coin and then scarpers the scene.

Frederich is a little put out, of course.

Remember to repeat the statement below in a slow, husky- whispered, drawl (with menace).

“I had him in my aura brother, I would have…”

The interruption comes courtesy of a crossbow bolt that rips through the leather and chain of the Witch Hunter’s armour, at his shoulder. The bolt protrudes from the spot, right in Frederich’s eye-line.

“I would have…”, the big man ponders.

That was a big hit, Frederich goes from full (16 Wounds, I think) to something like five, note- Olek is at about the same spot wounds-wise, after his burning pitch hit.

Olek and Frederich scramble for cover, the Witch Hunter takes his frustration out on the fellow that Lothar shot- who was fleeing the scene, kicking the second intruder off the barge and into the river.

At which point Olek seizes his opportunity…

“We wish you no malice Adolphus. That’s right… We know who you are Adolphus Kuftsos, and your business (aside- ‘I think’). In Sigmar’s name- let us speak of these things, and cease trying to kill each other, even if only for a short while.”

And so, after another great roll, a strained chat of sorts takes place, although the chat is all shouting, and the PCs have still not spotted where Adophus is, only he’s up on the docks/harbour proper.

Olek does most (all) of the talking, with the other PCs whispering and advising him what to say next.

Note the three other attackers, at this point, are either flailing in the docks or else are in the process of fleeing the scene.

The shouted chatter continues…

The adventurers tell the truth- Lothar is Lothar, he isn’t Kastor whateverhisnameis. Kastor whateverhisnameis was killed by mutants on the Altdorf Road… etc.

I call for one more roll from Olek, but it’s a terror ‘88’- and then a Fortune Point spent (the Artisan’s last one) and it’s an even worse roll (and Olek will not beseech the Dark Gods), the second roll a 90-something.

Then whistles and shouts as the Weissbruck Watch arrive (both of them), it quickly becomes clear- as the authorities get about their business, that Adolphus has already cleared off.

Lothar and Frederich get away from the Berebeli and go in hot pursuit but, alas, while they glimpse Adolphus once- he’s a long way off, and… then he’s gone. The Bounty Hunter has got away.

Back at the boat and Olek has charmed the Watch over to the adventurer’s side, and two of the three intruders have been fished out of the docks.

The PCs get an opportunity (after the gift of a few bottles of Josef’s stock) to interrogate the soggy pair, but they have little to add to the story- save that Adolphus was heading to Bogenhafen next, but the PCs already know this. The thugs here (dockhands) are just the hired help- out to make a gold crown each for just a few hours’ work.

Josef & Wolmar, while all of this is going on, have- of course, made sure all the fires are out, with Fergus’ help naturally.

And that was all we got done in the first, very short, session.

SCENE 2. Josef’s Not Happy.

Skip forward to the next morning, this after a good night’s sleep, and yet there are still ructions.

The Berebeli gets underway, next stop Bogenhafen in four days’ time. However, Josef has had as much as he can take, he’s been frosty with the PCs all morning, and so we get to this-

“What in Sigmar’s name is going on? You are accused of murder in Altdorf! We’re hassled by Roadwardens on the way here! And now last night- attacked by thugs and an assassin! Sit down. Take your time. Explain to me- what’s going on here?”

And this, of course, is just an excuse for me (the DM) to get the players to tell me what they know, or else think, what’s going on with the plot. Obviously, for Josef, this is his reputation- his livelihood that the PCs are messing with.

The PCs tell their story, unexpurgated, because they really have no reason to lie, and besides- Josef is family for the Hass brothers. The Bargemaster has, however, more questions- ultimately, we get to a summary of what’s happening, and why…

The PCs conclude, or else speculate, here’s their story, and conclusion(s).

Lothar looks exactly like Kastor Lieberung- who was killed by mutants on the Altdorf Road.

Kastor Lieberung was heading to Bogenhafen to collect a massive inheritance.

Lothar is heading to Bogenhafen to maybe collect the massive inheritance.

However, Kastor may have been a cultist!

Two strange fellows tried to contact Lothar/Kastor in Altdorf, the PCs tried to grab these guys, but they got away, with the help- perhaps, of a big man with a crossbow.

The big man with the crossbow was the assassin (actually Bounty Hunter) from last evening- Adolphus Kuftsos.

Then, and Josef was there for this, the two cultists try again to contact Lothar/Kastor and are shot and killed by Adolphus.

Then on to Weissbruck and the events of last eve.

That’s the ‘What?’, here’s the ‘Why?’

Why is this happening to the PCs?

“Because Sigmar wills it!” According to Olek and Fred.

“Because I look like a dead guy.” According to Lothar.

“Becoz ah face-painted tha’ lufferly youngling, an ah haf magik in me ‘ands- I shall nefer face-paint anywun agin.” Is Fergus’ take on things.

Note, nobody expected this conclusion- there was much laughter, it’s the most emotional (and garrulous) that Fergus has been so far. The now miserable dwarf vows ‘nefer to face paint anywun agin’. Too dangerous.

I know which explanation of events my money is on.

Next question.

Why is Adolphus trying to kill the guys.

“Because he thinks that Lothar is Kastor, and Kastor was a bad’un, a cultist!” According to Lothar.

“Becoz ah face-painted tha’ lufferly youngling, an ah haf magik in me ‘ands- I shall nefer face-paint anywun agin.” Is still Fergus’ take on things.

“Because Adolphus wants the inheritance for himself, or for someone else that he has been hired by that is next in-line to the fortune.” According to Olek and Fred.

What are you going to do next?

Head to Bogenhafen, check out the inheritance situation- locate Adophus (maybe he’ll find us) and then head to the Schaffenfest for tax-free sheep-related fun and frolics.

Oh, but just to remind the PCs, and very specifically to remind Olek, you are carrying the remains of Johan Baumann, you may want to put this lost soul to rest at some point.

That’s that done.

SCENE 3. Slow Barge to Bogenhafen.

It’s more of the same really-


The PCs are trying to learn how to sail the barge, five successes and they get one free point in the Skill Sail, that’s nice.

As you can see from the sheet above. All of the PCs got into it (again)- it became a sort of race to see who could make it first… and keep in mind that at this point, after the trip from Altdorf to Weissbruck, Fred and Lothar have already got four successes each, just one more needed for the pair.

Frederich and Lothar tend to end up in competition with each other a lot. Fred thrives in these moments; he lets Lothar know. The ex-Witch Hunter is much more sanguine during these ‘events’.

Olek and Fergus however are struggling a little, with only two successes garnered (each) so far.

Frederich, of course, wins the race, he’s the first to be given his Certificate of Sailing-worthy-ness by Josef, it’s a moving ceremony*.

Olek, remarkably, gets past the post second, that’s quite a run up the rails.

Lothar is next, and then even Fergus gets the hang of things- the adventurers can all safely handle the Berebeli, as Frederich and Olek said at the time-

“Blessings be to Mighty Sigmar, for lo- I have done it! In your face ruinous powers, I am barge-proficient!” I think Frederich’s little speech was better aimed at his companions.

“I think it is a good transferable skill to have brother, it will stand us in good stead when we face down the wrath and ruin of beastly corruption. Blessings be to Mighty Sigmar!”

The pair shout “Sigmar!” for a while longer.

The pair are awful show-offs.

Then, a miracle… Fred has accumulated exactly 0 XP rumour-finding so far, I don’t know what it is that makes people unwilling to share gossip with the thick-set, angry-looking, heavily armed and armoured, brooding, whispering menace that is the Witch Hunter.

It’s a mystery.

Anyway, Fred picks up the last rumour on the list- full house.

And then… we get to Bogenhafen.

More of this when we get back to it, D&D next time- back to the Dark Squad. Sorry, Dark Squad!

Oh, but just to say that Fergus is now a Scout (not a Guide), Lothar is a Boatman- of course, Frederich is a Witch Hunter (not an Interrogator) and Olek, well… his ‘level up’ will happen sometime soon… you’ll see.

That’s all for a bit.

*No such certificate exists, there was no ceremony- although Frederich would have preferred this option. He loves being the winningest.

The final XP table for this session is below.

Dock Attack​
Learning to Sail​
Session XP​
Fred (Jim)
Fergus (Ben)
Olek (George)
Lothar (Kev)

Stay safe and well.

Cheers goonalan et al.

POSSIBLY SPOILERS BELOW, but probably not if you have read the thread up to this point.

Hey! Loving the write-ups thus far, hope the campaign is still going. I am soon to be starting TEW (converted to Warlock! for GM ease). I have a question! I am considering simplifying the jouney from Coaching Inn > Altdorf > Weissbruck > Bogenhafen to just Coaching Inn > Bogenhafen (players are heading there for the festival, or other personal reasons). Going to Altdorf first seems to provide little value to the story (foreshadowing a plot twist in book 4 that the players won't recall anyway, and introducing Joseph as connecting tissue between books 1 & 2, which is weak any way you slice it), and a lot of risk for players to derail the campaign very early on, unless they are railroaded onward, which is what the book seems to demand. Also, if AK has set trap for KL in BH, why is he hanging around in Altdorf?

So having run most of the campaign as written up untl the Bogenhafen chapters, do you feel there was anything essential there that cannot feasibly be cut out, for the sake of brevity, pacing and getting to the good stuff? :D

POSSIBLY SPOILERS BELOW, but probably not if you have read the thread up to this point.

Hey! Loving the write-ups thus far, hope the campaign is still going. I am soon to be starting TEW (converted to Warlock! for GM ease). I have a question! I am considering simplifying the jouney from Coaching Inn > Altdorf > Weissbruck > Bogenhafen to just Coaching Inn > Bogenhafen (players are heading there for the festival, or other personal reasons). Going to Altdorf first seems to provide little value to the story (foreshadowing a plot twist in book 4 that the players won't recall anyway, and introducing Joseph as connecting tissue between books 1 & 2, which is weak any way you slice it), and a lot of risk for players to derail the campaign very early on, unless they are railroaded onward, which is what the book seems to demand. Also, if AK has set trap for KL in BH, why is he hanging around in Altdorf?

So having run most of the campaign as written up untl the Bogenhafen chapters, do you feel there was anything essential there that cannot feasibly be cut out, for the sake of brevity, pacing and getting to the good stuff? :D
Apologies, only just come here for the first time since we finished playing above, and I only came here tonight because we were just in session (session #9). So, you've probably started (and possibly finished) your campaign already.


As for leave out- I'm not that kind of guy, I tend to do everything in the book and some other stuff I thought of as well.

Happy Sigmar!


The continuing adventures of the usual bunch of miscreants this time playing Warhammer Fantasy Role-Play 4th edition, and The Enemy Within Campaign, of course.

SESSION #09 The Magical Pickleman.

The PCs

Fergus McClean, Dwarf Scout (Guide) played by Bear.
Looks Like:
Rough and ready-for-anything Dawi- a bit unkempt; constantly muttering and grumbling at Seamus his imaginary dog.
Sounds Like: Northern 'I wur down t'mine', although taciturn, and always grumpy.
Fergus is a short embittered (divorced) Dawi from the mining village of Schwartzstein in the foothills of the Grey Mountains. That is until he discovered his best friend Seamus with his wife Cherrie. Fergus left his village and his old life behind and set off in search of adventure, eventually taking up Scouting as a living. He has business in Altdorf and is at present journeying with three Manlings he has come to trust who are also on their way to the capital.

Frederich Hass, Human Witch Hunter (Interrogator) played by Jim.
Looks Like:
Thick-set, tall with a resting angry face, never too far away from a snarl, otherwise well turned out.
Sounds Like: Whispering menace, accusatory- probing, but charming when he wants to be. Accent is brooding (intelligent) cod-Russian (like a clever but menacing Daktari). Note he sees the hand of the Ruinous Powers behind every untoward event.
Frederich and his brother Olek watched their parents burned alive, prior to this a normal childhood was in progress. The Cult of Sigmar (with the help of the state) who burned Ma & Pa Hass then took the newly orphaned pair in and raised them to be model citizens. The orphans are Sigmarite through-and-through, Frederich the crusader, he likes the power that it brings; Olek the instrument (or else Prophet) of Sigmar. They're not zealots, not warped and broken inside, no... not at all.

Lothar Jurgen Muller, Human Witch Hunter (Interrogator) played by Kev.
Looks Like:
Neat, tidy, clean-cut, perhaps even a little dashing- the boy next door, but doable- and always with a smile on his face, and often in his eyes. Lothar carries his own embroidered place mat with matching knife and fork. Manners and civility are so important.
Sounds Like: Civil, polite, formal, caring- and entirely without menace. He's a Paladin doing Witch Hunter, which may yet prove amusing.
Lothar is a baker's son from Ubersreik that just happened to become a Witch Hunter, he didn't just drift into it, he has a plan (perhaps). Lothar however came to Witch Hunting with the thought that he could perhaps be of help- to the Empire, to his family, to the poor wretches that have fallen into corruption, and possibly to help himself (a little) along the way. He is resolutely nice in a world full of foetid stink and terror.

Olek Hass, Human Artisan- Blacksmith (Apprentice) played by George.
Looks Like:
Seven (plus) feet tall, and not too skinny with it- lithe and muscled, he's a giant- with wild eyes.
Sounds Like: A camp Nazi constantly unfolding, expounding, and explaining the mystery of ongoing events, and seeing the presence of Sigmar everywhere.
Olek and his brother Frederich watched their parents burned alive, prior to this a normal childhood was in progress. The Cult of Sigmar (with the help of the state) who burned Ma & Pa Hass then took the newly orphaned pair in and raised them to be model citizens. The orphans are Sigmarite through and-through- Frederich the crusader, he likes the power that it brings; Olek the instrument (or else Prophet) of Sigmar. They're not zealots, not warped and broken inside, no... not at all.

We're back, at least for a few sessions- depending on how long I can keep the players entertained for. It was a short session this one, because we spent the first half of our time together re-reading the write up here (not all of it) and refreshing our memories, and also lots of chat about how things work in the Warhammer FRP-world, because we all done forgot.

So. The adventurers arrive in Bogenhafen, aboard the Berebeli, Uncle Josef's boat (uncle to Fred & Olek). The big jolly boat captain pays them for their time on the river (16s each) and then urges them to solve their various problems and/or ongoing situations.

Which are, a 'to do list', to be discussed next session. Note, the list is presented in the order in which they (the problems) came about- oldest first.
  1. Wanted Bold Adventurers, the guys are still trying to catch up with Crown Prince Hergard von Tasseninck to get hired. The two (now one) Witch Hunters were sent to Altdorf specifically to take up this task by their master Fabergus Heinzdork. The Crown Prince (and his flotilla) were last seen sailing towards Bogenhafen.
  2. The bones of Johann Baumann, found on the road to Ubersreik, now carried by Oleg, need to be interred within the precincts of Morr.
  3. An inheritance and an estate for Kastor Lieberung- who looks a lot like Lothar Jurgen Muller, who also possess an affidavit to say that he is Kastor Lieberung. For twenty thousand gold crowns and a castle, see the lawyers- Lock, Stock & Barl, in Bogenhafen. Simple as.
  4. The bounty hunter Adolphus Kuftsos, he thinks Kastor/Lothar is a cultist, he's a very tough man is Adolphus, and he's coming for you (Kastor/Lothar).
  5. The Purple Hand cultists, why did they want to speak to Kastor/Lothar, well... see above.
  7. Get a job or make some money.
  8. Find somewhere to stay.
Oh, and Josef and the Berebeli will be in Bogenhafen for at least a couple more days yet, the plan for them is- unload, visit the Schaffenfest- for good times, and then get a new load and head off again. The adventurers can impose on Josef (maybe) for another night or two on the Berebeli, if they are really desperate for somewhere to stay, but- Josef is a little more wary these days. On account of any/all of the following-suspicious River wardens, Wanted for Murder posters (with Olek's face on them), cultists, bounty hunters, having his boat set on fire and... being awoken in the middle of the night by Lothar because Olek had the sniffles.

Uncle Josef hopes that Bogenhafen will therefore provide.


That's Haagens' Wharf, at which the Berebeli is docked, and now unloading wine bought and paid for by the Ruggbroder merchant house.

However, before we even get to the next bit, there's a lot of chatter on the boat, and then a bit of time spent searching around the docks.

The latter because the docks are open here, and Bogenhafen isn't Altdorf, all of the docks-more or less, can be seen- both sides of the river. The adventurers have a good idea what the Crown Prince Tasseninck's flotilla of ships looks like- they've been looking for it previously. It's not here, so- that narrows things down a little.

To the inheritance, and all of the PCs are very suspicious about this- Lothar is trying to put off the visit, or else he wants to reconnoiter the place, ask around the town- maybe even try and find the estate he has supposedly inherited.

Other folk, those that are not Kastor/Lothar, don't mind a little bit of snooping and asking around but they'd rather just 'bloody' get on with it.

The action versus caution debate goes on for maybe another twenty minutes, with some very narrow avenues (of thought) explored.

Eventually Josef kicks the PCs off the barge, and a docker who has no idea where Garten Weg (the location of the lawyer's office) is, and so just points them up Hafenstrasse and into the center of Bogenhafen.

And so, at last-caveats in place.

Here we go again.

MITTERFRUHL (Spring Equinox), 2512.


SCENE 1. Sigmar Strikes.


Scenes from Bogenhafen (available as a postcard, 1p). Oh, and that's the inheritance letter from Lock, Stock & Barl on the right.

The town of Bogenhafen is neater than Altdorf, smaller- of course, and... oddly quiet, and empty. The reason, also- of course, as the adventurers quickly fathom- certainly as they approach the center of the town, the reason is- the Schaffenfest. They can hear a susurrus of noise coming from the east, and they've had the sense to ask around, the grand sheep festival is situated just outside of the east-side town gate.

The people of the town are mostly there, or else heading there as soon as they can get done with work/life.

Tax free sheep!

Oh, and it's around mid-morning atm.


Into the central square, or platz, and that's the Town Hall, which also contains the courts and other public offices. This is also the merchant's quarter, and there are a few nicer shops here, although again- not too many customers.

Lothar however is on fine form, the dapper fellow- he's dressed in Kastor's clothes remember, locates a paper and ink seller (Pappy Russ), and after a brief (but charming) chat asks about the location of the lawyer's- Lock, Stock & Barl, which most surely this establishment supplies with its fine products.

“In Garten Weg somewhere, although I am a stranger to Bogenhafen, could you direct me?”

And there's a shiny shilling on offer for the bored shop keep, and Lothar's check is great.

The upshot is, in precis-

“Lock, Stock an' wot? Never 'eard of 'em. Tha's not to say- lawyers, poppin' up all over. Now Garten Weg, that's somewhere off Eisenbahn. Head through the Gottenplatz, then over to Nulner Weg to the East Gate. Ask someone there, it's back in to the town a way- off Eisenbahn- like I said, near the metal-benders guildhall.”

He's very helpful, it's as if the DM wants to demonstrate to the players the value of coin and chatter, asking questions it seems is a good thing.

We move on.

Now, however, the entire company is of one mind (not that they weren't before), they're walking into a trap, or else trouble.

But, the journey continues.


Into the Gottenplatz, in which is situated- in all of its glory, the Temple of Sigmar. There are half-a-dozen other temples here. A ten minute discussion is had about the various religions/cults followed in the Reikland, and their roles/beliefs etc.

But... Frederich, and particularly Olek, cannot pass a Temple of Sigmar without popping in to say a few words of thanks.

Which is why I put this scene/encounter in there, because I knew they would.


The Hass brothers are about their cultish business- prayers and offerings, Lothar is less keen to get involved, he waits at the door to the great temple building, all spires, lightning bolts, hammers and gargoyles- in and out. The place gives him the creeps, a bit.

Fergus scurries about a bit inside, impressed with the stonework, and perhaps the sepulchral darkness (it reminds him of the mine) but otherwise content to see what happens.

What happens is this.

There are four or five people at the opposite end of the temple, the altar end, one of them seems to spend sometime pointing directly at Olek. This fact is spotted by Olek, and then a little later by Fred.

The four or five (it turns out to be five) men fast approach, Olek goes to meet the party, Fred not far behind.

“I am Ludo Edel, High Priest of Sigmar here in Bogenhafen, welcome brothers to my temple!”

That's Ludo bottom-middle in the image above, he's a tough looking man.

Note, Ludo doesn't know that Olek and Fred are 'brothers', he can however see that both of them are devotees of Sigmar.

The Hass brothers instantly prostrate themselves before the high priest, and offer all manner of shining epithets, while facing the floor.

They toady with the best of them.

Fergus also closes in on the scene, but wary- still a watching brief only.

Ludo has lots to say, after the Hass brothers have been encouraged to their feet, and lots of questions. The Hass brothers naturally introduce themselves; however Ludo- it seems- is entirely enamored with Olek. When Frederich works this out, that the high priest is only interested in his brother, he is very very unhappy (for which read very very angry) but he manages to hold it together.

Ludo eventually asks, after circling Olek once or twice- “How tall are you brother?”
“Seven feet and some Lord. I think.”
“Sigmar is strong in you. Stronger than in many men- he stands tall within you.”

Olek's world is very suddenly entirely made of sunshine, he feels glorious. He cries a bit.

Then Ludo presents Olek with a set of fine robes, befitting an acolyte of Sigmar (Olek has just about enough XP to change to Priest class), he also gives him a holy symbol of Sigmar, a hammer.

And again, Olek is emotional, moved to tears.

“I... I... I have no words!” He eventually stutters, in his camp-Nazi voice, remember.

Ludo takes Olek aside for just a moment-

“I have a mission for you Olek Hass, be at the Schaffenfest this afternoon, my priest will find you there, be ready- he will explain the nature of your task.”

Olek obviously agrees immediately.

Ludo, and his coterie, therefore departs but not before offering some final words- and a thumping salute, to the towering Olek-

“Well met, Olek Hass. For the Glory of Sigmar, and Bogenhafen, I know you will play your part- stand tall, the goal is within your reach.”

And then they're gone.

Olek is... well, let's just say everything is rosy in Olek (and Sigmar's) garden, or at least for the rest of this session. Olek is still talking about this encounter in the midst of what follows (the next scene, keep reading). Frederich is much less impressed, although... [SIGH] very happy for his brother.

Very happy.

SCENE 2. Lock, Stock & Barl.

The adventurers quickly find their way to the east gate, and then from there up the Eisenbahn, where Frederich finds an urchin, and then with a whispered threat, a good-ish dice roll, and then the donation of two pennies, he quickly locates Garten Weg.

That's how its done.


Garten Weg. Its not much to look at, and this image obviously shows the narrow thoroughfare at night, so... it does, as the players stated at the time- more than once, look a little menacing.


The players are prevaricating.

Eventually they pluck up enough courage to take a stroll down the alley, and there they discover- at, more-or-less, the far end, a small-ish out-of-the-way office, above the door a sign-

“Lock, Stock & Barl. Lawyers etc.”

And in the room beyond, seen through a grimy small-ish window, an ante-room- or else a waiting room, a clerk within sat at his desk.

Like in a lawyer's office.

The adventurer's think- none of them have actually been/seen inside a lawyer's office.

So, after another brief (who am I kidding- brief) discussion, they go in.

And meet Charlton Dickson, image above, who is clerk to the partners- Lock, Stock & Barl.

Eventually, and I do very much mean eventually, there was a lot of scrambling going on here from Lothar, and with no help from his friends, we get to the nub of it.

“I am Kastor Lieberung, I've come to claim my inheritance, here's my affidavit.”

Charlton is delighted, he jumps with joy, and then scurries off through an internal door to tell “Herr Barl!”, the good news- he will be delighted too, apparently.

The adventurers wait.

For a short while- Frederich tries the door (through which Charlton departed) it's stuck, or else... locked.

So is the door they came in Olek concludes.

This is what the inside of the trap looks like is what is occurring to all of them in this moment.

Lothar goes to pick up the escritoire, in order to smash it through the window, but... THUMP! THUMP!

The window is suddenly shuttered.

Thick wooden shutters- probably barred too.

A voice calls out, scratch 'call', make that 'growl'-

‘Kastor Lieberung!"

"Otherwise known as the Magister Impedimentae of the cult of the Purple Hand!"

"In the name of the Emperor, I arrest you and your companions for conspiring with Chaos, for murder, for theft, and for other crimes hereinafter to be enumerated!"

"Lay down your weapons and surrender!’"

The adventurers recognize the voice, of course, its Adolphus, the bounty hunter is back.

And so... what follows.

What indeed.

And just to say ahead of time I let it be known that a turn of action in a WFRP combat is twenty seconds, I reckon, three turns = one minute. I think.

So, what happens next.

Well, Lothar and Frederich spend the next minute shouting a variety of things at the shut door through which Charlton exited.

Things like-

“Ha! Come in Adolphus, then you will see the eyes of Sigmar staring back at you, you fool. We are on the same side!” Fred offers.

“I can't even say Lever-Lung, or whatever it is!” Lothar opines.

“Come to your senses-Adolphus, we can go to the authorities together, resolve this situation- pool our resources. In Sigmar's name, you fool, we want the same thing- an end to this Cult!”

Frederich keeps up a barrage while Lothar just continues to protest his innocence.

There's a lot of this.

Note, at this point Lothar is also worried that there are hidden-holes in the walls/ceiling/doors here, and that they're going to be shot at any second. He's telling his colleagues this- which only increases the threat.

I have no idea where this thought came from but I was very happy that he had it.

This goes on for a minute.

Nothing else happens.

Oh, but Olek also offers a running commentary throughout all of the shouting above, or else he tries to make sense of what's going on here- by telling all of his colleagues out loud (and gabbling- often) what (he thinks) is going on here. All of the time.

“But if they get the authorities then... well, they'll just see that we are... us, friends of Sigmar etc. We don't need to fight these people- we should just wait them out!”

Where's Fergus in all of this?

Fergus is hiding under the desk. That's his contribution, although...

Nothing continues to happen.

Although now that they have stopped shouting then... well, there's something going on- some odd noises coming from the door through which Charlton exited.

Fergus comes barreling out from beneath the desk and buries his axe in the flimsy internal door, nearly sundering it with just one blow.

“Ger it open!” The dwarf offers.


Fred kicks the door with all his might and SMASH, the lock stays attached to the door frame but the rest of the door swings/shudders open.

There's a small storeroom beyond the door, with a few crates on one side- no windows, and... another (open) door that leads back out into the alley- Garten Weg.

The noises are coming from out there.

Lothar takes all of the above in as he scurries forward, weapon in hand, and seeing no-one in the newly revealed storeroom, he sticks his head out of the external door to have a look around in the alley, a sneak-peek only.

There's a body on the floor to the right, in a very swiftly growing pool of blood, the body is slightly propped-up against a wall, it is shuddering and convulsing.

Lothar, looks back at his companions.

“There's a body out there- someone dying.”

At which point, in initiative order- natch, all of the adventurers exit at speed into the alley, Garten Weg.

There they discover the following, mostly it's Frederich with the info- the body is that of Adolphus Kuftsos, the bounty hunter, he is quite definitely dead when the Witch Hunter gets to him. There is blood everywhere, and worse-something has ripped Adolphus' chest wide open.

Save the carnage there's nothing else to discover.

Frederich, with help from Lothar, drags the body back into the lawyer's place.

Lothar is mostly looking for the bad guy prior to this, Fergus takes this process one step further, the dwarf runs the entire length of Garten Weg looking for an enemy to confront. The much bigger thoroughfares at either end of the alley are exactly as they were before, nothing untoward. The dwarf even spies a pair of city watchmen about their patrol- all is well with the world of Bogenhafen.

No enemies here.

The lack of an enemy somewhat stymies the adventurers.

Meantime Lothar, Fred and Olek have started work on examining the body of Adolphus thoroughly, this in the small storeroom.

Adolphus has no cultish marks or other tattoos, he carries a license to say that he is an authorised bounty hunter, and he has a letter (see below) and a little coin. His armour is pretty much ruined- whatever killed him, the trio ascertain, ripped his chest open- claws or talons in and then TEAR, and then... scooped the bounty hunters internal organs out. All of which are obviously now missing.

Later Fergus will go and find Adolphus' various inner-bits in the alley, he will also discover that the heart has been ripped in two. That's quite a difficult thing to do- don't you think.

Later still Frederich and Lothar will also discover a bloody claw print about eight or so feet up one of the walls here on Garten Weg. The creature/attacker went up.

Note, remember I mentioned Fergus seeing a watch patrol earlier, well- while the search for the trail of the attacker is going on (and the bloody talon print found) the two town watchmen appear at the far end of the alley, about ten yards away, but Lothar and Frederich put on enough of a show as to ally any suspicion, besides there's nothing else to see in the alley, the body's gone.

Here's the last picture for this evening.


That's Adolphus in the middle, the letter (to Adolphus) basically says that Kastor Liberung is the magister impedimentae (some sort of official) for the Cult of the Purple Hand, and that furthermore he will be on the road to Altdorf (as was Lothar) sometime about now-just-gone (as was Lothar). Also with the letter is a picture of the aforementioned Kastor. Who looks a lot like Lothar.

Mystery solved.

Note, Lothar also rolled a '01' on his Intuition check at this point, in fact three of the four PCs rolled below '10' on their checks- they wanted to make sure they'd got it right.

Adolphus is part of an organization, or else he has contacts (including QF, in Nuln, who wrote the letter to him) who help him to hunt cultists. The rest is just a case of mistaken identity, and (perhaps) Lothar (and his colleagues) desire to get paid.

But here's the thing.

Who killed Adolphus and why?

And why right now? Why did whatever it was chose this exact moment to kill Adolphus?

Just as the adventurers have arrived on the scene.

And that's the point of pretty much the remainder of the discussion here. This discussion goes on even after the PCs have hidden the body of Adolphus, reclaimed the inheritance letter, and the affidavit (they were on the crates in the storeroom), and are even now (having also cleaned up a bit) en route to the Schaffenfest.

Who (or else what) killed Adolphus and why? And why now?

There's a lot of chatter.

Which leads us rather nicely to here-

“I think I know why.” Lothar offers, face still straining to make sense of things.

“Go on...” Freddy encourages, although say it with menace.

“I think they're protecting me, the Cult of the Purple Hand.” The last bit is delivered in a whisper.

“Why would dey protect thee?” Fergus snarls, and turns on Lothar.

“Because they think that I am the Magister Impediment-or-whatever-he's-called.” Lothar replies.

Which brings the Schaffenfest-bound procession to a sudden stop, just before the east gate, through which a gathering crowd is making its way towards the flapping brightly coloured (in part) canvas ahead, toward the sounds of all—the-fun-of-the-fair, towards the Schaffenfest.

Fergus tries again-snapping at Lothar, impeding his progress.

“Bend down, get to my height. Look me in the eye!” Fergus snarls.

Lothar complies.

“Ar ya?” Fergus whispers, gimlet eyed.

“Am I what?” Lothar is confused.

“Tha' Magical Pickleman-or-whatever-he's-called?” Fergus stares daggers at Lothar.

Who gulps.

“No. That is. NO!”

Next time... all the fun of the fair.

The final XP table for this session is below.


Temple of

Lock, Stock & Barl​

Session XP​


Fred (Jim)





Fergus (Ben)





Olek (George)





Lothar (Kev)





Stay safe and well.

Cheers goonalan et al.
Last edited:


The continuing adventures of the usual bunch of miscreants this time playing Warhammer Fantasy Role-Play 4th edition, and The Enemy Within Campaign, of course.

SESSION #10a Everyone is go Schaffenfest!

The PCs
Fergus McClean, Dwarf Scout (Guide) played by Bear.
Looks Like:
Rough and ready-for-anything Dawi- a bit unkempt; constantly muttering and grumbling at Seamus his imaginary dog.
Sounds Like: Northern 'I wur down t' mine', although taciturn, and always grumpy.

Fergus is a short embittered (divorced) Dawi from the mining village of Schwartzstein in the foothills of the Grey Mountains. That is until he discovered his best friend Seamus with his wife Cherrie. Fergus left his village and his old life behind and set off in search of adventure, eventually taking up Scouting as a living. He has business in Altdorf and is at present journeying with three Manlings he has come to trust who are also on their way to the capital.

Frederich Hass, Human Witch Hunter (Interrogator) played by Jim.
Looks Like:
Thick-set, tall with a resting angry face, never too far away from a snarl, otherwise well turned out.
Sounds Like: Whispering menace, accusatory- probing, but charming when he wants to be. Accent is brooding (intelligent) cod-Russian (like a clever but menacing Daktari). Note he sees the hand of the Ruinous Powers behind every untoward event.

Frederich and his brother Olek watched their parents burned alive, prior to this anormal childhood was in progress. The Cult of Sigmar (with the help of the state) who burned Ma & Pa Hass then took the newly orphaned pair in and raised them to be model citizens. The orphans are Sigmarite through-and-through, Frederich the crusader, he likes the power that it brings; Olek the instrument (or else Prophet) of Sigmar. They're not zealots, not warped and broken inside, no... not at all.

Lothar Jurgen Muller, Human Witch Hunter (Interrogator) played by Kev.
Looks Like:
Neat, tidy, clean-cut, perhaps even a little dashing- the boy next door, but doable- and always with a smile on his face, and often in his eyes. Lothar carries his own embroidered place mat with matching knife and fork. Manners and civility are so important.
Sounds Like: Civil, polite, formal, caring- and entirely without menace. He's a Paladin doing Witch Hunter, which may yet prove amusing.

Lothar is a baker's son from Ubersreik that just happened to become a Witch Hunter, he didn't just drift into it, he has a plan (perhaps). Lothar however came to Witch Hunting with the thought that he could perhaps be of help- to the Empire, to his family, to the poor wretches that have fallen into corruption, and possibly to help himself (a little) along the way. He is resolutely nice in a world full of fetid stink and terror.

Olek Hass, Human Artisan- Blacksmith (Apprentice) played by George.
Looks Like:
Seven (plus) feet tall, and not too skinny with it- lithe and muscled, he's a giant- with wild eyes.
Sounds Like: A camp Nazi constantly unfolding, expounding, and explaining the mystery of ongoing events, and seeing the presence of Sigmar everywhere.

Olek and his brother Frederich watched their parents burned alive, prior to this a normal childhood was in progress. The Cult of Sigmar (with the help of the state) who burned Ma & Pa Hass then took the newly orphaned pair in and raised them to be model citizens. The orphans are Sigmarite through and-through- Frederich the crusader, he likes the power that it brings; Olek the instrument (or else Prophet) of Sigmar. They're not zealots, not warped and broken inside, no... not at all.

Players, please read this-

The first part of the adventure/story is over, it was resolved in the last session- the tutorial is done.

To make absolutely clear- this is the start of a new adventure, from the moment you walked into the Schaffenfest we are into it. What follows then is mostly exposition, the set-up.

Got it.

See the to do list below, which we didn't get a chance to have a look at in this last session, anyway- it needs updating. The inheritance was a ruse, the bounty hunter (Adolphus) is dead, and trying to catch up with Crown Prince Hergard von Tasseninck is proving to be a bust.

Although, there are a few loose ends- like the bones of Johann Baumann which Olek is carrying in his pack, also... who or what killed Adolphus and why? Is it something to do with the Purple Hand cultists? Are they protecting the Magical Pickleman, known to his friends as Lothar?

These, and many other questions, will inevitably not get answered in this weeks episode of whatever we're calling this.

The to do list- it needs fixing.
  1. Wanted Bold Adventurers, the guys are still trying to catch up with Crown Prince Hergard von Tasseninck to get hired. The two (now one) Witch Hunters were sent to Altdorf specifically to take up this task by their master Fabergus Heinzdork. The Crown Prince (and his flotilla) were last seen sailing towards Bogenhafen.
  2. The bones of Johann Baumann, found on the road to Ubersreik, now carried by Oleg, need to be interred within the precincts of Morr.
  3. An inheritance and an estate for Kastor Lieberung- who looks a lot like Lothar Jurgen Muller who also possess an affidavit to say that he is Kastor Lieberung (he took it from the cold dead body of... Kastor Lieberung). For twenty thousand gold crowns and a castle, see the lawyers- Lock, Stock & Barl, in Bogenhafen. Simple as.
  4. The bounty hunter Adolphus Kuftsos, he thinks Kastor/Lothar is a cultist, he's a very tough man is Adolphus, and he's coming for you (Kastor/Lothar).
  5. The Purple Hand cultists, why did they want to speak to Kastor/Lothar, well... see above.
  7. Get a job or make some money.
  8. Find somewhere to stay.
Oh, and mostly atm it's just about numbers 7 and 8 (and 6, of course- SCHAFFENFEST!) on the list above.

To summarize- get a job you worthless bums, and find somewhere to kip.

And so what better place to start their quest for gainful paid employment (and a bunk-up), than...

Here we go again.

MITTERFRUHL (Spring Equinox), 2512.


SCENE 1. Everyone is go Schaffenfest!

It's about 11-ish in the morning.


Take in the scene(s). The flap of canvas, the twirl and flick of coloured cloth- tents, and tarps, skirts and shirts. The cough and crow of the crowd, the bark and bite of drunks and scamps, Burghers bluster and comport, while rag-tag-panted peasants goggle and honk- most of them into their cups.

Or something less flowery. So, lots of pictures of the Schaffenfest, although the one in the module handbook, bottom left, is a much more dark and stormy scene- well, I'm not going for that.

The sun is out- sure, it's a watery light, but there's nary a sign of rain, and most folk are smiling.

All is well with the world, or at least the tiny plot of it called Bogenhafen.

There has to be a before for there to be an after.

But the thing that caught the PCs eye-


They oh so want to go to the Zoocopeia. Even stick up his arse Freddy.

Best whispering death sardonic voice please, and make it go real slow.

“Hmm... Zoocopeia, this will be both an education [pause] and an entertainment, [pause] to see foul and corrupt beasts paraded for our delight, [pause] shackled and thralled [pause] so that we may taunt them. [long pause] It sounds like a hoot.”

So, what happens next?

The adventurers have paraded into the Schaffenfest, I've described the place- the stalls, the people etc. and then...

“Stop thief”

Someone is shouting but they're either out-of-breath, or else a long way off because the effort is minimal.

Several of the adventurers attempt to spot where the action is at, Lothar even finds a barrel to stand on.

There are thick crowds here, this is the opening day of the extravaganza.

Frederich ignores the noise and walks on.

Keep in mind Fergus (and others) shouted those same words, 'stop thief', in the crowd in Altdorf, mostly he got laughed at. When someone shouts 'stop thief' the crowd begin to dither, and look about, because something entertaining might come to pass, even if its only a victim to be ridiculed.

And so it proves.


Middle bottom, that's Copious Grope, he's a merchant- he's the one who shouted 'stop thief', and was then spotted barreling (or else wheezing and tumbling) his way through the crowd by Olek and Lothar.

Freddy is oblivious, and therefore surprised when Grope thumps into the back of him and grabs the Witch Hunter (from behind).

“Stop thief!” Grope wheezes.

Frederich is not happy, to say the least- but he recovers very quickly, however the crowd have got in on the deal already, and a circle is formed around Grope and Frederich, they're quickly locked into the scene.

Frederich breaks free of the fat man's grasp and then turns to face, stalks closer to the now retreating Grope, and goes straight for Intimidation- making all manner of whispered threats- torture and the inquisition, pyres etc. and...

Grope, very soon after is a broken man- pretty much immediately because Fred started spending Fortune Points from the get-go to get real mean, real soon. Only the crowd wont let Grope out of the circle and so... eventually (after a lot of stuttering and sobbing, and half-sentences) he stands his ground, while cowering and through tears- he accuses Frederich again.

“Yer a thief! And a bully!”

We go around the above twice more- Freddy is not backing down, Intimidate follows Intimidate, three turns = one minute of forthright menace and whispered terror- with always the same result. So, then the Watch gets called- initially by Grope, but the crowd soon get into it too.

The Schaffenfest has started.

That's the Watch pictured in the image above, led by Sgt. Dicky Trubshaw.

But before the Watch get here.

While the above confrontation is going on Fergus makes his way through the crowd, eventually- he struggles with some bad rolls here, and then gets behind Copious and sticks a dagger in the fat man's side, pressed hard against the flesh, but hidden from casual sight, and he too starts making threats.

Keep in mind that Grope atm is a sniveling wreck.

Lothar meantime is gossiping to the crowd, letting onlookers know that the Burner over there- “He's a crazy man! Yer better take care”, a very bad man indeed (and he's telling no lies).

Lothar is very persuasive, or else folk are getting warier, a space opens, at last, around the pair- the towering hectoring Witch Hunter, and the now kneeling, pleading merchant.

Then, just as the Watch are sighted (they're not here yet) Olek, at last, gets to the scene-and he knows how to play this game.

“Merchant, stand straight- answer me, I am Olek Hass, Priest of Sigmar. What did this fellow steal from you?”

“A gravy boat, Lord.” Grope answers, and then when just gently prodded, he adds-

“A vintage Bretonnian Giant Gravy Boat made by Bernardo Pompidou, it's glorious to behold your highness, sir, a beautiful piece, I'm a collector of Ob J. Dart, yersee.”

And then Grope, now babbling and enthused, further adds (he was primed to do so).

“Oh. It's quite a size your reverence, eighteen inches high, two-and-a-half feet wide, it holds twelve pints of gravy. It must weight thirty pounds, un-gravy-laden, he was mad ol' Pompidou.”

And suddenly Copious Grope seems like less of a threat. To anyone. More of a joke.

Although he never was a threat to anyone, so perhaps that's for the best.

Olek, of course, then asks Copious Grope to search Frederich, who has now got the joke- and is therefore happy to comply.

There is no Giant Bretonnian Gravy Boat on Frederich.

To make clear, as soon as Grope bumped into Freddy, Freddy (or else Jim, playing Fred) was convinced that he'd just had something planted on him (or else stolen)- he didn't check this, of course, he just presumed as much. From there, and with lots of help from some of his friends, sprang all manner of darker thoughts- robbery, a con, terror, and...

And so Freddy went all in- but at least he didn't draw his weapon.

Like Fergus.

Olek's genius boiled down to this- he asked one question.

Then the scene took shape.

Back to the action-

Grope is a broken man.

He repeats the following line, which he has been repeating throughout all of the above-

“He looked just like you!”

I sometimes repeated the above phrase one word at a time. It was also the last thing that Copious said to you, after paying a schilling each to all, including several of the Watchmen, in order to escape the crowd and his own embarrassment, which was made worse when someone calls over (from Grope's market stall) to say that the giant gravy boat is 'right here'.

Anyone could have looked at Grope's stall by the way.

Copious is, as stated previously, a broken man.

We had a little chat after this scene, mainly because I wanted to impress upon Jim (playing Frederich) that he is getting very nasty, having spent three turns Intimidating Copious, reducing the merchant to a sobbing tormented wreck, there might have been a rethink. I even suggested this at the time.

I asked the players later what the scene was for- apart from to start the above discussion, George (playing Olek) suggested that it was to introduce the PCs to the members of the Watch, and he's right (I told him so at the time) but, you missed it.

So, I'll say it again- although Grope said it a lot, and I mean a lot- at least six times, I ticked them off in a notebook I use to write lines for the script here. He said it every time he spoke in fact, the same five words over and over again.

It's not easy to spot, and in context it just works, but- here are the five words again that Grope most oft repeated-

“He looked just like you!”

You might want to have a think about the meaning of the above five words.

You thought that Grope was the threat and menace of the Olde Worlde- the terror that some of you seem to see everywhere, he wasn't, he was just the messenger.

It's a bit cleverer than that.

Apologies to my players (and any one reading this) if I sound a bit pompous (or whatever) the chat we had at the time in-game was convivial and entirely without malice.

And then what do you know, everyone gets into it...

SCENE 2. To Stay Well.

The adventurers extricate themselves from the last scene and then wander into a tutorial about... Healing Potions, and the like, in WFRP 4e.


Their tutor is Elvyra, or at least she's the apothecarist and that's her stall. After a little more chatter the adventurers also learn that Elvyra is based in Weissbruck, just down the river. The adventurers were only just in Weissbruck, a lovely place, Adolphus tried to fire bomb the Berebeli there.

Anyway, lots of looking up things in the rule book, how this stuff works, and then some spending.

Towards the end of the tutorial Elvyra lets it be known that she's an apt and able teacher- for the right price, and for the right kind of student (dedicated, gsoh, smokers welcome), she can teach folk all about Herbs, or else induct them into the apothecarist's world. They can look her up in Weissbruck, if they're ever interested.

That's nice.

Oh, and the PCs figured out why I was doing this tutorial right now in exactly three seconds- George, playing Olek, said- 'stock up, he's planning to hurt us.'

He's a very clever feller.

SCENE 3. Shop till you drop.

As the old adage states- once a PC starts shopping...


Well, there's much more shopping to be done- I thought I'd try and get it all over with at the start, and keep in mind the adventurers just got paid by Josef, and some of them have still got money left over from the mutants they killed on the road to Altdorf.

This is also a chance for me to let the PCs know that they need to have at least fifteen schillings between them to pay for somewhere to sleep tonight, also... they might want to think about money for food.

The adventurers work out their budgets, and then spend any excess- of course they do.

SCENE 4. Drink till you drop.

And then head straight into a beer tent.


In which scurrilous, or otherwise, rumours are wont to fly.

All PCs can make a check to earn some gossip here, their chances increase if they spend some time either buying drinks for themselves (and consuming them), or for others.

The adventurers, what do you know, pretty much all try to make a few new friends, and all of them get the pints in.

The players also know that they have a new set of rumours to go at- fifteen shiny new ones. They're also aware that each rumour earns them one XP. If the PCs get all fifteen rumours then they get an extra one XP each. Keep in mind I am very stingy with the XP.

Fred and Fergus alas struggle with the friend-making/gossiping side of the deal, they do however emerge from the beer tent thirty-or-so minutes later a little tipsy both, which isn't bad for Fergus because he was drinking with both hands.

Lothar and Olek however each acquire temporary drinking buddies, and both learn some new and interesting gossip, which they later report back to their companions.

The three new pieces of info are-

“Don’t buy any horses from the Schaffenfest. The Watch stopped a drover from Averland trying to sell a mare with nine eyes blistered in her mouth! She’s now hanging from the East Gate.” As told to Olek, by Gurney Tuffock, drover.


“If you see a crow, you take it down and nail it to a crow post! Crows are the eyes of the Dark Gods, don’t you know. But don’t get them mixed up with ravens. You don’t want to attract Morr’s attention!” As told to Lothar by a rough looking fellow called 'Gardenmouth', or something similar- he mumbled a lot, he also had wild-eyes and looked to have had quite a lot to drink.

Again, noted.


“The Emperor has issued a new edict declaring that there are no Mutants in the Empire. The practice of exiling or slaughtering those unfortunate enough to carry some sort of physical deformity purely because of their appearance is henceforth illegal and punishable by death.”

The above is heard by Lothar first, and then later also told to Olek- it seems everyone is talking about it.

Lothar and Olek, as stated above, repeat what they have learned to Fergus and Frederich, the last new rumour is regurgitated (to Freddy) with something akin to glee, by Lothar.

Who adds a little something about getting out of the Burner business just in time.

Freddy is...

Frederich feels...


“Hold me, brother. I feel wibbly-wobbly, like I used to when I was a child.” Olek is quickly to the unsteady Freddy's side.

Freddy is...


How can this be true?

His life's work?

To repeat- mutants do not exist, therefore the killing of those poor unfortunates with mutations is... punishable by death. Verboten!

Freddy is in a blue funk.

Can the Schaffenfest save him?

Give him fresh hope?

Let's see.

Lothar is very smiley, and just to say- Lothar (Kev) and Olek (George) have got this part of their game pretty much sorted, you just have to be able to talk to people (in between the fighting and/or investigating).

Lothar has got his patter down-

“Hello chaps, ladies! Lothar Muller, out of Ubi- lovely place you have here, tell me the what-to-do-and-where, and maybe who's-doing-it, get my drift.”

That kind of thing, and with his hand not too far from his pocket.

Olek is just the right side of weird with added (in his new Priest of Sigmar robes) authority, he's also very good at calming things right down. He's nice. He explains things. He asks questions. He always calls people something like- 'good fellow'. He's very likeable (but odd) and very believable (but odd).

What's not to admire.

SCENE 5. Grab It!

We're moving fast here, I'm getting a lot in, and so straight after the beer tent and the PCs stumble across the Zoocopeia, which amounts to a couple of roped-off flatbed carts (with tarps covering... odd-shaped stuff on the back) parked up against the town wall.

The show, alas, doesn't start for an hour, and when a few of the PCs decide to try and have a sneaky peek, well...


Grunni, the dwarf- bottom left, starts shouting at the adventurers.

“Oi! We ain't bluddy started yet!”

That is until Grunni spots Olek, all seven feet of him.

The dwarf scurries over and then attempts to cajole the big man into carrying a sign around the Schaffenfest. The sign reads “I've seen the bottomless maw at the Zoocopeia!”, he'll pay Olek a schilling to do so- for the whole day. Olek is very polite but not for hire.

Lothar on the other hand, and after a little more haggling and the handing over of a free ticket to the show, is more than happy to tote a sign around the Schaffenfest. His sign reads- “I've seen the Horrendous Hairy Ape of Hochland!”, and on the reverse, “You can too- at Dr. Malthusius' Zoocopeia!”

Lothar is loving life by the way.

Then the ringmaster arrives and completes the scene- Dr. Malthusius exits a nearby painted caravan and does his spiel, drumming up trade, it goes a bit like this-

‘Roll up, roll up,’ he cries, ‘ln just one hour you will witness the most original and astounding display of zoological curiosities ever placed on exhibition in the entire length and breadth of our glorious Empire!’

‘Welcome to Doctor Malthusius’s Zoocopeia! Gathered together for your education, entertainment, and edification from the far corners of the known world at incalculable expense!'

And finally...

'The unusual! The bizarre! Yes, even the faintly disgusting! You will never see its like again, my friends, not if you live to see a thousand years!’

Frederich is delighted.

But then, from one of the cages beneath the tarps on the flatbeds, a three-legged mutant Goblin slithers between the bars and drops free... it escapes.

Or at least attempts to.

Note, in the image above Dr. M is on the right, and the mutant Goblin top-center.

The crowd, gathered in by Dr. Malthusius' blather, spot the escaping Goblin and start screaming “It's behind you!”

It is therefore incredibly fortunate then that we have some brave adventurers on point.

Fergus is at, and then on, the mutant Goblin in an instant, pulling and tumbling the three-legged would-be escapee to the floor, Fred is to the spot moments later, sword drawn and already pricking at the Goblin's chest.

“You are going nowhere mutant Goblin scum!” Frederich snarls, his joie de vivre returning.

Note, Fergus' check here, after a Fortune Point spent, was magnificent, something like six success levels. Fergus' dice are on fire from this point on.

Grunni is to the scene moments later, the mutant Goblin is quickly manacled and lead back to its cage.

The crowd roar their approval, as does Dr. M. who is more than happy to distribute a few schillings each to the two brave heroes who re-captured his prize exhibit, and to also distribute a few free tickets for the forthcoming shows.

Note, throughout the capture and clamour above Lothar hits overdrive- he is waving his advertising sign furiously, while stridently declaiming-

“A demonstration only of the foul abominations that can be witnessed for just one schilling at Dr. Malthusius' Zoocopeia. This was just a demonstration-everything is under control! Come and see the mutants at Dr. Malthusius' Zoocopeia.”

He's a team player, or so it seems, and Lothar also generates six degrees of success with that last roll (he had a few bonuses of course) but the crowds flock in, and a little later Dr. M. shows his appreciation to Lothar too.

The adventurers, after a few more bows and/or curtain calls- head deeper into the Schaffenfest, they may even be enjoying themselves, some of them.

Lothar is toting his sign.

Oh, but they'll be back to see the show at the Zoocopeia- it's on repeat every hour, but the DM has let them know it will be the last thing that they do today.

Is that enough of a hint?

We move on, briefly, to this...

SCENE 6. Spare Leg!

Olek, followed soon after by the other PCs- everyone joins in, is drawn into a charade, or else a show, or skit- certainly a performance.


One-legged Wally is the first to Olek. Olek, according to Wally is 'very tall', tall enough to get himself noticed. By Wally. Can Olek spare a leg? Wally asks.

“Spare a leg, guv'nor?”

Only Wally is short a leg.

Sympathy is in abundance, as are pennies- the PCs appreciate Wally's humour, patter, and his can-do attitude, and so...

Next into the scene is Scooter, to repeat the 'spare a leg' routine.

And when this also pays.

Finally to the action is Shufflebottom, who even has a sad story to tell- he was cleaning the canon when it went off (or else sleeping off a drink inside of it in Scooter's version), Altdorf Bombardier's- back in the day was Beggar Shufflebottom.

His follow up line.

“Thirty-six feet it was. Thirty-six feet, sir, I was blown out of that bloody big canon. Thirty-nine feet if you count where my legs landed.” He's very proud of his achievement.

The adventurers are in such a good mood that everyone gets paid again- it's only pennies being handed out here but the PCs are definitely having a better time of it.

We don't even get to the punchline for this scene.

The punchline involved a play on two words that sound almost the same- alms and arms. The rest is up to you.

We move on again, or else very suddenly a gypsy-esque lady steps out in front of the rag-tag-and-bobtail procession of adventurers and says...

“Come in, come in-we've been waiting for you.”

But that's the first half of the session, and enough writing for one go, back with the second half in a few days, jobs to do in the meantime.

I'll do the XP for this session in the second half.

Stay safe and well.

Cheers goonalan et al.

Love this campaign, and your story of it.
This brings back great memories!
Currently our group is negotiating the Horned Rat section, around the scary Brass Keep. Your party has many hours of terror, suffering and great gaming ahead.


The continuing adventures of the usual bunch of miscreants this time playing Warhammer Fantasy Role-Play 4th edition, and The Enemy Within Campaign, of course.

SESSION #10b Good Fortune at the Schaffenfest.

The PCs
Fergus McClean, Dwarf Scout (Guide) played by Bear.
Looks Like:
Rough and ready-for-anything Dawi- a bit unkempt; constantly muttering and grumbling at Seamus his imaginary dog.
Sounds Like: Northern 'I wur down t'mine', although taciturn, and always grumpy.

Fergus is a short embittered (divorced) Dawi from the mining village of Schwartzstein in the foothills of the Grey Mountains. That is until he discovered his best friend Seamus with his wife Cherrie. Fergus left his village and his old life behind and set off in search of adventure, eventually taking up Scouting as a living. He has business in Altdorf and is at present journeying with three Manlings he has come to trust who are also on their way to the capital.

Frederich Hass, Human Witch Hunter (Interrogator) played by Jim.
Looks Like:
Thick-set, tall with a resting angry face, never too far away from a snarl, otherwise well turned out.
Sounds Like: Whispering menace, accusatory- probing, but charming when he wants to be. Accent is brooding (intelligent) cod-Russian (like a clever but menacing Daktari). Note he sees the hand of the Ruinous Powers behind every untoward event.

Frederich and his brother Olek watched their parents burned alive, prior to this a normal childhood was in progress. The Cult of Sigmar (with the help of the state) who burned Ma & Pa Hass then took the newly orphaned pair in and raised them to be model citizens. The orphans are Sigmarite through-and-through, Frederich the crusader, he likes the power that it brings; Olek the instrument (or else Prophet) of Sigmar. They're not zealots, not warped and broken inside, no... not at all.

Lothar Jurgen Muller, Human Witch Hunter (Interrogator) played by Kev.
Looks Like:
Neat, tidy, clean-cut, perhaps even a little dashing- the boy next door, but doable- and always with a smile on his face, and often in his eyes. Lothar carries his own embroidered place mat with matching knife and fork. Manners and civility are so important.
Sounds Like: Civil, polite, formal, caring- and entirely without menace. He's a Paladin doing Witch Hunter, which may yet prove amusing.

Lothar is a baker's son from Ubersreik that just happened to become a Witch Hunter, he didn't just drift into it, he has a plan (perhaps). Lothar however came to Witch Hunting with the thought that he could perhaps be of help- to the Empire, to his family, to the poor wretches that have fallen into corruption, and possibly to help himself (a little) along the way. He is resolutely nice in a world full of fetid stink and terror.

Olek Hass, Human Artisan- Blacksmith (Apprentice) played by George.
Looks Like:
Seven (plus) feet tall, and not too skinny with it- lithe and muscled, he's a giant- with wild eyes.
Sounds Like: A camp Nazi constantly unfolding, expounding, and explaining the mystery of ongoing events, and seeing the presence of Sigmar everywhere.

Olek and his brother Frederich watched their parents burned alive, prior to this a normal childhood was in progress. The Cult of Sigmar (with the help of the state) who burned Ma & Pa Hass then took the newly orphaned pair in and raised them to be model citizens. The orphans are Sigmarite through-and-through, Frederich the crusader, he likes the power that it brings; Olek the instrument (or else Prophet) of Sigmar. They're not zealots, not warped and broken inside, no... not at all.

The to do list- it needs fixing.
  1. Wanted Bold Adventurers, the guys are still trying to catch up with Crown Prince Hergard von Tasseninck to get hired. The two (now one) Witch Hunters were sent to Altdorf specifically to take up this task by their master Fabergus Heinzdork. The Crown Prince (and his flotilla) were last seen sailing towards Bogenhafen.
  2. The bones of Johann Baumann, found on the road to Ubersreik, now carried by Oleg, need to be interred within the precincts of Morr.
  3. An inheritance and an estate for Kastor Lieberung- who looks a lot like Lothar Jurgen Muller who also possess an affidavit to say that he is Kastor Lieberung. For twenty thousand gold crowns and a castle, see the lawyers- Lock, Stock & Barl, in Bogenhafen. Simple as.
  4. The bounty hunter Adolphus Kuftsos, he thinks Kastor/Lothar is a cultist, he's a very tough man is Adolphus, and he's coming for you (Kastor/Lothar).
  5. The Purple Hand cultists, why did they want to speak to Kastor/Lothar, well... see above.
  7. Get a job or make some money.
  8. Find somewhere to stay.
Here we go some more.

MITTERFRUHL (Spring Equinox), 2512.

“Come in, come in-we've been waiting for you.”

SCENE 7. Mystic Meg.


Presuming Debs (on the right) guides the adventurers into the small and somberly attired tent, within, sitting crouched-over a faintly glowing crystal ball is a many-splendent semi-exotic-crone, with big teeth.

Debs continues-

“The spirits have shown us your faces. Come in, come in- you are expected.”

Her voice is somehow comforting.

Note, and the players just went in... they were a little confused, but... nothing new.

And then suddenly the ball-fondling crone disappears beneath the be-curtained table at which she sits.

The adventurers hear the following, in a sing-song but reedy Welsh voice, if you can-female and aged. This is Mystic Meg.

"Hello! Hello!"

"Who's a lovely little doggie? Who is, then?"

It's at this point that Fergus remembers he has an imaginary dog, it's called Seamus, and right now Seamus is under the table with Meg.

This is the spot the PCs decide, although only after some questions about fortune telling, the Church of Sigmar, the Empire, and, well... etc.

Debs is back-

“Sit down, Sir Dwarf-Mystic Meg sees all, tells all, your fortune is to be found here.”

“From just five pennies, for the basic 'what's coming up soon-ish', all the way up to the deluxe prognosticationary extravaganza, that's 1s/4p. That's all it costs to know your future... to be ready for any hazard that even now... seeks you out!”

Fergus wants the five penny look-see.

Here it comes, and in the chatter Meg starts off Welsh and jolly, but then... well, just read the words.

“You are a long way from home Sir Dwarf, although home has perhaps lost some of its luster.”

Remember valleys Welsh, trill some of the word endings.

“The road will be longer yet, although some of the way will require fewer steps, subject to the tide.”

“There is... there is someone, or else something, that you seek.”

“Know then that which you search for is even now close by, I would set my stock upon that.”

“But what's this... I peer into the darkness and it's your future now that I see.”

“There's lovely!”

“It is a dark hole, with a dank smell- and the slosh of water nearby.”

“Per'aps not so lovely, let's see...”

“It is close in here... too close, it is closing in-”

“A tide of DARKNESS seeks you out.”


Note, capitalized words are being screamed (as best he can) by the DM.

“I see your filthy, bloody body- face down, DEAD AS DEAD; in the putrid and turgid river.”

Mystic Meg is on her feet, and snarling by the end, but only for a moment- then she sits back down and takes to sipping at her tea again, and petting Seamus when he comes close, with a last word for the ashen-faced departing Fergus-

“I hope you didn't mind love- my big ending, it just felt right in the moment.”

“Thank you, mum.” Fergus offers and retires to think about his life expectancy.

Oddly enough after this scene all of the players with Dooms looked to see what they had rolled for these.

“Who's next?” Debs asks, and then whispers to Mystic Meg- “Something cheery I hope this time Meg.”

Debs is also as Welsh as Wales.

Oddly, there are no volunteers, and so-

Meg lances an arm out- points at Frederich Hass, and hisses, 'the burner is next...'

Fred takes a seat, he wants the full experience.

“The one schilling four pence extravaganza please Mistress Meg, or if I may call you by your first name- Mystic?”

But Meg's already into it-

“The past is such a cold place, until the great fire that lit up your life, and made you feel warm inside again.”

“The warmth inside- like a fervor, like a fever, like a fury; you are still looking for the ones that must pay.”

“The screams remind you that not all hope is lost...”

Note, at this point Frederich has gone semi-TV-evangelist-audience, so when I say- 'The screams', he says- “The screams! The screams!”

Meg goes on-

“But what's this...”

“Two men watch you, even now-”

“Even now! Even now!”

“The first is a big man, a great man, he is very very dangerous.”

“Very Dangerous! Very... Hang on...”

“The other watcher is much more careful, smaller- less easy to make out, he is changeable, and as black as the very pits of oblivion inside.”

“Be ready, Burner.”


And next please.

Meg hisses, 'the one that smells of the river... and other things besides.'

Lothar takes a seat, and he too wants the full shebang.

Here goes-

“I smell bread, and smiles, and happiness.”

“You are a fool for not recognizing contentment, and yet...”


Meg suddenly hurls herself to the right, off her chair and into the side of the tent.

Presuming Debs is quickly to her side- “Meg! Are you alright love? What was that all about?”

Debs turns to the PCs- “She'll just be a moment sirs, just one of her funny turns”.

Meg is soon after ushered back to the table.



Meg suddenly hurls herself to the left, off her chair and into the other side of the tent there, flattening Debs in the process.

And again Debs, with the help of some of the adventurers, gets Mystic Meg back on her feet.

“Meg! Meg! What's going on?” Debs is concerned.

Meg shakes her head, and then pushes her way past Debs and back to the table.

She is determined.

Debs again turns to the PCs- “She'll just be a moment sir, only one of her funny turns. Right as rain in a moment, mark my words.”

Meg stares hard at Lothar, and then hiss-whispers.

“The sign of the rose is red, red with blood- dripping red with blood.”

Meg stares hard some more at Lothar, and then...


Meg suddenly hurls herself hard to the right again, off her chair and into the side of the tent again, this time with enough force to bounce her almost back to her seat.

More remarkably she keeps on her feet.

Debs is quickly to her side.

Meg turns to stare past Debs, straight at Lothar, she points at the Boatman and yells- 'the first is the third.'

Three or four times, and then she's back, she's okay again, and soon after back to sipping her tea.

Lothar's fortune has been told.

Just Olek left.

“The Giant is last. Last is the GIANT!” Meg hisses.

Olek takes a seat, he's looking for just a five penny portion of fate, and nothing too...well, ghastly, nothing bad- pretty please.

Debs maneuvers behind Mystic Meg and whispers, for all to hear, “Bloody hell, what's got into you today, Meg- your scaring us all here.”

Meg takes Olek's hands, ignoring the glowing crystal ball completely.

“That's nice love.”

“Nice and calm.”


And by the eleventh 'A' in the word above Meg is hovering about six inches above her chair, her head thrown back- her body slowly (semi-erotically, maybe) convulsing and writhing.

She's still holding on to Olek's hands.

Neither she, nor Olek, can let go.

Meg gabbles the following-

“The key to the door is low to the floor, low to the floor by the door. Look behind the brick. Quick! Behind the brick! Quick!”

And then around again...

And around again...

Debs is screaming and grabbing at the floating Meg.

The adventurers are in action, or else... Fergus settles in for the show, Lothar prevaricates for a while, and then... some more. He too is a spectator.

Frederich meantime dives in and tries to separate Olek and Meg's hands- he manages to free one of the pair, but then- the pair have become a trio. Fred is holding one of Meg's hands and, in his other hand, is the hand of Olek.

Frederich also, and just as suddenly, feels very light- like he could fly away, and when he looks down, his feet are perhaps (maybe) an inch or two off the ground.

Frederich screams his defiance-


And the circle is broken.

Fred and Olek stagger back.

Meg drops back down into her chair and says-

"That was exciting wasn't it..."

And then, all teeth and smiles again, she goes back to drinking her tea.

Olek is... everyone is...

Not quite sure how to react would about cover it. They begin to shuffle out of the tent.

They don't get far.

Mystic Meg doesn't let them.

“Can I ask you love”, she aims her words at the retreating back of Olek, who turns- “who's the dead feller with a cut-throat that's following you around?”

“Something about a door, and a key... and a...brick, was it? Makes no sense at all to me.”

“He says you know who he is.”

“I think there's something behind that there door of his. I think you ought to find it an' open it.”

“It's your density, flowerpot.”

The PCs are ushered out of the small tent within which there lives, but briefly, flashed- and into the cold light of day.

More remarkably the sun is still shining.

It's still a lovely day.

Or else it was.

SCENE 8. The Dirty Grundys.

“There's wun!” Gowt shouts and points.

“Dirty Bezom!” Dead Eye snarls.

“Witch's Pet!” Barks Eggnog.

“Sniveling Little Runt!” Adds Goppin.

“Stone Divil!” Curses Mad Marry.

“Gertchya!” Yells Gertchya.

“Get yer gongs out for da stinkin' Dwarf!” Hollers Wilf.

The Dirty Grundys, gong farmers (and flingers), settle on their target- Fergus, dive into their sacks and baskets (various) and arm themselves for the first barrage.

Here they are-


But here's the thing, the PCs are now all too wise for this, Fergus grabs out his shield and then squats behind it, as the first gongs begin to fly.

He delivers the following (think Henry V)-

“I mean dirty, well... maybe- I'm no looking forward to me nex' bath. But- I'm a dwarf, a dawi- we built the roads, and the walls, and the sewers, and the coal out of the hills... We could be happier, less miserable but, we mostly just keep to ourselves, let others be. We don't mean no' arm, not as we're full of good intention- like. Even was-'is-name-Sigmar had a good word for us.”

Then he rolls '02' on his check, and my checks for the Grundy's, most of 'em, are terrible.

When Fergus looks up, after delivering his longest speech to date, there's only Eggnog Grundy standing on his own looking forlorn, with a disintegrating gong in his hand.

Frederich, gently mind, leads the bewildered old man back to the warm embrace, or else cold indifference, of his family.

Peace out!

Scene done.

They're getting the hang of this.

SCENE 9. The Three Shell Game.

The PCs have a few goes (each)- its only a penny to play, and there's a chance to win a schilling (or more) back- with a very good perception (-30) check to spot the play.

No winners.

Keep in mind at least two of the PCs spent multiple fortune points here.

Mainly, however, because we are- at long last- close to the end.

SCENE 10. Princess Plum!

A sudden shout from the crowd ahead-

“Grab it!”

Followed by a disembodied scream.

Some way ahead of the PCs a well-dressed burgher spills, staggers and falls.

Springing through the crowd is around 50lbs of woolen mayhem.

“Hugeltal Longwool!” Someone yells out.

“They're crazy!” Another in the now panicked crowd, helpfully, adds to provide a summary.


But who is it that springs into action to save the day?

Fergus storms through the crowd, then flings himself feet first into the muddy slither- sliding perfectly to pass under the bounding woolly mayhem. The brave dawi grabs the little bleater around its girth.

Fergus rolled something below '10' again.

Moments later Frederich completes the catch, even adds a little humor for the spectators.

Remember, delivered in a slow sardonic menacing whisper-

“You don't pull the wool over my eyes so easy! We have you know you little bounder!”

A little later he adds, helpfully-

“A-ha-ha. Ha-ha!”

The crowd roar with delight, and Wally Somerset is quickly to the encounter, the Hugeltal Longwool, Princess Plum, is his 'snowy bumpkin' (and other snuggly-terms-of-endearment) and also favourite for this years show, although in one of the lesser categories- the 'Baa' King (or Queen) usually awarded to the oddest (most 'characterful') sheep-in-show.

Then there is the distribution of thanks, and a few schillings beside, and all is well in Bogenhafen.

The sun is still shining.

The future, according to Mystic Meg, well... not so much, but for now- everything is coming up Schaffenfest, and fun.

Next time... the sun continues to shine, for just a little while longer.

The final XP table for this session is below.







Other Encs​

Session XP​






































Stay safe and well.

Cheers goonalan et al.

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